Super Tech Overlord

: Chapter 44 Consequences

After Wu Wuyang heard the news, he immediately came out of the school. Now those people are checking themselves. There is no problem with their company, but now they come to check, and they must have been instructed.

Otherwise, those people will not be full enough to hold on to their company deliberately, and as for who instructed, Wu Yang can now know without thinking, those who hit the attention of their own company,

If it is a serious company, it will not use the method of inferiority, and the people who use this method are rich and powerful people, but not serious.

After Wuyang got out of the school gate, he took a taxi and rushed to his company. After arriving at the company's office building, Wuyang saw a lot of business cars listening to it, and there were five of them, all belonging to different departments. .

Wuyang saw it, sneered, and then began to reach the position of the elevator. After entering the floor of his office, Wuyang just got out of the elevator and saw a lot of people watching his company, and many people were still discussing ,

看 "Look, it's estimated that this boss hasn't done a good job, otherwise so many people will not come to check!"

"I think they offended someone!"

也是 "It's too much, too. The company just set up was checked this way, and that boss was too unlucky!" Employees of other companies talked softly in the hallway,

Wuyang, on the other hand, walked in all the way, and it didn't matter at all. When he was at the door of his company, Wuyang was seen at the front desk, but on the sofa in front of the front desk, there were still several people in uniform.

"Boss you are here!" The front desk asked Wu Yang.

"Well!" Wu Yang nodded, then ready to go in.

"You stand still, it's going to be sealed inside!" A man sitting there stood up and shouted at Wu Yang. Wu Yang stopped, looked back at the person and gave him a glance, and ignored him at all, and was about to bypass the front desk to the back.

"Hold me up, did you hear me!" The man shouted again, and the person sitting next to him also stood up and started preparing to chase Wuyang,

When Wu Wuyang arrived, he saw that all the computers inside were shut down, and all the employees were sitting together. At the same time, dozens of people wearing various uniforms stood inside, Wu Yang saw, his eyes narrowed.

"Don't hear me, you're deaf!" The man at the door chased Wu Yang and called immediately.

"Clear your mouth!" Wu Yang glanced at him,

"You! Are you looking for a pump?" The man said, and wanted to come over,

Wu Wuyang slaps in the past, and directly fan him to the ground, the person is also fainted. Immediately, the entire office is very quiet.

"Who took the lead?" Wu Yang said.

"You, who are you, you dare to hit public servants!" Asked a man in his thirties who was pointing to Wuyang.

"I just let him be quiet, are you leading?" Wu Yang asked immediately.

报警 "Alarm, call the police!" The man shouted to the people behind him, Wuben didn't care.

"I asked you, did you hear it?" Wu Yang shouted at the cadre.

"Who are you? You are so rushing!" The short one immediately asked Wu Yang.

"I'm the owner of this company. What's wrong, don't you check my company? Find out what's coming, and what's wrong with these employees! What right do you have to detain my employees? In addition, you shut me You pay for the loss of these computers, right? "Wu Yang pointed to those employees and those closed computers and said to the stupid person.

"Ha, pay us back, your company is not compliant, we can check

Alas, Mao doesn't have a grown-up kid, so rushing! Do you know that if you hit someone, you can squat in and start a company! Dreaming? "The chubby man sneered at Wu Yang. The people next to him heard and laughed.

"There is no compliance there, come on, you talk about it, you said that there is no compliance with us?" Wu Yang asked to that person.

"I said that if you don't comply, you don't comply. What's wrong?" The short one shouted at Wuyang.

"Yes, of course, I know, you are just a dog! I hope you can think about it before doing this!" Wu Yang reminded him that he didn't want to conflict with those people, but he really wanted to force himself If you do, you don't mind it once!

"Huh, I know it's threatening!" Said the short man, disdainful.

"That line, you said to find out the problem, I ask you, what are you going to do!" Wu Yang asked again.

关 "Close the door, we are all closed here!" The short man said immediately.

"Just handle it like this. Since you are closing the door, you have to let me know why?" Wu Yang asked to that person.

"It will naturally let you know why you have so much nonsense, who are you, who am I, do I need to answer your question? Also, you just broke someone, and wait for you to squat Go in! "Said the man, pointing to Wu Yang.

"It's so overbearing, it is impossible to be unreasonable. Well, the consequences are conceited!" Wu Yang said to the person, and turned to leave!

"You want to leave if you hit someone, stop me!" The short man shouted at the person standing in front of Wuyang.

The other person who had just followed from the front desk immediately went to arrest Wu Yang. Wu Yang stepped over and flew the person directly to the puppet, flying to the wall behind that person. After falling, the person was still. Already.

"Come and try, come!" Wu Yang said fiercely at the short man,

"Go and stop him!" He heard Wu Yang's provocation and immediately shouted at those around him,

But none of them dared to move, just kidding. Just now Wuyang shot two times and stunned the two of them. I do n’t know how hurt they are now. If they go up now, it would really be It ’s unlucky, these people just follow along to play, not to fight!

Wu Wuyang saw that those people were not moving, immediately laughed at them, and then said to those employees: "You are wronged first, the company will compensate you!"

After saying that, he lifted his leg and left, but the person inside was angry. After Wuyang got down the stairs, he took a taxi and left.

After arriving at an Internet cafe, I got off the bus and got in there. Wuyang asked for a machine. There were still many Internet cafes in 2004, and the Internet was very convenient.

Wu Wuyang did it in front of the machine, and then started to touch the mouse with his hands, and clicked on a few web pages as a cover for the eyes.

Then closed his eyes, connected his chip to the computer, and then entered the company's monitoring, and copied all the pictures just now.

After making some changes, I posted posts on the official website and forum of Dream Technology, and other website forums. I added a sentence to the end of the video, and the game ’s game may be cracked at 12pm. Closed later! And set the highest permissions!

After Wu finished this, Wu Yang ignored it. Then, Wu Yang began to close his eyes and began to order the system in his brain:

"Let me check Ou Yangchong's phone communication record, communication recording!" Wu Yang said to the computer,

Immediately, the chip in his brain began to screen the person named Ouyang Chong. After the selection was completed, Wu Yang began to determine, and then picked out the phone call from this morning after he returned last night, and then began to listen,

I heard he called the directors of several departments, and they all said that they wanted to help them deal with their own company, and sealed their own company before they said,

When Wu Yang saw it, he immediately checked the office numbers and mobile phone numbers of the few people, and then looked for the communication records. Until those people contacted the relevant management department of his company's location, Wu Yang finally ended. Query, and then copy all those related records,

Then publish another post to those websites that I previously posted!

At this time, the forums were all messed up. Those netizens saw Wu Yang sent out video materials. Everyone was filled with indignation. Many people exposed the data of that chubby person, and even mobile phone number.

When Wuyang sent out the second post, those netizens immediately understood what was going on. Someone wanted to buy Dream Technology and intentionally framed Wuyang like this.

At this time, those netizens are quitting, and they are calling the mobile phone numbers and phone numbers of those who are intentionally kept by Wuyang ~ ~ At this time, the call of Ouyang Chong at the meeting rang immediately. Immediately hung up the phone, just now, another number was ringing immediately, Ouyang Chong continued to hang up, and a call came again immediately. At this moment, all those in the conference room looked at him.

"What the **** is going on, if there is something important, go out to pick it up!" At this time, Ouyang Chong's father said unhappy to Ouyang Chong.

"I don't know, it's all strangers' calls!" Ouyang Chong still hung up at the moment, hung up behind him, Ouyang Chong was anxious, and removed the phone's battery directly.

At the same time, the people Ouyang Chong contacted, and the subordinates they contacted, the phone was ringing at this time, and they did not know what was going on, because they were strange numbers, and many were not local. Yes, they wo n’t answer,

Someone couldn't help but just picked up the phone and immediately got a bad curse from the other party. He didn't know what was going on, so he asked who the other party was and who he was looking for. The other party was right away. Not so-and-so, he said yes, and then immediately scolded again! No way they can only hang up!

Which short man in Wuyang Company received the same number of calls. At the beginning, he also received one, and was also scolded. He was also scolded for dead fat, short fat, etc., and hung up directly. , But there was still a call coming in immediately.

"Director, director, a friend of mine said, what we have just here is a video, all of them are online!" At this time, a girl ran to the ear and said anxiously to the short man.

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