Super Mothership

Chapter 780 Those who believe in me will have eternal life

"Super Mothership ()"

This is undoubtedly a very bold idea. Nie Yun claims that 007 is right, and the occasional guest appearance as Jing Ke is not a big problem...

The benefits of killing the second prince are obvious. The biggest forces coveting the vector engine will no longer have time to worry about the Shattered Star Domain and the vector engine, and Nie Yun will remove a big enemy.

The disadvantages are not without. For example, without the second prince, there are still seven princes, and the fourth prince and the eighth prince camp are also eyeing the treasures in their hands, and sooner or later they will have to deal with this big family.

And without the second prince, the biggest unsettling factor within the Woolf Empire, maybe the current emperor can take the opportunity to take back the power of the fall, which will help the Woolf Empire instead.

What's more, Nie Yun didn't believe that the second prince dared to show up in such a place, there would be no strict security measures, maybe this was just a stand-in?

In addition, I don't know if it was Nie Yun's illusion, he always felt that there was a faint mental wave coming from the direction of the huge statue in front of him.

"This so-called holy place is a little weird..."

Just when Nie Yun was weighing whether or not to take action, the second prince had already finished his pretense and ascended to the altar under the fanatical gazes of the secret guards.

"Shu!" With a flick of the black robe, the second prince turned around, looking down at the thousands of secret guards with his eyes like a torch, and the huge statue behind him shone under the special light.

"My Lord!" "My Lord!" "My Lord!" "My Lord!"

The next moment, the sound resounded throughout the square.

"Followers, I like your cheers!" The second prince spread his arms, his face intoxicated.

"The world is full of lies and deceit, and the ignorant and weak use arrogance and prejudice to speculate on others, stupid and pathetic.

Humans are born with original sin. Only by taking refuge in the dark gods and believing in me can you achieve long-term peace and eternal happiness, and use the purest darkness in the world to wash away your sins. "

Hearing this, Nie Yun pouted in disdain.

This brainwashing slogan isn't very good, it's still God's set.

God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

"Now, remove your masks to resist the filth of the outside world. God will return your hearts to the original source of purity and wash away all the dirt in the world!"

Without any hesitation, the secret guards immediately removed the masks on their faces, revealing their true faces.

Nie Yun didn't miss this opportunity to gather intelligence, he quickly scanned around, and scanned the faces that were close within his field of vision into the database.

It took 0.1 seconds to compare, and I was immediately surprised to find that there were four or five "celebrities" among them.

Nie Yun's database has collected a lot of news from various media in the Woolf Empire. In the information age, these news alone can cover more than 99% of the prominent figures.

These "celebrities" came from all walks of life, including military major generals, business elites, and political rookies.

It's just that these few people who can be counted in front of them represent a huge force that cannot be underestimated, and these people are actually only a small part of the secret guard group!

If you count the strength of the opponent's face...

Nie Yun felt that he still underestimated the power of the second prince.

No wonder people can compete with their own father in court. If the two sides really tear their faces and set up a battle, I am afraid that the emperor of the empire may not be able to gain the upper hand.

What made him strange was how could so many elites from all walks of life give up on the second prince? Could it be that this evil sect really has such a great demagogic power?

Shadow also took off his mask at this time, revealing a pale and handsome face.

Nie Yun swept over the shadow's appearance, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

"This is really... bad fun..."

Even though he had already seen Shadow's true face, every time he looked at it, Nie Yun would feel a chill.

If Chilong and Messiah could see the true face of the shadow in front of them, they would probably lose their temper on the spot.

Because... Shadow's appearance is exactly the same as that of the deceased eldest prince!

That's right! This shadow is exactly a clone, and it is also the clone of the eldest prince!

Killing his eldest brother with his own hands, and then getting a clone to hunt down and kill the eldest prince's old subordinates... What kind of twisted psychology does this happen?

Taking advantage of the time he was undercover, Nie Yun naturally checked Shadow's body to the bottom of the sky. Facts have proved that this guy is not only a clone, but also has obvious signs of overripening and genetic modification on his body.

Sophisticated but brutal genetic modification gives Shadow a four-dimensional attribute that is unattainable for ordinary people, so that it can control the high-speed assassin-type legendary mecha like the Shadow, but it also leaves huge hidden dangers.

Not only did Shadow need to take long-term suppressive drugs, but the body was already overwhelmed.

According to Nie Yun's analysis, Shadow's remaining lifespan is probably less than 10 years, and Shadow himself is very clear about this.

Nie Yun has determined that Shadow does not have any control methods such as "miniature brain bombs" or "brain wave shackles".

Even though he knew he was going to die, he was still loyal to the second prince who caused all these tragedies. Nie Yun could only attribute these performances of Shadow to brainwashing "basic education".

Obviously, the three views of the shadow and these secret guards have been thoroughly brainwashed by the religion of the second prince.

However, the next moment, the conclusion that Nie Yun made at the beginning was directly overturned.

Because...the statue glowed...

"Believers, accept the baptism of God, and let your heart return to your gods! Those who believe in me will have eternal life!"

The second prince opened his arms, with a dignified smile on his face, and his whole body was submerged in the black light of divine brilliance.

Nie Yun looked at the huge statue with a strange black light, and there was a storm in his heart!

What he was horrified was not the scene in front of him that seemed to be a miracle, but the huge spiritual power that came from all directions in the sense of consciousness!

This second prince... is actually a psychic!

Doesn't it mean that this guy hates psychic people? What's the situation now?

Peers against each other?

Nie Yun could feel that the second prince's own spiritual power was magnified hundreds of times by the strange statue, and then expanded to the entire square.

"Return! Surrender! Believe... Those who believe in me will have eternal life..."

Under the influence of this unknown spiritual power, Nie Yun only felt that there was a voice in his mind constantly drilling into his mind, wanting to make himself the second prince in front of him as the only god he believed in, and to worship and submit to him.

Group spirit charm? !

Looking at the group of secret guards around them with increasingly frenzied eyes and constant kowtows, as if they wanted to take out their hearts to show their loyalty, Nie Yun finally knew that he was still underestimating other people's brainwashing methods.

No wonder he couldn't even notice it, it was an invisible brainwashing at the spiritual level!

Obviously, the second prince was able to control these secret guards and make them die, not by religious brainwashing or personal charm at all, but by this kind of long-term "spiritual brainwashing"!

What is a regular pilgrimage, this is simply to worry about the loss of skill effects, so you have to pull people back to make up for a skill effect!

At this level, even Nie Yun, who claims to be a master of spiritual power, can't do it.

If Grimm's mental hypnosis is a D-level skill, what level should this sky-defying skill that can be applied to a wide range of people and can be effective for a long time be rated?

SSS class?

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