Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 53: 2 women meet!

After Wuyang was busy in the office for half an hour, his phone rang. Wuyang picked it up and talked over there, but the security guard refused to let in, so Wu Xiaoyu called Wuyang.

Wu Yang asked him to wait, and then asked Ouyang Nan to call the doorman and say aloud, then he was out of the office and started to go downstairs. As soon as he got downstairs, he saw a red sports car. Below the building, Wu Xiaoyu and Liu Yufei were seen coming down from the car.

"Brother! You are great!" After seeing Wu Yang, Wu Xiaoyu ran with a smile and gave Wu Yang a big hug,

Wu Wuyang also smiled happily, and then said to Liu Yufei who had come over, "Come!"

"Well, come and see you, your recent moves are really big!" Liu Yufei said with a smile.

"Haha, let's take you to the computer!" Wu Yang said with a smile to Wu Xiaoyu, who had released himself.

"Okay!" Wu Xiaoyu nodded happily,

Then Wu Yang took them and went to the building. When they got to the front desk, the two clerks at the front desk also stood up and said hello. Wu Xiaoyu and Liu Yufei also nodded and smiled.

Wu Wuyang took them to the elevator and went to his own office on the 5th floor.

The staff of the company saw Wu Yang bringing the two girls. From the expressions on their faces and their manners, Wu Yang and them were very familiar, and they began to guess who the girls were.

Wuyang is now the white horse prince in the eyes of the single girls of the company, so they are all concerned about this!

After opening the door of the office, Wu Yang said to Ouyang Nan: "Notify the warehouse below and send two top-level computers!"

"Okay!" Ouyang Nan nodded.

"Ouyang Nan?" And Liu Yufei immediately shouted in surprise when she saw the girl in front of her.

"Ah, Yu Fei, it's you! You know!" Ouyang Nan said in surprise after seeing Liu Yu Fei,

The two of them are in the same department and they are still in the same profession, but they are not in the same class, but they are both very familiar.

"This is my 嫂嫂!" And Wu Xiaoyu next to Liu Yufei immediately stood and took Wu Yang's hand.

"Ah!" Ouyang Nan was a little stunned.

"What did the dead girl say?" Liu Yufei blushed, and stared at Wu Xiaoyu.

"Isn't it? Brother!" Wu Xiaoyu then asked Wu Yang with a smile.

"Dead girl, don't mention which pot!" Liu Yufei said in a stunned moment.

切 "Cut, don't admit it, brother, let's change one!" Wu Xiaoyu said again,

Both Liu Yufei and Wu Yang had no way to take Wu Xiaoyu, but Liu Yufei knew that Wu Xiaoyu was helping her. He also told Ouyang Nan that the Wuyang in front of her had a master, and this master was herself!

"Haha, talk to me first, I'll get you the computer!" Ouyang Nan, after hearing what they said, smiled and said to Liu Yufei.

"Okay, thank you!" Liu Yufei said to Ouyang Nan, and Ouyang Nan opened the door and left.

"Brother, why is she here?" Wu Xiaoyu asked immediately, while Liu Yufei also looked at Wu Yang.

"She is now my secretary. When I saw her looking for a job everywhere, I let him work at Dream Technology. Later, we bought Yuanfang Technology. I was here to help her!" Wu Yang smiled. Explained to Wu Xiaoyu, but looked at Liu Yufei.

"Brother, it's too dangerous, or we should change to a man!" Wu Xiaoyu suggested immediately.

"What did you say, girl, a high school student, what do you think in your brain every day?" Wu Yang said with a blush on Wu Xiaoyu.

"I said this for Sister Yu Fei! Yeah!" Wu Xiaoyu turned back and asked Liu Yu Fei.

"I didn't say, your girl pushed those things to me less!" At this time, Liu Yufei's face became even redder. Although she said so, she thanked Wu Xiaoyu in her heart,

"Okay, come sit and say, wait for the computer to come over, you see!" Wu Yang took Wu Xiaoyu to the sofa, let them sit down, and sat next to himself.

"Brother, your office is big! The decoration is so good!" Wu Xiaoyu looked up at Wuyang and said to Wuyang.

"It was like this when I bought it, I didn't change it at all, I didn't have time to change it! There was no money to change it!" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Ah! No money to change? Brother, isn't that game very profitable?" Wu Xiaoyu asked Wu Yang in surprise.

"Well, it is very profitable, but it took 750 million to acquire this company, and now we are developing those computers, purchasing servers, and now we need to publicize, develop conferences, and stock up. If your brother doesn't have that game, he will beg for a long time! Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Brother, I borrow you, how much do you want?" Wu Xiaoyu said immediately watching Wu Yang.

"Do n’t keep your money. Brother should be able to make money. I believe that no money is temporary! Brother made so much money with 6 million in the first place. Do you still not believe in his strength?" Wu Yang said with a smile and touching Wu Xiaoyu's head.

"Well!" Wu Xiaoyu nodded firmly.

"Xiao Yu, we have lost a lot. At the beginning, our money should not be invested in real estate, it should be invested in your brother!" And Liu Yufei said to Wu Xiaoyu. "You can vote now, do you want me to invest?" Wu Xiaoyu heard it and turned to look at Wu Yang.

"You don't need to invest money now, wait for my brother to get it done, and give you shares at that time!" Wu Yang said with a smile and touching Wu Xiaoyu's head.

"Okay!" Wu Xiaoyu nodded happily.

"Me, can I vote!" Liu Yufei asked immediately.

"Are you rich?" Wu Xiaoyu asked immediately.

"You, can I borrow your money?" Liu Yufei was so anxious that he immediately stared at Wu Xiaoyu.

"Do n’t borrow it, there is someone like you. Borrow my money, invest in my brother's company, let my brother make money for you, and then pay me back. You do n’t have to bear any risk!" Wu Xiaoyu said immediately shaking his head.

"Dead girl, I'll give you interest!" Liu Yufei shouted while watching Wu Xiaoyu.

"I don't lend anything! I just don't lend you!" Wu Xiaoyu said proudly.

"Yes, you are cruel!" Liu Yufei saw her like this and knew that it was impossible to get money from this little **** of wealth,

"Ha, let's talk about the shares later. Now that the company has just started, there are still great risks, and if you buy shares, it may bring disadvantages to your family! Forget it!" Wu Yang looked at Liu Yufei with a smile Said.

"Okay, but the next time you expand the share, you must inform me!" Liu Yufei said to Wuyang.

"Okay!" Wu Yang smiled and nodded,

Immediately they heard a knock on the door, Wu Yang shouted in, and saw Ouyang Nan **** in two computer boxes.

"Wu Dong, these are the top-level computers, they haven't been unboxed!" Ouyang Nan said with a smile.

好的 "OK! Thank you!" Wu Yang nodded,

But at this time, Wu Xiaoyu had stood up and walked quickly, took the computer from Ouyang Nan, and then said thank you, and took it off from Wuyang's desk, and Liu Yufei also took over. Began to disassemble.

"Ah, it's so beautiful, that's it!" Wu Xiaoyu shouted happily after seeing the shape of the computer, then turned on the computer, pressed the power button, and immediately turned it on, less than 20 seconds To enter the operation interface,

"Really fast!" Wu Xiaoyu said in admiration, but a window popped out of the computer immediately. Ask them for their name and password!

"Brother!" Wu Xiaoyu called Wu Yang.

"When you enter your password and name, the system will start a camera to scan your face. Every time you turn on the system, the system will scan and you will be allowed to enter the system. Otherwise, no one can enter!" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Then this computer belongs to me?" Wu Xiaoyu asked Wu Yang with a smile.

"Well, it's yours, but we can't take it out now, on the 30th, when we are developing the conference, I will take it for you, and give it to you at that time!" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"OK!" Wu Xiaoyu said happily. Then follow the prompt interface, scanned the face three times, and then entered her password. Before entering the system.

"Wow, brother, this computer is definitely going to sell. How much do you plan to sell?" Wu Xiaoyu entered the interface ~ ~ I felt bright, and asked Wuyang, because this interface looks strange, But many things are in the most convenient location! Although Wu Xiaoyu hasn't used it yet, I can feel that this system is different from the system I have used before.

"Haha, how much do you think this computer is worth?" Wu Yang asked with a smile.

"Brother, if I were to spend tens of thousands!" Wu Xiaoyu said immediately.

"Well, don't ask you this little **** of wealth! Yu Fei, what do you say?" Wu Yang immediately asked Liu Yu Fei.

"Now a good notebook in the country is a business notebook in the United States. It's tens of thousands if it's good. Generally, it's seven or eight thousand in China. It's generally more than 5,000, but it's definitely not as good as this computer. I also buy it myself. I've had several, but none of them look so good,

And if you say that the operating system is really intelligent and humane, I think that this computer is priced at 15,000 to 20,000 is still completely marketable! "Liu Yufei tried the computer and said to Wuyang.

恩 "Well, our computer operating system is the best. This has been shared by all employees of our company! If you use it, you will also like this system, there will be no card machine,

Furthermore, the laptop's Facebook authentication is currently our first, so that it can protect the privacy and key information of the computer as much as possible. Even if it is stolen, they can't open the hard disk! "Ouyang Nan introduced it immediately.

"It ’s so good, brother, how much do you plan to sell?" Wu Xiaoyu heard it and immediately asked Wuyang ~ ~ Welcome the latest, fastest and hottest serial works of book friends. Do it at ~ ~. ;

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