Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 57: Successful sales!

Wu Wuyang and they stared at the display screen installed by the technical department at zero, which showed the sales quantity and style, but after 2 minutes, the top was still zero. Suddenly, a 1 is displayed on it, and then many tables are displayed as 10999!

"Oh!" Those employees saw the first one displayed, and all of them laughed and laughed. When they applauded, they went out three immediately, and those employees became even more excited.

从 Since then, the numbers above have changed very quickly. At 12:05, the number of channels above directly reached more than 170.

Wu Yang saw it and waved his fist. He knew clearly that today is just the beginning, and it is still at night. There are few people who buy it. After those who bought first get the computer, it will definitely bring a new wave. Arrival of sales!

At 12:10, more than 1,220 units have been sold. The company's technical staff also posted the sales situation directly to the official website.

12 By 12:30, they broke through 10,000 computers. Most of them were equipped with 10,999 yuan computers. When they broke through 10,000 computers,

All of the company's employees working overtime jumped up in cheers, which means that tonight, half an hour, the company's sales and billions of dollars, the company's employees are very confident in the company's computers, can now break 100 million, then The company will sell better in the future.

Then those employees started watching Wuyang applauding, Wuyang also looked at everyone applauding with a smile.

The real peak happened at 12:30, and at 12:40, sales exceeded 20,000 units, and at 12:45, it exceeded 30,000 units, and then began to decline, reaching a little in the morning , Sales exceeded 40,000 units,

Wu Wuyang saw it and hugged them one by one, then stood on a chair.

"Thank you, really, thank you so far!" Wu Yang said and looked at the display in the distance: "40197 units have been sold. Today, our sales exceeded 400 million. ,

I have decided that this month, all the employees' salaries will be doubled. However, everyone knows that this company does not have much money. The money may be issued to you next month. Go to it and buy those electronic components! After the funds are slightly loose, I will give you bonuses! "

"No problem, our company will definitely be prosperous!" An employee shouted happily.

"Thank you, thank you, tonight, our warehouse staff may have to work overtime, and starting from tomorrow, our production workshop is also expected to work overtime. Everyone works hard. Now our inventory is less than 80,000 units, which is not enough. Sold in 2 days! I can only ask everyone! "Wu Yang said again standing there.

Soon, the company's warehouse department began to ship according to the order, and Wu Yang also took Liu Yufei to start inspection.

Now those people dare not despise Liu Yufei, because in the afternoon, the company has rumors that the person next to Wuyang is Wuyang's fiancee. Today, Wuyang's company began to sell, and all Wuyang's fiancees also came to support !!

Therefore, when Liu Yufei followed Wu Yang to inspect the workshops, those people would also say hello to Liu Yufei. Wu Yang went down to condolence the company's employees before returning to his office floor. At this time, it was already more than 3 o'clock. ,

The company's sales volume has exceeded 50,000 and is approaching 60,000. After arriving at the office, there were only 2 of them left in the office. Ouyang Nan also went to rest.

"Congratulations!" Liu Yufei said watching Wu Yang sitting on the sofa.

"Sit, don't stand still. When you go to the back room to sleep, I will sleep here!" Wu Yang patted his sofa and said. Liu Yufei heard Wu Yang say this and sat down, then watched Wu Yang could not say anything.

"What's wrong?" Wu Yang asked her when she saw her like this.

"I also think of your company coming to work, I will be your assistant, and I also study business management!" Liu Yufei heard Wu Yang's question and said immediately.

"Ah, don't you have a real estate company? Where do you have time? Besides, when you come to work with me, how much should I charge you?" Wu Yang asked with a smile.

"Come on, you know, huh!" Liu Yufei saw Wu Yang smiling at herself, and looked at Wu Yang with a smile.

"Haha, what do I know?" Wu Yang continued with a smile.

"Well, then I said plainly, I don't want to work, I want someone, I want to be someone, yours is mine, I don't want others to rob you!" Liu Yufei said directly.

"No, I'm so old. I'm still a freshman. Are you so anxious?" Wu Yang asked with a smile.

"Hum, it has nothing to do with the age. Besides, I am your fiancee, I want to be optimistic!" Liu Yufei said directly.

"Well, afraid of Ouyang Nan?" Wu Yang asked again.

"Well, I'm afraid of her. She is also a famous school flower in our school. Many people are pursuing her. Now that she works at your company and is still your assistant, I don't believe you don't want to move!" Liu Yufei admitted directly.

"But you come to be an assistant, what will she do?" Wuyang heard it and asked for a moment. Wuyang didn't have much exclusion from Liu Yufei, mainly after knowing that she was also an abandoned son of the family like herself. Her perception of her has completely changed!

"Then let him go to be a deputy manager in a department, can she be promoted to her, can't it?" Liu Yufei looked at Wu Yang and asked.

"No, she doesn't have enough qualifications and abilities. Then, how about you both work in the office?" After Wu Yang shook her head, thinking of this, she asked Liu Yufei!

"Ah?" Liu Yufei was a little reluctant to look at Wu Yang.

"Then you can't transfer people away. Now that she has just learned something, and the family is very poor, I think you know it! Besides, there is nothing wrong with others, I can't do it like this?" With Liu Yufei said.

"Okay!" Liu Yufei said reluctantly.

"Don't you deal with it while at school?" Wu Yang asked curiously!

"No, I have helped her a few times!" Liu Yufei said immediately.

"Oh, that's good, that's it, that's it, go to bed early, I want to sleep too!" Wu Yang said to Liu Yufei.

"Okay! You also go to bed earlier, but I still want to congratulate you!" Liu Yufei stood up and said.

"Thank you!" Wu Yang smiled, and then took Liu Yufei to the room where she was resting in the office, and told her some power switches and some things in the bathroom, Wu Yang just backed out and went to sleep on the sofa went,

But Wu Yang sleeps very comfortably, and many people outside do n’t sleep well, or they do n’t sleep at all, mainly those media, and also those media who have not come to Dream Technology before,

They also found out now, it seems that the computer of Dream Technology is really outstanding and it is indeed a system developed by itself. The editors of those media are all furious in the office.

Don't talk about the computer of Dream Technology now. It just has its own operating system. This is also explosive news. Chinese people need their own operating system too.

Now the operating system has come out, but they didn't even go to interview. They even invited them to the development conference. They didn't go. Isn't this a joke for other people who have gone!

"I don't care what method you use. Tomorrow, no, today, today, before it's too dark, you must interview me Wu Yang, the chairman of Dream Technology, and I must get it!" Those editors are for the reporters below Gave a death order,

When those reporters heard it, they were scolding in their hearts: "It was you who did not let you go at the beginning, and it was you who asked us to go to him for an interview, but it made you do everything! But there is no way, who told them to be the front line Reporter.

By the next morning, Wuyang also got up early. As soon as the door was opened, I went to the technical department to see the sales situation. So far, more than 70,000 units have been sold, and they are still slowly increasing. .

"Wu Dong, there are many reporters outside who want to interview you, I hope you can agree, they are now blocked at the factory door! Are you going to let them in!" ~ ~ Ding Li also came here Bian, asked Wu Yang immediately after seeing Wu Yang.

恩 "Well, I worked hard last night, and now I have no time, you go to receive them, I will not go!" Wu Yang said to Ding Li.

"However, they asked to interview you. Those reporters outside now, I have completely believed that we have our own operating system, so they all ask this question!" Ding Li said in a dilemma.

"There is no time, so you tell them that when the press conference is held, I will go!" Wu Yang really didn't want to see him. At this time, Zhang Ye of the sales department also came here.

"Wu Dong, we have sent more than 30,000 units last night, and are still shipping!" Zhang Huan came to report to Wuyang Hui.

恩 "Well, speed up, let our consumers get our computer as soon as possible! You work harder!" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Understand!" Zhang Ye nodded! At this time, Liu Yufei also came out of Wuyang's office.

"Get up?" Wu Yang asked with a smile.

"Eh!" Liu Yufei smiled and nodded Wu Yang, then smiled at Zhang Ye.

"Go, have breakfast! There will be things when we wait!" Wu Yang said to Zhang Yufei.

At this time, in the trial venue they arranged in Wuyang, many people were already standing in line, ready to go in and try out the computer of Dream Technology to see if it was really as the promotion said. it is good!

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