Super Scientist

Chapter 47: Are you qualified?

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It's all these ages, and domestic products have gone global. Some people say that domestic products are not good. Ye Chen thought he had something wrong with his ears, and he heard it wrong.

"I said that the domestic products are not good. What's wrong with this?" The sales staff took it for granted.

"What qualifications do you have to say that?" Ye Chen was a little angry.

MIDEINTIANCHAO has become world-famous, and has gone global. He even said that domestic products are not good. It is so taken for granted that Ye Chen had to be annoyed.

"I just said, huh? Buying domestic products requires identity and status. Who buys domestic products these days?" The salesman looked at Ye Chen squintingly and said sarcastically, "You wear a store to buy goods, you buy Can it afford it? "

Ye Chen was a little speechless, and was a messy mess. Ye Chen was going to buy a good car first, and then buy clothes. Otherwise, it would be so uncomfortable to carry a lot of clothes to buy a car. I didn't expect anyone to say that.

"I'm stuck on the ground to spread the goods? It's hindering you? Is there any law that prohibits spreading the goods on the ground?" Ye Chen's tone was very severe, and a pair of eyes stared at the salesman.

A series of questions left the sales staff speechless.

"Besides, who said that buying domestic products has no status? You look at you, and you are not wearing domestic products? Your compliance, your shoes, your socks, which is not a domestic product?" Ye Chen was a salesperson. With a sweep of his body, he was covered with domestic products.

Wearing domestic products and saying that domestic products are not good, isn't this hitting your own face? The sales staff couldn't argue with it.

"It's not that domestic products are not good, because you sell domestic products and you don't make much foreign products." Ye Chen directly core said, "The quality of foreign products may not be better than domestic products, but foreign products must be more expensive than domestic products. In addition to tariffs, there are foreigners. Utilizing the psychology of Chinese people who like foreign goods, we keep raising prices and treat us as a big injustice. Then there are you black-hearted traitors, colluding with foreigners, pitting yourself, and you want to sell one million for half a million. I Are you right? "

The reason why foreign goods are so expensive is that in addition to tariffs, there are all kinds of pits. Foreigners pit Chinese people, and Chinese people pit Chinese people.

"And you are also a domestically produced person, okay? If you like foreign goods so much, you can find a foreign godfather to return you to the stove." Ye Chen is very uncomfortable with such people, and has no mercy.

"Can you be like this? It looks like an angry youth." The salesman was so angry that he couldn't refute, and could only blame Ye Chen.

"I'm angry young, stunned? Do you have an opinion? You bite me." Although the salesman was accused, he was really right. Ye Chen was an angry young, especially unhappy with such foreigners.

Once Ye Chen entered a state of anger and youth, it was very unreasonable, and he spoke very aggressively and outrageously.

"I'm not waiting." The salesperson almost vomited blood and left.

Ye Chen didn't like this shop. He turned around and left. A beautiful saleswoman came quickly and said, "Sir, please wait."

"No." Ye Chen thought that this store was so degrading domestic products, there must be nothing good, so go look elsewhere.

"Sir, not everyone is not optimistic about domestic products. How many foreign products are not MIDEINTIANCHAO? The difference between domestic and foreign products is only one brand. Domestic products are not necessarily worse than foreign products, or even better." The saleswoman was busy.

"That's right." Ye Chen agreed with this statement.

Then, Ye Chen disparaged the Chinese who wore color-changing glasses and said, "I do n’t know what is good about foreign goods? Every time, there is a quality problem with foreign goods, and there is no share of us if we want to recall them. In this way, the mobile phone of the stick is also the same. The battery of the stick phone has a problem. It has exploded dozens of times around the world. There was no country when we recalled it. Many people want to cheer on their cold ass? This is uncomfortable. "

"Hehe, sir is right, I think so too. The things in my house are domestic goods, not foreign goods. Not entirely right, the chips of mobile phones and computer chips are foreign goods because our country cannot produce them." The salesman also took out his cell phone to Ye Chen and said, "Look, my cell phone is a domestic product."

Ye Chen looked at it, it was really a domestic product, and she really liked this female salesperson and said, "I really don't see it, you also support domestic products. How many women now support domestic products?"

"The quality of domestic products is not bad, and the service is good. They also serve soil and water. Why not use domestic products?" Said the saleswoman.

"Yes," Ye Chen agreed.

"My name is Luo Yuanyuan." The saleswoman reached out to Ye Chen.

"My name is Ye Chen." Ye Chen shook hands with her.

"Mr. Ye, there are a lot of domestic cars in our store. I'll take you to see them." Luo Yuanyuan said.

"Okay." Ye Chen nodded gladly.

Luo Yuanyuan took Ye Chen around the shop. Most of the stores are imported cars, and there are also domestic cars, but the number is not large, making Ye Chen very dissatisfied.

"Mr. Ye, do you like it?" Luo Yuanyuan asked Ye Chen without a word.

"Not very satisfied. Is there anything else?" Ye Chen asked.

"The other one is a bit expensive." Luo Yuanyuan hesitated.

"Don't worry about the price, as long as I'm satisfied, we can discuss it." Ye Chen knew that he was dressed to spread the goods to buy a car, and Luo Yuanyuan could stay with him for so long.

"All right. Mr. Ye, please follow me." Luo Yuanyuan led Ye Chen straight to an inconspicuous corner.

Ye Chen saw a domineering off-road vehicle all the time, his eyes lit up, and he said, "The warrior? Yes, yes, that's it."

The warrior is a nobleman in domestic cars. Moreover, it has superior off-road performance and is not worse than the American Hummer. Many people like it.

"Mr. Ye, do you want to try?" Luo Yuanyuan was a little surprised. Although the warrior is good, the price is not low. More than 800,000 people said that Ye Chen didn't care at all. It seems that he really has the money to buy a car. That's all right, her commission will be a lot.

"It must be." Ye Chen certainly wanted to test drive.

Luo Yuanyuan opened the door of the car, Ye Chen sat in, started the warrior, and started a test drive. It feels so cool, it is definitely not worse than foreign goods.

"Very good! Who said that domestic goods are not good? I won't kill him!" Ye Chen thought of the salesman who was outside Chongyangmei, and was a little angry and angrily.

"There are still many good things about domestic products, but our Chinese people always think that domestic products are not as good as foreign products." Luo Yuanyuan said.

After trying for a while, Ye Chen clapped and wanted this one. After some bargaining, I bought it for 780,000 yuan. The certificate, of course, was helped by the store.

Ye Chen drove away and then bought some clothes. These clothes are a set of several hundred pieces. Under the current economic conditions, ordinary people can afford to wear them. Ye Chen's clothes have finally returned to normal levels.

Ye Chen is not an enthusiast, but he is also a car lover. When he buys a good car, he never has the heart to experiment again. He keeps sliding on Saturday and Sunday, and is happy to die.

On Monday, I came to the center and went to school with Zhuang Lao. Today is the day of Associate Professor Ye Chenping.

At the school, Zhuang Lao left something, Ye Chen stayed alone.

Just when he met Liu Zhongze, when he saw Ye Chen's face, his eyes were about to spit fire, and he rushed to Ye Chen and said, "I'm with the surnamed Ye, you can't even think of being an associate professor."

Many teachers looked at Ye Chen, shook their heads and sighed, regretting Ye Chen. This Ye Chen is really true. On the first day, he came to work, causing the vice principal Liu Zhongze to be upset. Can Ye Chen have a good life?

"Are you qualified?" Ye Chen didn't care, and fluttered in return.

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