Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 80: the 3rd time

After Yun Jintian came out from Mr. Yun, his mood was very good. He knew that with the support of Mr. Yun, then he had a lot of action this time. There is Mr. Yun on the top, and their consortium is supporting it below. Wu Family , Very likely to be destroyed in one fell swoop!

此时 At this moment, Wu Zhenfang just got ready to sleep and received a call.

"Old secretary, I just got the news. Shencheng's consortium is going to do it for you. The capital family has Yun's family. Yun Jintian has already gone to see Grandpa Yun!" The telephone was just connected, and he said in a low voice, saying Hang up when finished

After Wu Zhenfang heard what the phone said, he stood there holding the phone for a long time, and after a loud beep came from the phone, Wu Zhenfang came to his senses.

Then call his three sons immediately to get them back tonight! After the notification, Wu Zhenfang walked back and forth in the living room with his hands on his back, thinking about this,

Now that the Yun family is ready to take action against the Wu family, and the Shencheng consortiums are also moving, then the Wu family is really in trouble. In these years, the Yun family has recovered very quickly by relying on its own daughter-in-law's business. Now it is politically hidden. Jojo can sit up with Wujiaping. If they join forces, Wujia is really dangerous!

About an hour later, Wu Wenlong, Wu Wenbin, and Wu Wenkai all arrived at their homes, and were then taken to the study by Wu Zhenfang.

"What happened, what happened?" Wu Wenkai sat there and asked Wu Zhenfang.

"A major event is about to happen, and the capital is in chaos! The Yun family will join several other consortiums in Shencheng to deal with our family!" Wu Zhenfang said while sitting there.

"What, the Yun family should deal with us?" Wu Wenbin asked in surprise.

恩 "Well, the news is true. The cause is Wuyang's dream technology. They want to eat Wuyang's dream technology. With our martial arts, they are not good at it!" Wu Zhenfang said immediately.

这 "This, this, why, Dream Technology is just a company that has just started. Although it is quite hot now, it will not let them unite, right?" Wu Wenbin said immediately.

"What do you know, do you know how much the technology company in Wuyang can be worth? You are so good at researching your own operating system?" Wu Wenkai glared at Wu Wenbin.

"Wuyang Dream Technology now has more than 300 million yuan in cash every day. This year, Dream Technology's profit is at least tens of billions. They are also afraid that once Wuyang starts to reach out to other industries,

It is not only simple for their family to have one more competitor, but also when our martial arts expand their power again! Therefore, they want to win the dream technology company before Wuyang's fledgling! Wu Zhenfang sat there and analyzed.

"Then what might they do!" Wu Wenlong asked.

"It must be to deal with the external forces of our family first, and take out the external blows, and then start to use Wuyang Company. If we stand out, they will start to take action with people around us. The Yun family and other consortia will join forces, for sure If we can do that, our political allies will definitely be washed away by them! Then we will deal with your three brothers! "Said Wu Zhenfang, looking at the three of them.

"Don't it matter?" Wu Wenlong asked, looking at his father.

"What's the matter, Wuyang, a child who eats solo food is so bad, he doesn't plan to hand over the operating system at all. Those people will definitely use this condition to exchange it with the above! The country also needs to control the operating system to be safe. Now there is this Opportunity, it can't be uneasy! "Wu Zhenfang sighed.

"That said, our family may be abandoned!" Wu Wenkai said watching Wu Zhenfang.

"Well, it is very possible. Now we are facing whether we can save Wuyang. If we save, then our family may be finished with Dream Technology. If not, Wujia is still Wujia, and Wuyang is Wuyang!" Wu Zhenfang looked at the three of them and asked,

三个 When the three of them heard it, they all became silent, Wu Wenlong was shocked, looking at his father, and the other two were thinking about where.

"Boss, do you want to save?" Wu Zhenfang looked at Wu Wenlong and said.

"I want to save, Wu Yang is my son!" Wu Wenlong said immediately, Wu Zhenfang nodded slightly.

"Where is the second child? What do you mean?" Wu Zhenfang asked again.

"You just said, my father, if we save, our Wu family may be uprooted. I mean it wo n’t be saved. Dream technology will be gone without it. By then, we will arrange Wuyang well!" Wu Wenbin looked at himself Said his father.

"How about you?" Wu Zhenfang looked at the boss,

"From the emotional point of view, I want to save, but just now the second child also said, leaving Qingshan here, not afraid that there is no firewood! Wuyang we calm down!" Wu Wenkai said looking at his own Wu Zhenfang.

"Can't find another family to help?"

Wu Wenlong heard it, and immediately looked at his father and said, now that his elder brother and second brother do not agree to rescue, Wu Wenlong is afraid that Wu Zhenfang will die in one mouth, it is not rescue, then it is really dangerous.

"It's useless. 2 days ago, I originally wanted to let Wuyang divide some of the benefits, but the conditions for Wuyang's offer were too high, and it was obvious that they did not believe them, so this time we went to ask for truth. Yes, not only will they not help, they may even participate in this scramble for Dream Technology together! Hey! "Wu Zhenfang finished, sighed, and was very sad,

The Wu family finally came out to give to the business people, but they have not yet grown up, they must be suppressed. The same is true of the smiling face of Raksha, this is also the case of Wuyang now, which makes the old man very bitter!

"But. You just watched Wuyang's company being taken away?" Wu Wenlong said unbelievably.

"What else can we do? Once we get involved, not only will the families have to deal with us, but also our allies may fall down! So many consortia deal with us, you said, are we their opponents?" Wu Zhenfang said Eyes closed here.

"My son, have you been abandoned again?" Wu Wenlong ignited at this time, watching his father said.

"Boss, this is no way!" Wu Wenbin immediately pulled Wu Wenlong.

"There is no way to fart, not your son! For the sake of the family, I abandoned my wife and married a woman who had never met before. For the sake of the family, this woman was also abandoned by you.

Now, my son will also be abandoned by you! What do you think of me? What do you think of me? Wu Wenlong stood up and shouted at Wu Zhenfang and Wu Wenbin.

"Family, family, you know the family, what about the family now, not yet, power, power is shit! No family needs power to use fart!" Wu Wenlong shouted again,

"Boss!" Wu Wenkaihan called the boss with a face.

"Brother, I respect you when you are a kid, and you dare to do anything. This time you can't think of it and say you give up! What are you afraid of, aren't you just afraid that you won't be promoted to the general? Ah?" Wu Wenlong asked loudly Brother Wu Wenkai.

"What do I fear? What do you say I fear? If a lieutenant can exchange them, they don't deal with Wuyang, I change! But this time it is not that simple, you know!" Wu Wenkai shouted at Wu Wenlong.

After hearing this, Wu Wenlong turned his head to the side, and was just emotionally excited, now letting him breathe up and down!

"Boss, I don't want to do this, but the Wu family moved, we are all dead and buried! You sit down and I will explain clearly to Wuyang!" Wu Zhenfang said, then picked up his phone and started to call Wuyang Mobile phone number, at this moment Wu Yang just fell asleep, the bedroom has been turned off.

After hearing the phone ringing, Wu Yang took out his mobile phone from under the pillow. When he saw it was the old man, he thought about it and picked it up.

喂 "Hey, what's the matter?" As Wu Yang said, watching three people who were still playing with the battery of the note ~ ~ Yun Jintian and those from Shencheng were going to deal with you! They have cooperated and will eat your company together! After Wu Zhenfang heard Wu Yang's words, he told Wu Yang.

"I know, sooner or later!" Wu Yang heard and replied.

"You don't know, at the latest tomorrow afternoon, they will start a comprehensive operation. By then, your company will be checked by many departments, and you will have no way at all!" Wu Zhenfang emphasized to Wuyang.

"Oh, I said, this is just a toy, it doesn't matter, isn't that the means used? I understand!" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"This time is different. You do n’t have any chance. Yun Jintian ’s Yun family is not politically worse than our family. The Shencheng consortiums also have their own political allies, and our martial arts are not theirs. Opponent, this time, your dream technology is hanging! "Wu Zhenfang heard that Wu Yang was still so relaxed, and introduced it again.

"Oh, this way, I know! Is that all?" Wu Yang said it indifferently.

It's not that I don't pay attention to dream technology, it's because the opponent is so powerful that I must fight for it myself, but I don't know who wins or loses. I don't know until the end! Now the only thing I can do is to think about the following things clearly! Leave everything else alone!

"Also, I advise you to give up your dream technology, don't fight, sell them, and get money! You can use this money to engage in other industries in the future!" Wu Zhenfang heard over there and thought I thought, and suggested to Wuyang.

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