Super Scientist

Chapter 27: Fengzhou Machine Tool Factory for help

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The light brain is too high, it will promote the great progress of human society, once Ye Chen's mastery of this technology is exposed, it will be very unfavorable to Ye Chen.

If he could grab the light brain technology from Ye Chen, the word "profiteering" would not be able to describe its huge gains. In the face of such huge profits, how many can be indifferent?

Although Zhuang is a respectable predecessor, and his character has nothing to say, in the face of such huge profits, who dares to guarantee that he will not change his mind? Once he moved his wry mind, and based on his foundation as an academician, to deal with Ye Chen, Ye Chen really did not have any resistance and could not help Ye Chen not to be afraid.

"What to do? What to do?" Ye Chen was so anxious that she cried, turning her head and trying to find a solution.

"With your technology, you can find a well-paid job no matter where you are, but you come to our center. As long as a basic salary of 10,000 yuan, I thought you loved our center. Now, I found the laboratory raw materials A lot less, I finally understand why you came to work in our center. Do you want to borrow the equipment from our laboratory for private work? "Zhuang Lao's eyes were deep, as if he could penetrate people's hearts.

Ye Chen was seen with numbness in her scalp, could you not be so shrewd. What's this called? By the way, this is old and sophisticated, and in front of him is an old monster.

This matter must not be acknowledged or killed. Ye Chen secretly warned himself in his heart, saying calmly: "Zhuang Lao, why do you think so? People like me can find a basic salary of tens of thousands That ’s a good job. That ’s what you want. How hard it is to find a job now, Zhuanglao knows. "

"It's hard to find a job, it depends on who it is. For those who do not have outstanding business capabilities, it is difficult to find. For an excellent technical elite like you, then another thing, there will be people asking you to go Working. "Zhuang Lao looked at Ye Chen with a smile.

"Zhuang Lao, what are you going to do? I'll tell you that I'm normal, I'm not interested in men, and I'm even less interested in older men." Ye Chen was embarrassed.

"Don't you give me Gu Gu, this set is not useful to me." What kind of person is Zhuang Lao, what kind of strong wind and waves have not experienced, how can I be fooled by Ye Chen, "So, people like you Come to work in our center, there must be a purpose. Now, I am sure, you are directed at our equipment, you are doing private work, I am not right? "

Can't you hold back Qingshan and not relax? Are you mentally dying?

Ye Chen would not admit that he killed him, and firmly denied: "Zhuang Lao, your associativity is too rich. I see that you have such a rich associativity, and it is a waste of talent to not become a writer."

"Slap." Zhuang Lao patted his right hand on the desk again.

The old guy was going to get angry, Ye Chen sank straight down, he was so determined to deal with me.

"Xiaoye, you are a real person. Doing private work is like being a thief, are you? As long as you want to do private work, just tell me, you just want to do it." Zhuang Lao laughed suddenly. .

This? Ye Chen only felt that this transition was too fast. Last moment, he was still worried that Zhuang Lao would be bad for him. Now Zhuang always supports him unconditionally, allowing him to do bright and private work.

"Haha." Zhuang Lao looked at Ye Chen in surprise, with a mischievous expression, smiling very happy, and said, "Scared? I just want to see your scared expression What is it like? Yes, it's wonderful. "

Ye Chen couldn't wait to hit him with a punch on Zhuanglao's old face. I was almost scared of a heart attack by you. You turned out to be happy, your grandpa's egg.

"Xiaoye, you are worried that I will take away your research results, right? You think too much, my lower limit is not so low, and my morals have not fallen to the ground. Do you think I am old and do n’t know the network language? Let me tell you, I know no less than you, the lower limit of martial arts, I know all. "Zhuang Lao pointed at Ye Chen with a smile.

It can be seen that although Zhuang is older, he is very open-minded and good at accepting new things.

Ye Chen really had this meaning, was exposed by Zhuang Lao, smiled, it was admitted.

"You tell me, what are you studying?" Zhuang Lao leaned forward, his eyes shining, looking at Ye Chen, asking curiously.

"I study quantum computers." Ye Chen certainly wouldn't tell the truth, nonsense.

"Come less." Zhuang Lao's face sank, and he said, "You think I'm so confused? Quantum computers don't have the power of a country, can you do it alone? Even if you are Einstein's reincarnation, top For eggs. "

Quantum computers are taller than the light brain, but now they only exist in concepts and are farther away from us than the light brain. For this kind of cutting-edge technology, even if it gathers the power of one country, it may not be able to come out.

For example, in the United States, a major breakthrough in quantum computers was announced in order to compete with TC. However, the language is unknown, and no one can say for sure whether a breakthrough has actually been achieved. This shows how difficult the quantum computer is, and Zhuang Lao will certainly not believe it.

"Okay, okay, your old man's eyes are like a torch, he's clear-sighted, and he can see thousands of miles. My little secret has made you see through. I'll confess my confession, okay? I'm studying silicon photonic technology." Ye Chen asked for a reason.

"Silicon photon technology?" Zhuang Lao's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he suddenly stood up: "Really?"

"You believe it?" You can see that Zhuang Lao already believed, Ye Chen thought it was too much. He researched a photonic technology that is even higher than silicon photonic technology, and created a photobrain. How can silicon photonic technology compare?

"This is reliable." Zhuang Lao nodded and said, "Our laboratory is set up to study silicon photonic chips. Although it has not been fully set up yet, our equipment is all in place. You study silicon photonic technology. I believe."

So fooled! Let your old man be sly, no, you must be deceived by me if you grow old. Ye Chen was a little smug.

"Xiaoye, how are you progressing? Quickly, tell me." Zhuang Lao leaned forward, suddenly grasped Ye Chen's hand, said with all his strength, his eyes were full of expectations.

Ye Chen was a little speechless and said, "Zhuang Lao, you ca n’t really believe it? Silicon photonic technology is so difficult. The world is studying it. No one has made a breakthrough yet. What can I do alone?"

Silicon photonic technology lies between silicon technology and photonic technology and is one of the hot technologies today. To study silicon photonics technology, you need a team, and one person is not very useful.

"Xiaoye, if anyone else, I would definitely not believe it. But you, I have to believe. The results of cloud computing, so many of our top experts have not found those loopholes, but you have found them, I have to admit that you are me The most gifted person I have ever seen. "Zhuang Lao praised him very well." Furthermore, there is a kind of cattleman who has not done anything for many years. An accidentally made thing will scare people. The Terminator that is popular all over the world "Isn't it just because of a dream of Cameron? You are such a bull."

Terminator's worldwide film series was caused by Cameron having a nightmare in which he was hunted down by robots. After waking up, he wrote the script and made it into a movie, and this sci-fi masterpiece was sought after by countless people.

The more he got in touch with Zhuang Lao, the more he let Ye Chen feel. Don't look at Zhuang Lao's age, but he is very open-minded and good at accepting new things.

"Okay, some progress." For Ye Chen, who has mastered photo-brain technology, silicon photonic technology is not a big deal. I found some and told Zhuang Lao.

"Okay! Xiaoye, I really have you!" Zhuang Lao became more and more happy, patting Ye Chen's shoulder, and said, "Xiaoye, laboratory, you can use it with confidence. Tell me what you need, even if you don't Yes, I will definitely get it for you, even if it costs more money. "

Ye Chen listened warmly, and Zhuang Lao supported him unconditionally.

"Also, please rest assured that the technology you developed, this patent is yours, I will not ask for it. If anyone dares to fight your patent idea, I will help you solve it." Zhuang Laoqiang waved, Ye Chen was given a promise.

Ye Chen's admiration for Zhuang Lao appeared spontaneously, saying, "Zhuang Lao, this is one of the most popular technologies now, silicon photonic technology."

"So what? I'm so old that I can't rob you of my achievements with a cheeky face? Didn't I tell you, my rituals did not fall to the ground." Zhuang Lao smiled happily and said: If you can write my name on the list of thanks, and let me touch it too, I will be a little bit anonymous, and I will be satisfied. "

If Ye Chen breaks through the silicon photonics technology and can write the name of Zhuang Lao, it will make Zhuang Lao and have honor.

If this is the case, it must be written on the old man's side, this selflessness, this broad mind is heartbreaking.

"It's all settled like this. What you want to do is let go of it, everything is mine." Zhuang Lao finally said, "I almost forgot to tell you about a business trip next Monday."

"A business trip?" Ye Chen was surprised, and said, "Where do you travel?"

"Not far, Fengzhou Machine Tool Plant." Zhuang Laodao.

"What?" Fengzhou Machine Tool Factory is located in Fengzhou, not far from the center, but they are making machine tools and cannot hit the center with eight poles. Ye Chen doesn't understand something.

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