Super Scientist

Chapter 98: Rush

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It had long been known that western reporters would not fart well, but did not expect that even such a big stinky fart, Ye Chen was very upset. Do n’t you speak so directly, okay? Will you save us some face, will you die?

Song Hongyu's face darkened, and a faint touch of sharpness flickered in his eyes, then disappeared. He is an old-fashioned man, and he sees too much of this kind of Western derogation.

This is enough to save people ’s face, John is not finished, and he will continue to fart: "Photon chips, such cutting-edge technologies that exist only in concepts, cannot even be made by our great and powerful United States. Impossible. "

For a long time, it turned out that the United States was incompetent. In the eyes of arrogant Americans, the heavenly courts were as incompetent as the United States. This is all **** logic.

Western reporters nodded energetically and agreed with this statement.

In the eyes of Westerners, they are the best and the most powerful. They are almost as close to God as they are omnipotent. Tianchao people are far inferior to them, no matter what achievements Tianchao made, it will not work. If they can't compare, accuse Tianchao of their copycats, or accuse Tianchao of sending spies to steal their secrets.

Ye Chen knew that Yankees were arrogant and arrogant. Now they have witnessed it firsthand. It is considered arrogance and arrogance.

"This American friend, your accusation is unreasonable. I can tell you very responsibly that we do things in a rigorous scientific manner and stand the test of time." Although Song Hongyu was angry, he was not angry. Still answering the question with a smile.

Ye Chen rolled her eyes, and Song Hongyu was really right. Although your answer was quite satisfactory and impeccable, it was too weak and soft. What kind of kindness is this kind of arrogant Yankee? Fight back fiercely.

"This American friend, I can answer your question." Ye Chen took the conversation.

Song Hongyu was startled, busy yelling at Ye Chen, asking Ye Chenmo to speak. There is a saying that "a lot of words must be lost", especially when answering a reporter's question.

Ye Chen shook her head slightly. Song Hongyu looked in his eyes and knew that Ye Chen was so ironed that he wanted to speak. He had to sigh in his heart. He was still too young to know the danger of the press conference.

"Once the situation is not right, I will take it over." Song Hongyu had to be prepared.

"Oh, Mr. Ye, do you want to admit that you cheated?" John came in spirit.

An old man like Song Hongyu, he may not get the inside story, but Ye Chen is very young, and it must be very easy to get the inside story from Ye Chen's mouth.

Not only did he think so, but even western journalists.

Some reporters in the Tianchao were worried about Ye Chen, all frowning. Ye Chen was still too young to breathe.

"Mr. John, I want to tell you two things. First, you have a typical Western mindset. You Westerners always think they can't afford to be arrogant and arrogant. We can't do things that you can't do. What I want to tell you is that our dynasty is a wise nation. With a long history and brilliant civilization, we can create miracles! "Ye Chenshen said.


Tianchao reporters applauded vigorously. Ye Chen said this well. We in Tianchao have created too many miracles in history. Now, we are still creating miracles.

Song Hongyu listened in his ears, and was in his heart. Ye Chen was terrific, and his words were sharp and impeccable. It seemed that he was worried in vain.

As soon as John was stunned, he thought Ye Chen was going to argue with him. In that case, he would have the upper hand, and he could dig out more inside information. He never expected that Ye Chen would not give him any chance.

The Western Chronicles, like John, were stunned.

"The second point I want to tell you is: What the United States can't do, we may not be able to do it in heaven." Ye Chen's face was very serious and he said loudly.

John was very unconvinced and said, "Mr. Ye, please forgive me. I don't agree with you. Everyone on the planet knows that we are the most technologically advanced country in the United States. Wait, what did you invent?

Western reporters all wear a pair of pants, and take the lead of the United States as a leader. They agree with this and nodded.

The Tianchao reporter is very angry. The United States has invented many things, but it can't be so arrogant and humble enough to die?

Song Hongyu's brow frowned. This question is too sharp to answer, can Ye Chen cope?

"Mr. John, the United States has indeed invented many high-tech products, but the United States is not omnipotent. There are many things that the United States cannot do. You may be very unconvinced. Well, let me say, two thousand years ago, Our ancestors built the Great Wall. Where are your ancestors? What are you doing? "Ye Chen's words were sharp.


As soon as Ye Chen's words came to an end, he fry.

"That's a good word!" A good cry sounded, from the mouth of the reporter from Tianchao. They were not only applauding, they were clapping hard.

Song Hongyu first stunned, and then he was overjoyed. This Ye Chen was terrific. This counterattack was too good, hitting the soft underbelly of the United States.

"This ..." John froze, his face flushed.

The United States is a country established by immigrants. It has a history of more than two hundred years. Where did the United States come from more than two thousand years ago? Their ancestors don't know where, what else can they do?

"I'm talking about now, not history." John panicked and got off the subject.

Can the 200-year history of the United States be comparable to the 5,000-year history of the heavenly dynasty? When it comes to the history of the dynasty, Americans will be in circles. It is difficult for them to believe that the dynasty has 5,000 years of history.

A very famous American company, the boss will visit Tianchao in the Spring Festival of 2003, and ask the Tianchao branch to arrange a trip. The company responsible for the Tianchao branch was a Tianchao and refused to arrange for him. The old man is not happy, and the person in charge of the branch company said that you are still a cadre of the company, don't you know? My trip was scheduled two years ago.

The person in charge of the branch responded to him and said, "Boss, I know your work is very busy and the schedule has been arranged long ago, but you know what? The Spring Festival of the Heavenly Kingdom was arranged 5,000 years ago.

The Yankee was stunned at that time, and later learned the importance of the Spring Festival to the people of the dynasty, and had to adjust the itinerary.

This story illustrates very well that history is a weak point for the United States. Once it involves history, Yankees will panic.

"Okay! I'll meet your requirements and talk to you now." Ye Chen readily agreed to talk with John now.

"Mr. Ye, I tell you, we in the United States are the most powerful country in the world, and we cannot do without us." John now thinks that the United States is omnipotent.

"Everyone on the planet knows that our country has been undergoing rapid economic growth for nearly 40 years since the beginning of reform and opening up. Can the United States do this?" Ye Chen asked with a slight smile.

"This ..." John froze.

"You have nothing to say, do you? I'd like to help you. In the 1990s, the U.S. economy continued to grow for several years and was praised as the 'Booming 1990s'. Clinton was praised as the United States for this. One of the most accomplished presidents in history. The time for economic growth that has been so acclaimed by you in the United States, but only a few years. Can it be compared with the rapid growth of our country for forty years? "Ye Chen grinned and asked loudly.

With regard to the continuous economic growth of our country, Western countries are always fading us, thinking that our rapid growth is unsustainable, and it will take a long time for the economy to decline, because Western countries cannot achieve such a long and sustained high speed. growth of. The economy of Western countries always grows for a few years, and then the economy declines, unemployment and economic crisis occur.

Therefore, western countries think that the heavenly dynasty should be the same as them.

However, the reality is that the dynasty's economy has grown rapidly and continuously for almost forty years, which is a miracle.

"That's a good thing! That's a good thing!" Tianchao reporters applauded in unison and applauded hard.

Western journalists' faces were ugly, and John's face was even uglier. After a long while, he was underpowered: "I'm talking about technology, not economics."

Ye Chen chilled and taunted: "Mr. John, if the United States can compare with our country in terms of sustained economic growth, you will be proud of it, will you let it go, right?"

This is the ethics of Yankees. If you can beat them, step on people.

John's face was so blue that Ye Chen was so shameless that he couldn't keep his face up.

The Tianchao reporter thought this was a funny thing. Ye Chen was really powerful. He repeatedly poked on Americans' soft threats. It was so cool.

Song Hongyu gave Ye Chen a thumbs up. He was an official who couldn't say this. Ye Chen said it out of relief.

"You want to talk about technology, right? OK, I'll talk about technology with you." Ye Chenyun said lightly.

"When it comes to technology, everyone on the planet knows that we are the best in the United States and the largest exporter of high technology." John was arrogant and proud.

The United States is indeed a high-tech country. High-tech exports have always been the head of the United States, and it is world-famous. This question is really hard to answer, and Song Hongyu frowned.

"Not long ago, our country put a quantum satellite into the sky, did you do it in the United States?" Ye Chenzhi asked.


Fryer again.

This happened only a short while ago, and it was a major event that caused a sensation in the world. In the past, such a trend-setting thing was generally done by western countries headed by the United States, but this time, it was the first to do so.

This is a major event that makes Tianchao proud. Tianchao reporters are very happy, laughing, and constantly boasting that Ye Chen is terrific. This counterattack is powerful.

"There are two important branches of quantum technology, one is quantum communication, and the other is quantum computer. Compared to the two, quantum computer is more important. We in the United States are studying quantum computer and have made major breakthroughs." John insisted.

"Mr. John, you are acknowledging that the United States is not omnipotent or even incompetent. Although there are two important branches of quantum technology, we cannot say which one is more important. In fact, both are important and each has its usefulness. You, the United States, have only chosen Quantum computers, the abandonment of quantum communication, can only show that the United States lacks strength and cannot do both. But in our country, both have chosen and both have made major breakthroughs. "Ye Chen smiled and said.


As soon as Ye Chen's words came to an end, warm applause rang out. This time, not only the reporters from the North Dynasty were applauding, but also many reporters from the West.

Quantum technology is cutting-edge technology. Quantum communication and quantum computers are very important. The United States chooses a quantum computer, which shows that the United States has insufficient power and can only choose one. If you have the strength, you can study both in the United States.

This poked John's pain again, choked, and sat down angrily.

Song Hongyu was very appreciative of Ye Chen. The words were too powerful, and he ordered another western reporter.

"Mr. Song, hello. Mr. Ye, hello. I am Brown, a reporter for The New York Times, and I would like to remind you that Bell Labs has produced A photon, we in the United States are ahead of you in photon technology, and go further. "Brown proudly said.

Really shameless, I'm here again.

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