Super Small Farmer

Chapter 531 Don't Go

"A big star is indeed a big star. This skin, this face, these red lips... Tsk tsk, if you can embrace such a beauty, then you are the real winner in life."

Feng Peng's eyes were bright, and he kept looking up and down on Anya's body. Of course, the focus was on Anya's figure and skin, so that she didn't notice the warmth and anger on Anya's face at the moment.


Da Jieli was not so easy to talk to, seeing Feng Peng's appearance at this moment, she felt extremely disgusted. I plan to make a direct move, and finish this bastard.

But fortunately, Anya stopped it in time. She knew Wu Jun's identity, but the man in front of her was able to ignore Wu Jun. Presumably the origin is not simple, she does not want to cause trouble.

Because Yang Tao will come over later, if Yang Tao finds out and he causes trouble again, I'm afraid the relationship between himself and Yang Tao will worsen. Anya doesn't want this to happen.

"Ah?! Miss Anya, I'm sorry. I've never seen you at such a close distance before. I was really shocked by your beauty just now. That's why I lost my mind. I'm sorry."

Feng Peng continued to talk like a dog, and at the same time, he made a western gentleman's understanding. He thought that by doing so, he could improve his status in Anya's heart.

At the same time, he was also very satisfied with what he said just now. In his opinion, all women like to hear nice words. Even if he had that kind of gaze just now, after what he said, Anya would definitely not mind too much.

"Miss Anya, don't worry, although there may be some minor problems here, they are all under my control. I will be by your side to protect your safety."

Feng Peng checked very seriously, there is no bodyguard around Anya. As for Ta Jieli, she was just an ordinary girl. In Feng Peng's view, she was just an assistant, and she didn't take it to heart at all.

"That, Comrade Police..."

Seeing Feng Peng's chattering and endless rhythm, Anya couldn't help but interrupted.

"Oh, yes, I haven't introduced it yet. My name is Feng Peng, and I'm a policeman."

Feng Peng raised his brows, feeling very proud. With such an introduction, the other party should easily remember him.

Then he was showing his family and background, even a star like Anya should know that his future is bright.

"Well, comrade Feng Peng, I want to say, can you retreat?"

"Of course there is no problem, Miss Anya, you said..."

Feng Peng didn't even think about it at first, and agreed directly. But when it reflected in his head, the words in his mouth suddenly stopped, and the smile on his face froze a little.

"Miss Anya, did I hear correctly just now?"

Even at this moment, Feng Peng is doubting what he just heard. Are you kidding me, doesn't An Ya know that she is a policeman?

In other words, Anya didn't know what was going to happen here at all. After thinking of this, Feng Peng immediately decided that this must be the case.

"Opportunity, this is a great opportunity."

Feng Peng was extremely happy in his heart. He thought, wouldn't this be a good opportunity to promote the relationship between the two?

"If I don't tell her, and then wait for something to happen, create a little problem, let the two have some intimate contact..."

In Feng Peng's mind, the plots of heroes saving the beauty have begun to change.

"Miss Anya, maybe you don't know, we got very accurate information, and something terrible will happen here later."

Feng Peng spoke righteously and spoke very seriously.

"Of course, don't worry, if I'm by your side, I won't let you have any..."

"Comrade Police Officer Feng Peng, I know there will be a few fugitives here later to cause trouble."

Anya's light words made Feng Peng's voice stop suddenly. His binoculars were completely replaced by curiosity. Why did Anya know about this? Could it be that Wu Jun said it?

"It is because of this that I let you retreat. You know, they are fugitives and murderers, and they are all terrifying. I think you understand this better than me. In order to ensure your safety, you Let's retreat."

Anya was extremely serious, but this made Feng Peng completely confused.

"What's going on? Are you kidding me? To ensure our safety? I'm a policeman. Isn't it my job to ensure the safety of others?"

At this moment, Feng Peng's mind is full of question marks. Although he always hides in the best place when there is anything, he will rush to the front only when he is grabbing credit.

But what Anya said just now made him feel extremely wronged.

"Miss Anya, you are so humorous. We are the police, and it is our bounden duty to protect your safety!"

Feng Peng tried his best to straighten his mentality, puffed up his chest vigorously, and spoke in a more serious tone.

"I know this, but I have a better way to deal with this matter. And what Wu Jun meant just now was originally proposed by me."

Anya's words once again made Feng Peng feel like he was about to crash.

What exactly is going on? What does Anya mean? How much does this mean? !

"Mr. Feng Peng Police Officer, I know you can't believe this, but if you stay here, let those gangsters see it, maybe they will notice it. So..."

Feng Peng's mind was buzzing, and his heart was not in a good mood at all.

"Damn it, Anya, you stinky woman, it's fine if you don't know what's good. How dare you let me go like this, hmph! No matter how famous you are, you're just a woman!"

Feng Peng was furious and looked at Anya, becoming very unfriendly.

"Miss Anya, I think you made a mistake. I'm here to arrest fugitives, so no matter what, I can't leave."

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if I left like this? If he didn't have a face, wouldn't he even lose the face of the Feng family?

So no matter what, Feng Peng planned not to leave by himself.


"Miss Anya, please don't interfere with my case."

Seeing Anya's slightly warm and angry appearance, Feng Peng suddenly felt a sense of comfort in his heart. Don't you just don't want me to stay here, so I just stay here, what can you do with me?

Hmph, do you have a solution? That's a gangster, I don't necessarily have a solution, what can you do? Don't you have to rely on me later.

Feng Peng thought so, turned around at the same time, and walked to the side. He will not continue to stay in front of Anya and suffer Anya's anger for nothing.

"Who is it? I really don't have any vision."

Anya stomped her feet angrily, she was very annoyed, why did such a person appear.


But at this moment, Anya's cell phone rang.

"Honey, I've already arrived downstairs~"

Inside the phone, a nice woman's voice came. And downstairs, a huge luxury bus also stopped steadily...

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