Super Mothership

Chapter 659 Endangered Wild Animals

In the face of Nie Yun's arrogant declaration, other people's brains were a little down, and before they could fully react, there was an angry roar in their ears.


Naturally, sound cannot be transmitted in the universe, but this beast-like roar turned out to be a technique with a trace of spiritual power, like a weakened version of spiritual shock.

Nie Yun looked startled and looked in the direction of the Caron fleet.

He could vaguely feel that in that direction, there was an extremely weak fluctuation of life.

It must be known that the distance between the two parties is calculated in millions of kilometers. At this distance, Nie Yun can have a weak induction. It is conceivable how strong the vitality of that existence is.

At this moment, the Caron fleet slowly separated, finally revealing the behemoth in the center of the fleet!

It was a huge cosmic creature with a huge size and a length of more than 200 kilometers.

Its shape is similar to that of cetaceans on Earth. It is covered with metal spines and fins of different sizes all over its body, and a huge mouth occupies almost half of its body.

On its body, there are many external armor and weapon systems, with obvious traces of artificial transformation.

And the strangest thing is that, on its forehead, a humanoid creature with a height of only three meters seems to be growing on it, and its lower body is completely connected to this terrifying giant beast.

The man was bald, like a little giant's version of the hairless Mrs. Wool.

On the back of his head and back, there are a large number of blood-red flocculents connected with capillaries, which is terrifying and abnormal.

"Karon! Leviathan!" Flint and several pirate group leaders looked at this huge creature with solemn expressions, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

Caron does not have a legendary mecha, but among the seven pirate leaders, he is recognized as the most powerful individual, no one!

Just because he accepted an inhuman biochemical transformation and merged with a powerful cosmic creature "Leviathan".

He is not an ordinary pirate captain, he is maverick and stands out from the crowd.

He is Karon, and he speaks for himself!

Rather than saying that he is a pirate captain, it is better to say that he is a super weapon.

According to rumors, Caron was seriously injured and half of his entire body was turned into powder. Everyone thought he was dead, but when he reappeared, he had been transformed into a Caron beast.

Since then, the Caron Pirates Group has also changed its style under the rule of Caron Beast's iron and blood.

Almost all the pirates in the pirate group have undergone similar human transformation, and it is said that those who are unwilling have already become the excrement of Karon beasts.

It is also for this reason that there are almost no normal people in the Caron Pirates, and it is a terrifying existence that all pirates talk about.

Ordinary caravans planted in other pirate groups may still have a life, but when they meet the Caron Pirates, unless they are willing to accept the transformation and join Caron, there is only one outcome, and that is to become the food of Caron beasts.

"Leviathan...a real cosmic creature?" Nie Yun carefully looked at the terrifying beast.

Leviathan is a magical cosmic creature born in the Leviathan galaxy.

Legend has it that its birth is always accompanied by the destruction of a galaxy.

The Leviathan colonies born in the galaxy will be like eating apples, first gnawing the planet they are in, and as the gravity of the parent star decreases, they gradually have the ability to get out of the planet.

It feeds on various metals and minerals. After entering the universe, it can directly devour meteorites in space. What is even more frightening is that as it ages, its size can grow almost unlimitedly by eating!

The groups that spread out from the parent star will devour the surrounding meteorites,

And search for the next planet, over and over again.

Genes endow it with ultra-high-speed evolution capabilities, allowing it to adapt to a variety of extreme environments, and quickly evolve different functional organs according to the living environment of different planets.

In order to maintain the consumption of their huge body size, they are either eating or looking for food throughout their lives.

In the end, all celestial bodies in the galaxy except a solitary star will be swallowed up.

The Leviathan will also fall into an era of mutual devotion due to food shortages.

It's like the big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats the shrimp, and the whole group is plunged into civil war.

According to rumors, the Leviathan tribe fought to the end, and the surviving one would become the king of Leviathan, with a size comparable to a planet.

And this last king, driven by hunger, will fly to the stars, and end his life tragically with the lifelong dedication of a top foodie...

"Devouring the stars? Compared with Leviathan, the self-proclaimed foodies should reflect on themselves. This should be the ultimate goal of the ultimate foodies... I don't know if the taste is spicy or not?" Nie Yun couldn't help but smash it. mouth.

Mechanical bug: "..." ( ̄へ ̄)

"Arrogant! Do you think this is the three major mechanical duchies? Just a ghost pirate group, it is enough to destroy you and me alone! I heard that you are also a strong player in the arena. If you have the courage, we will have a fair duel!

If you're afraid, you can bring your fleet with you! "

The sound of Caron's urn was transmitted to everyone's ears through the communicator, with strong confidence and obvious provocation.

Flint's eyes lit up. The effect of this trick is also too good.

He knows Cuaron's combat power, even if he only merges with a Leviathan who has just grown up, but it's not a problem to single out a small fleet.

If the two of them can be defeated, or one dead and one injured...

"I'm sorry! I refuse!" Nie Yun refused extremely quickly, and the YY of Flint had not yet transmitted to the adrenaline from the cerebral cortex.

"Haha! Scared? Where did your arrogance just now go?" Caron laughed loudly.

"Fear? I'm sorry, the word fear is not in my database at all.

It's just that you may not know that, in addition to being a pacifist, I'm also an honorary member of the Galactic Wildlife Conservation Society. "

Caron: "???"

What? Galaxy... Honorary Member of Wildlife Conservation Society?

What the hell is this title? Does it have anything to do with our duel?

"According to official statistics, Leviathan is on the verge of extinction due to excessive hunting, and is a first-class rare and protected animal in the Woolf Empire.

Leviathan is already rare in number, and even fewer like you have been combined.

Protecting rare wild animals is everyone's responsibility!

Let me do it with you, if I miss you and kill you, my conscience...will hurt! "

Caron: "..."

Everyone was stunned. It was the first time they heard that someone used "rare and endangered wild animals" to describe the extremely terrifying Caron.

Although theoretically speaking, there is nothing wrong with Nie Yun's statement. It seems that no matter how fierce the Siberian tiger is, doesn't it still belong to the cat family?

But put the two together, it looks weird.

The point is, you, a pirate, are actually talking to everyone about wildlife protection laws? And the object of protection is still a brutal super villain?

This is blatantly treating the Tigers as Hello Kitty!

provocative! **Naked counter provocation!

This time, the YY signal from Flint's cerebral cortex finally reached adrenaline, and the whole person was excited.

Everyone looked at Nie Yun's hello... er, it was "endangered wild animals".

Sure enough, Karon Beast's eyes were blood red, and the bone spurs all over his body had exploded...

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