Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 36: White-eyed wolf

After hearing that person's phone call, Qiu Jingxuan also understood that if he did n’t raise the price now, he would really hate trouble at that time. If the opponent had enough cash, he would eat enough stock and throw it away. Then It's really dangerous.

"Quick, pull those prices up!" Qiu Jingxuan said to the financial manager after he hung up the phone.

"Yes, but our cash is not enough!" The man said to Qiu Jingxuan.

"I'll go and collect the cash for you, and you're good to go!" Qiu Jingxuan shouted immediately, that person nodded immediately, and began to order those operators to prepare to raise those prices, Yuanfang Technology Company began to buy those stock.

此时 At this time, in the stock market lobby, many people noticed this situation and speculated what happened, and the investors and investment institutions who bought the company's stock are more concerned about the situation.

Wuyang received a lot of stocks shortly after the operation, and then saw another person hanging out with a high price. Wuyang thought and continued to hang out the low price. He wanted to see Yuanfang Technology How much cash goes to stocks,

Suddenly, after Wuyang hangs a lot of low prices, it continues to pay attention to the trend of that company. Many people don't understand what is going on. They all follow Wuyang to hang low prices.

After seeing the situation, some individual customers immediately dumped their stocks. Now there are more and more stocks thrown out. The money in Fangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. is also flowing rapidly.

"Who is it and who wants to deal with our company!" The financial manager shouted angrily when he saw the situation.

"Manager, we are running out of money!" An operator shouted back to the manager.

"I'm going to the chairman!" The manager went out immediately,

Qiu Jingxuan was calling some acquaintances at this time to get the money. Those acquaintances transferred almost one hundred million. It didn't take long and all of them were spent. Then he began to look for a bank. The bank also gave him a loan, but not much. !!

The turbulence of Fangyuan Technology's stocks continued from the opening to the close. Wuyang did not receive many stocks today, but pulled Fangyuan's stocks directly from more than 16 to more than 15.

Waiting for tomorrow now, Wuyang will continue to do this tomorrow. Now Wuyang has more than 600 million cash in hand, plus the company can provide him with at least 40 million funds every day. Now he wants to make a round The stock of Fang Technology's company is entirely possible!

On the second day, Wuyang continued to operate. After seeing the Yuanfang technology people want to raise the price again, Wuyang sold all the stocks bought yesterday, and then hung the low price again.

Many individual customers who were watching yesterday couldn't sit still. They directly dumped their stocks out, and the funds of Yuanfang Technology continued to decrease. Until now, Wuyang has not only lost money, but has made some money.

In the next 2 days, Wuyang did all this, and almost all of the funds of Yuanfang Technology were consumed.

By the end of the week, the stock market was closed. This gave Yuanfang Technology a little bit of breathing time. After Wuyang saw the closing, it stopped operating. In the past 4 days, Wuyang pulled Yuanfang Technology's stock from more than 16 yuan and pulled down more than 11 yuan. As a result, the market value of Nongyuanfang Technology has fallen sharply.

"What the **** is it, you better figure it out. What the **** is it, the loss is so great! Did you find out, who did it?" A middle-aged man in casual clothes, with A pair of rimless glasses, sitting in Qiu Jingxuan's office, asked Qiu Jingxuan sternly, at this time Qiu Jingxuan was standing on the edge.

"I don't know yet, but I have a guess, but it feels impossible. He is just a hairy kid. He should not have that ability. We have thrown in so much money these days. He is still placing orders. I think He doesn't have that much money! "Qiu Jingxuan thought for a moment.

"Who?" The middle-aged man asked again.

"Wuyang, the dream airliner has more Wuyang, but he is very small, I don't think he has this strength!" Qiu Jingxuan answered him immediately.

"Wuyang, who dreams of technology, why do you think it is him?" After hearing Qiu Jingxuan's words, the middle-aged man repeated it and asked immediately.

"I went to him last time. I originally wanted to buy his company, but he said that he would buy our company! So I think it was him!" Qiu Jingxuan said immediately.

"Shit, a small company, what capital does he have to buy our company, you still look for it seriously!" The middle-aged man immediately scolded Qiu Jingxuan,

"Yes!" Qiu Jingxuan nodded immediately.

"Oh, oh!" At this time, the offices were ringing. The middle-aged man frowned. He didn't want anyone to know that he was here.

"Oh, oh!" The door outside was knocking on.

"Let him come in!" The middle-aged man stood up and said, standing next to the office bookshelf with his back to the office, as if reading a book.

"Come in!" Qiu Jingxuan shouted. Soon, the door was opened.

"Chairman, it's not good, many forums now have questions about our company's operating conditions and financial fraud, and now many people see it!" A female secretary opened and shouted.

"What, how does the opponent know the financial situation?" Qiu Jingxuan shouted in amazement.

"I don't know, all the news is online now!" The secretary said very anxiously.

"Chairman, many reporters called and wanted to interview you. Are the information on the forum real?" Immediately, another secretary rushed in and shouted at him.

"No interview, you go out!" Qiu Jingxuan shouted very angry. The two secretaries heard it, stunned it, and went out, closing the door at the same time.

"Someone really wants to run this company. You better go and investigate for me, who did it!" After hearing the closing sound, the middle-aged man turned around and looked at Qiu Jingxuan.

"I will check it immediately, but now?" Qiu Jingxuan nodded, then looked at the middle-aged man and hesitated.

"Those things on the Internet, I will find someone to delete them, but you can get the rest of the things. I do n’t want to see Monday when our stocks have plummeted. No, they have already plummeted. I do n’t want to He continued to fall! "Said the middle-aged man to Qiu Jingxuan.

"I understand that if these negative messages can be deleted in a timely manner, I will immediately develop a conference and say that someone intentionally framed them, but if they cannot be resolved, I will have no way. Without these negative messages, our opponent is the acquisition of To our company, as long as we release some good news, then those stocks we bought at low prices are likely to make money! "Qiu Jingxuan explained to the middle-aged man.

"Go get it, I will find someone to delete it later!" After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man took the hat, took it to his head, opened them, and went out.

Qiu Jingxuan immediately made his office chair, turned on the computer, and started to look at those forums. It was found that many forums had put these messages to the top. Tens of thousands of people were posting comments on this matter!

"Mad, who is it!" After Qiu Jingxuan read the whole post, all the cold sweat on his head came down, because what was said on the forum was actually true.

I thought of this, Qiu Jingxuan pressed the button on the table, and then said, "Check for me, who has leaked the company's internal information, be sure to check for me!"

After finishing talking, Qiu Jingxuan leaned weakly on the sofa and untied his tie. At this time Wu Yang continued to pay attention to what he sent out.

Now Wuyang has a lot of internal information about Yuanfang Technology Company, all of which are negative. Wuyang wants to slowly release it, so that the investors and investment institutions who bought the company's stocks will throw all their stocks. After coming out, only in this way did Wuyang have the opportunity to acquire Yuanfang Technology Company ~ ~ In the past two days, Wuyang has been publishing those materials. Qiu Jingxuan originally wanted to develop the conference. Yes, but after seeing so many negative materials exposed, it ’s no use knowing how to explain. The company went bankrupt. For two days, Qiu Jingxuan was sitting in the office, and everyone was much older.

Now the company owes more than 2 billion to the bank, all of which have bought those stocks, plus other arrears, totaling more than 3 billion. Although the market value has reached more than 13 billion, but it has shrunk dramatically. By Monday, those stocks It has to fall, coupled with the company's operating problems, Yuanfang Technology Co., Ltd. will file for bankruptcy.

I thought of this, Qiu Jingxuan made a call, and it was the middle-aged man who answered the call.

"Something?" The middle-aged man asked.

"Dong Yun, the company has no choice now. Can you mobilize 3 billion yuan for me? I want to pay back the bank and the money owed, and then run this company well!" Qiu Jingxuan asked immediately.

"It's not necessary, I don't know you have so many things to hide from me. And the company has been losing money, how to run the business by paying back the money, in addition, you are ready, your company, I want to buy it wholly!" The man called Yun Dong hung up the phone after speaking.

"What, a wholly-owned acquisition, hey, hey!" Qiu Jingxuan shouted quickly, but the busy tone of the phone had been prompted, and then Qiu Jingxuan continued to call, but the other party did not answer.

"Bumping" Qiu Jingxuan tossed the phone and yelled: "White-eyed wolf, you're fierce. If it weren't you, the company would do this?"

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