Super Small Farmer

Chapter 560 Complaint

"Call me all the surveillance videos in Jiro Yamaki's office at that time."

Zhao Xiaoyan said aggressively to a colleague in the technical department, the magnificence of her chest was constantly rising and falling, as if she was about to tear her clothes and jump out at any time.

"Hmph, you bastard, I'll make you talk hard. See how I deal with you. I must let you know that in China, no one can dare to go beyond the law."

Zhao Xiaoyan gritted her teeth lightly, and she made up her mind to make Yang Tao look good no matter what. Let him know that he is great.


The colleague in the technical department is also a hot-blooded young man. Seeing Mr. Jinghua's posture at this moment, he secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


After muttering in his heart, he fiddled with the keyboard directly. But he didn't dare to lift his head up again, the temptation was a bit big.


Zhao Xiaoyan is not surprised by her colleague's careful thinking. No way, who made her figure so hot. Sometimes, she was very upset herself.

But somehow, in her mind, unconsciously, the scene of Yang Tao overwhelmed her not long ago popped up.


Didn't that bastard take advantage of my own advantage? Although the bastard seemed to be unconscious at the time. But he's also suppressing other people's place, right? This account needs to be settled carefully.

"Could you hurry up."

The more she thought about it, the more unhappy Zhao Xiaoyan felt. I always feel that there is a surge of anger in my chest, and I can't vent it. And right now, the speed of this colleague also made her feel even worse.

It didn't take so long to do something before. What's going on today, it feels like a long time has passed.

Hmph, could it be that this guy also wanted to spy on him, so he deliberately delayed the time? Damn it, doesn't this person have a decent one?

"That...Xiaoyan, I..."

"Stop, Xiaoyan is also your name? Call me Police Officer Zhao!"

Still want to take advantage of yourself? No way, Zhao Xiaoyan corrected the other party's mistakes with righteous words.

"Um, Police Officer Zhao. It seems that what you gone..."

The colleague's tone was a bit weak, and he also felt puzzled about this matter. There should be a video, he watched it not long ago.

That scene, although there was a part of the process, I don't know what was affected by it, the picture was blurred, and I couldn't see clearly at all.

But the beginning and the end are still very clear. It can indeed be proved that only Yang Tao entered the office alone, and after that, the bodies of the three were set ablaze!

"What? No, are you kidding me?"

Zhao Xiaoyan immediately became angry, what exactly did this mean. She put her hands on her waist, making a certain part more prominent. This posture is completely like a crazy tigress.

"This... I just saw that it was still there, but now, it's really gone. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself." That colleague also wanted to cry, but God knows why it suddenly disappeared.


Zhao Xiaoyan didn't believe this evil, and fiddled with it a few times, but still couldn't find the slightest record.

"This... this... what the hell is going on?!"

Zhao Xiaoyan wondered, weren't they all still there just now? Why is it gone now? Could it be that someone has tampered with it? !

Yang Tao!

In Zhao Xiaoyan's mind, Yang Tao's name instantly came to mind.

"Okay, you are really capable, no wonder you dare to say that you are not guilty."

Zhao Xiaoyan hurriedly got up and rushed towards the small black house.

"Mr. Yang Tao, you have been wronged. I'm really sorry, this is our negligence." At this moment, a middle-aged man, accompanied by Yang Tao, came out of the small dark room.

"It's okay, I know it's not easy for you."

Yang Tao didn't embarrass this middle-aged man, he is the director of the branch. He just rushed over, without saying a word, he said he would let Yang Tao go.


Coincidentally, when Zhao Xiaoyan came over, she happened to see Yang Tao and the director coming out of the small dark room with a smile on their faces. This picture, in Zhao Xiaoyan's mind, instantly made up a terrifying conspiracy.

"The chief has become such a person's protective umbrella?! No, I want to bring back the light to this world!" Zhao Xiaoyan stepped forward with courage.

"Director, you don't want to let this murderer go, do you?"

"Comrade Xiaoyan, what are you talking about? Mr. Yang Tao is an entrepreneur, how can he be a murderer?" The director immediately corrected him with a straight face.

It was Yamaki Jiro who died, and the director himself knew it. But for this matter, the phone call from above has already been made directly, and the tone has been set, so he must maintain his attitude.

"What? Entrepreneur!"

Zhao Xiaoyan's face was full of disbelief. Could it be that the so-called rich people can take money and pervert the law? This dark side, actually let me encounter it?

"But...but I saw with my own eyes..."

"What did you see? You just saw the bodies of the three people on fire. You didn't see anything else, did you?"

The director interrupted Zhao Xiaoyan again, but he had heard about it, and this was the tone set by the top. It was a little devil who died, and he seemed to have done a lot of bad things in China.

There was even a gossip saying that the killing of this little devil made the people above very relieved. How dare he say that Yang Tao is guilty at this moment? Even his own subordinates can't say such a thing. If it gets out, it means that his job is not in place.

But Zhao Xiaoyan is different, and her background is not small. He didn't dare to speak too seriously, and at the same time secretly winked at Zhao Xiaoyan, hoping that the other party would understand.

Unfortunately, the director thought too much.

Zhao Xiaoyan's stubbornness came up at this moment, and she didn't pay attention to the director's eyes at all, but spoke righteously and spoke uprightly:

"Director, I just watched the surveillance video. During the whole process, only Yang Tao entered that office. No matter what, he is the biggest suspect. He can't just let him go."

Zhao Xiaoyan argued with the reason, no matter what, she didn't intend to let Yang Tao leave just like this.

"Comrade Xiaoyan, what are you doing? Get out of the way, go back to the office and reflect on yourself. Mr. Yang Tao is a person who has made contributions to the country, so don't make trouble here."

Seeing the director's tough attitude, Zhao Xiaoyan's nose became sore. She didn't think there was anything wrong with what she did, but now that the director is here, she has no other choice.

"Hmph! Just wait for me."

Zhao Xiaoyan glared at Yang Tao viciously, stomped her feet, turned and left. Before returning to the office, she picked up the phone and made a call.

"Dad, didn't you say you want me to be a just policeman? But now someone acts as someone else's umbrella, and that person is still a murderer, what do you think?!"

Feeling aggrieved, Zhao Xiaoyan had no choice but to complain to her father.

"What? There is such a thing, say, who is it?"

There was an angry voice on the other side of the phone...

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