Super System Plundering the Heaven

Chapter 417: Ecstatic Ouyang An

Ouyang An looked at Xia Jinse, who justified Ye Yu, with a look of jealousy in his eyes, and coldly snorted, "Huh! Is there any hindrance, just look at the personal ranking!"

"By that time, whoever ranks last will be the one who is holding back!"

Ye Yu glanced at Ouyang An coldly, and said, "Ouyang An, are you confident?"

Ouyang An leaned her head up and said proudly, "Of course! I have played for a long time in this individual match, and I have checked it several times! No errors were found, this time I will definitely appear in the top three!"

The corner of Ye Yu's mouth flickered, "Third? That's waiting to be seen!"

Among the crowd, Donald looked at the school ranking above, his face flashed angrily, this time they ranked second in the team competition.

"Huh! How powerful is that Bella Swan!"

Looking back at his teammates, Donald snorted, "Blame you all! If it weren't for your hindrance, we would be the first!"

The players behind Donald showed an unnatural look on their faces, and whispered, "Boss, don't be angry, the team ranking is still second, and the most important is the individual ranking!"

"Yeah, the boss is definitely the first in this personal match! Bella must be behind the boss!"

"Let's not even talk about that Huaguo kid! But when you are the boss, you must humiliate him!"

"Listen to someone saying that this morning the Chinese kid was very close to Bella Swan!"

"Hey! As long as the boss wins the first place, Bella will definitely look at the boss!"

"Haha! That boss is a good harvest for fame and fortune!"

Donald heard the anger dissipate, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and glanced at the glamorous Bella Swan, his heart heated.

"Huh! I'm settled on this first!"

After a while, the information on the lobby display refreshed again, and this time the rankings and results of the individual matches appeared.

Ouyang An clenched his fists, stared at the display screen, looking for his name from the bottom up.

Tenth Place: Bertha Carter, 89.72

Ninth Place: Giessen Claude, 90.13


Fifth place: Xia Jinse, 95.74

Ouyang An looked tense. This is already the fifth place. It is Xia Jinse's name. She must be in front of her!

Ouyang An began to look forward, her face flushed slightly with excitement.

"Which will it be? Fourth? Third? Or ... first?"

Ouyang An began to imagine that when he got the first place, everyone's surprised and incredible eyes!

Gaze slowly moved upwards, Ouyang An's pupils shrank.

Fourth Place: Brad Baker, 97.86

Ouyang An's heart started beating fiercely.

Not the fourth, then it must be the top three!

Third place: Bella Swan, 98.74

Ouyang An clenched his fist tightly, tightened his teeth, and was afraid he would shout out in surprise.

The third place is not yourself, that is the second, or ... the first!

Looking away, what was printed in Ouyang'an's eyes was an unfamiliar name.

Second Place: Donald Jones, 99.05

"Haha ... the first is mine!"

"I'm number one! I'm number one!"

Ouyang An could no longer control himself, shouting in ecstasy.

Turning around to look at the leading teacher Xu Dong, Ouyang An shouted flushed, "Mr. Xu, did you see that! I'm the first, the first!"

Before waiting for Xu Dong's weird look, Ouyang An ran to Xia Jinse again, shivering with excitement, still shouting pretendingly, "Jinse! Look, I'm the first! Look at my cow No! "

Xia Jinse opened his mouth and looked at Ouyang An's eyes as if looking at another fool.

Looking at the weird eyes of his teammates around, Xia Jinse whispered to Ouyang An, "Ouyang An, take a closer look at the display!"

Ouyang An raised her head and said proudly, "What's so beautiful! This time I won the first place, although you're envious!"

Ouyang An finished speaking, took out his mobile phone, and wanted to take pictures to record this exciting moment.

On the screen of the mobile phone, the ranking of the individual competition is clearly displayed. At the top of the screen, there is a line of eye-catching fonts that write the information of the first place.

First place: Ye Yu, score 120!

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