Chapter 51 I’d rather cry on the best BMW

Ten thousand horses galloping, how spectacular.

The horse farm of the East Valley Logging Farm is very, very, very large. The whole area of ​​the town near the eastern mountainous area is a horse farm, and countless horses gallop in the horse farm.

“Warriors of the Alliance, do you want to buy a horse?”

“How much?”

“We have premium BMWs, premium horses, medium horses and inferior horses here, premium BMW 1000 gold, premium horse 100 gold, medium horse 50 gold, and inferior horse 10 gold.”

“Boss, look at my bones, how much money can I sell?”

“This guest, you are really joking.”

“Boss, you made a joke with me first.”

Li Yunze and his party came to the racecourse and happened to encounter players asking about the price of the mount. Every player who had asked about the price left in a curse.

“1000 gold, this horse farm kills people.”

There was a 20 or 30 silver runaway barbecued pork bag, thinking that he was very rich. After learning that the cheapest mount cost 10 gold, he shot the owner of the racecourse with an arrow and saved the innocent horse.

After reading the price of horses on the racecourse, Li Yunze said: “1000 gold horses can’t be bought now, they need advanced riding skills.”

There are riding trainers on the racecourse, who can learn basic riding, intermediate riding, and advanced riding.

Compared with the high price of mounts, the price of learning riding is very close to the people. After all, only when you learn how to ride will you have the desire to buy a mount, and when you learn how to ride, you will do everything you can to get money for the purchase of the mount.

Beginner riding skills require level 10, the price is 10 silver, and can be used to control medium horses.

Inferior horses sell for 10 gold, and can increase their movement speed by 100% after being ridden.

A medium horse costs 50 gold and can increase its movement speed by 120% after being ridden.

Intermediate riding requires level 20, and the price is 1 gold. It can drive upper, middle and lower horses.

The premium horse sells for 100 gold and can increase its movement speed by 150% after being ridden.

Advanced riding skills require level 30, the price is 10 gold, and have the qualification to drive the best BMW.

The premium BMW is priced at 1,000 gold and can increase its movement speed by 200% after being mounted. It is the best mount in the current version and a symbol of local tyrants.

“You don’t even have a BMW, you want to chase me?”

The high price of the best BMW has become the top luxury of the current version of the game, and the value is equivalent to the real Penguin Speed.

“I would rather cry on the best BMW than laugh at the next moment.”

In the near future, this sentence will become a popular saying. The first player to say this sentence comes from the Guns and Roses Guild.

Smile all year round: “1000 gold, it’s not enough to pack and sell us all.”

Runaway Barbecue Bao said: “It’s not enough to sell the entire game player.”

Li Yunze corrected: “There are 3 billion players in the entire game, and 10,000 copper coins are equal to 1 gold. Assuming that each player gives you 1 copper coin, you can get 300,000 gold.”

The number of game players is huge. At this stage, the integration of all player game coins together will be a very scary value.

The funds owned by those big guilds can be said to be very huge, because they can use federal currency to buy game currency.

It is precisely because of this that Li Yunze would want to establish an own force, without a force relying on the strength of one person, it is impossible to beat Yun Tian under the wind.

Runaway Barbecued Pork Buns eyes light up: “If everyone mails me 1 bronze, I can become the best BMW male and reach the pinnacle of life.”

Chun couldn’t help pouring cold water: “To receive an email per second, 3 billion emails, you need 34722.22222…days.”

The disillusioned runaway barbecued pork is discouraged.

Li Yunze smiled and said: “You can receive emails with one click, and you can complete them in one second. And there are amethyst coins in the game. After receiving the email, the master brain will automatically change you to amethyst coins.”

100 gold coins are equal to 1 amethyst coin, which is the highest value currency in the current version of the game.

Runaway Barbecued Pork Buns regained youth: “Haha, I thought of a great career that would allow me to reach the pinnacle of my life. I set up a Runaway Love Club and let everyone send 1 copper coin to me by mail. I believe this world has it. I love a lot of players.”


Li Yunze reminded: “Barbecued pork, be cautious in your words and deeds.”

Baizou Barbecued Pork realized that he had said something wrong and shrugged his head and dared not speak any more.

Qiu has no interest in becoming a prince charming, she likes the feeling of riding a griffon: “Why is there no flying mount?”

Qiu’s words made everyone excited, yes, why didn’t you sell flying mounts.

The owner of the racecourse seemed to know that they would ask, and answered: “Master riding is required to ride a flying mount. East Valley Lumbering Ground does not have a Master riding trainer.”

The others were disappointed. Li Yunze smiled slightly. Only he knew that the Master riding and flying mounts will not be available in the current version, and will be available in subsequent versions.

It is reasonable not to open flying mounts at this stage. The main idea is to let players familiarize themselves with the world of Azeroth by running maps. If there is a flying mount now, the design of the wagon point and the griffon point will become meaningless.

“Level 10, can you really get 10 gold coins by relying on your own efforts?” They asked questions throughout the year. They belonged to the leading wave of players, and they didn’t even have 1 gold coins on a single player.

Li Yunze said: “It’s difficult, so the players that can buy mounts at level 10 are all gold coins purchased with federal coins. For mounts to become popular, it is estimated that they will have to wait until level 20. At that time, most players should be able to save enough money to buy them. Wait for the horse.”

If you don’t buy a mount, you don’t know you’re poor.

Runaway Barbecue Bao was discouraged and said, “My Prince Charming dream is broken.”

Li Yunze said: “If you want to buy a mount at level 10, it’s actually not difficult, at least for us.”

He opened his eyes all the year round, touched his bald head and asked, “Brother, are you planning to take us to rob, the bank in the city?”

There are banks in cities and towns. You can spend money to buy safes, and you can store things you can’t fit in your body in the bank. Banks in all towns in this camp are interoperable, which are actually warehouses for other games.

There are banks and auction houses naturally. Auction houses sell things and charge a certain amount of deposit based on the price of the goods on the shelves. The auctioned items are unsold and canceled for sale, and the deposit is confiscated, which can prevent some players from disorderly listing items and disrupting the auction order.

The security deposit will be returned for successful items sold through the auction house, but a 5% handling fee needs to be deducted.

The 5% handling fee is dark and very dark, so at this stage, players would rather set up a stall to sell things than put things on auction houses.

Like banks, all auction houses in this camp are interoperable, and high-value items can be sold at higher prices if they are hung on the auction house.

In some goblin neutral cities, there are also neutral auction houses that can trade across factions. However, neutral auction houses need to pay a higher margin, and a 10% handling fee will be deducted for successful transactions.

Goblin, everyone knows, the creed is-time is money, my friend, rich is a friend, if you have no money, please get out.

Li Yunze said: “We will be upgraded to level 8 early, play level 8 difficult dungeons once a day, brush a little more silver equipment, materials, and rare skill books to sell, and soon we will earn money to buy mounts.”

Level 8 difficult dungeons have a chance to produce level 10 silver quality equipment, which is absolutely priceless. If you take level 10 silver quality equipment to the auction house, it will be robbed by major guilds. Blue Star has more wealthy people than you think. With 3 billion people online at the same time, leading equipment can create higher benefits.

“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up to level 8, let’s play a level 8 dungeon.”

Not all silver equipment can be equipped by everyone, and silver equipment that you don’t need can be sold.

The temptation of silver equipment and mounts is too great, Li Yunze and others no longer waste time on the racecourse.

First go to the hotel to bind the hearthstone, then communicate with the NPCs in the East Valley Logging Ground to receive the task, leave the town, do the task, and upgrade the monsters.

Not surprisingly, everyone can reach level 8 within a day and a half and go to the level 8 copy of the northern part of the East Valley Logging Ground-Shibei Lake.

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