Super Mothership

Chapter 598 Familiar opening remarks

In war, the two materials that consume the most are weapons and energy, but these two things can usually be boiled down to one thing... that is money!

Energy crystal is the "gold" of the interstellar era. No matter where you go, the local currency is USD, JPY, EUR, or soft sister coins. This is the natural interstellar currency.

"Energy crystal... How much do you need?" Girard asked after a while.

"If it's just this rescue mission...100 tons is enough!" Nie Yun thought for a while.

Don't look at 100 tons, but this is equivalent to the regular energy consumption of a thousand warships for a year. It is by no means a small number. If it is converted into Fragmentary Star Points in the city of Broken Stars, it will be at least 100 million.

The ghost pirate group is a start-up, and its foundation is too weak. If it wants to continue to grow and develop, it is naturally not enough to rely on usury loans. Nie Yun can also be regarded as pulling Gemini to invest in his own "start-up company".

We don't have much appetite, let's make him 100 million first!

Behind the black sails, there is Jinlock support, and my ghost pirate group is not bad, and directly pulled a civilization!

"100 tons?" Hearing this number, Girard couldn't help but sighed in relief.

Recently, the trading volume of energy crystal exchange on Chu Xiaoxiao's side has repeatedly hit new highs. The Gemini Council is naturally financially well-off. In addition, the threat level of the Woolf Empire has been raised to S-level, and the war materials allocated from above are also generous. , Gillard also has the confidence to spend money to eliminate disasters.

Besides, he didn't need to pay for the money, and the Victor family would naturally pay for it.

"Okay! As long as that friend of yours can rescue Beckman, we will pay for the money!" Gillard said cheerfully.

Nie Yun received a large order, and he was also smiling, and sent the coordinates of the payment directly, the location was on the periphery of the Broken Star Domain.

"This coordinate... The question and answer is not big, but things may need to be delivered to you later, this..."

The 100-ton energy crystal is small in size and easy to transport. A modified small and fast spacecraft can hold it. Because the target is extremely small, and the current wormhole at the junction between the two sides is expanding, it is not a big problem to sneak in.

But no matter how fast it is, it will take at least ten days for the money to be delivered to Nie Yun. The question is can Beckman persist for so long?

I'm afraid even the body will be cold when the money is delivered...

"Don't worry about it,

Save people first, pay later, I still have this face! "Nie Yun patted his chest.

Pay now and pay later? Gillard looked puzzled.

When he thought about it, Nie Yun was looking for nothing more than local desperados, mercenaries and other forces. Can such a role still be on credit? Your face... is it so valuable?

special! It seems that Arthas' diplomatic skill level needs to be re-evaluated...


Just when Nie Yun and Girard reached a deal, the hapless Beckman fleet was fleeing desperately...

Compared with the previous one, this Gemini super fleet has shrunk by more than half, only more than ten battleships survived, and most of them were injured and looked extremely embarrassed.

Originally, Beckman was also careful. After picking up a soft persimmon, he planned to dormant for a while to see if he could sneak behind the enemy farther from the front line, and shoot cold guns for a few days with peace of mind. Therefore, he was extremely cautious to avoid all large celestial bodies. and busy shipping lanes.

It's not as good as the sky, and he actually encountered the mobile radar of the Fifth Fleet of Kinlok in the middle.

This mobile radar is a routine patrol method of the Fifth Fleet. It uses ordinary wandering meteorites as a carrier and is equipped with a pulsed wide-area detection radar. It can release radar pulses at a fixed frequency and map the star field of the path in real time. Enemy situation, excellent concealment.

It is only necessary to launch this kind of mobile radar between two patrol stations, which can replace the functions of the patrol fleet to a certain extent, and can continue to be recycled and re-launched, which is very cost-effective.

However, although this kind of mobile radar is convenient, the patrol route can only follow a straight line and cannot change direction. As long as the interested person investigates the location of the patrol station clearly, it will basically take no effort to avoid it, so it can only be used as a routine supplement. Sexual Patrol.

Beckman was already careful enough, but he still suffered from the lack of intelligence, and unfortunately collided with the mobile radar monitoring network of the Fifth Fleet.

After being discovered, because the spacecraft number could not be recognized, it was immediately regarded as an illegal ship and triggered the alarm, which led to the encirclement and suppression of the Fifth Fleet.

Fortunately, the other party underestimated the combat effectiveness of this "small fleet". The first wave of encirclement and suppression fleets dispatched only had more than 60 warships, and then they were directly overwhelmed by the 100 Haibao-class equipped in the fleet.

The combat effectiveness of this kind of Gemini's top-level mechas is indeed quite impressive, directly crippling the Fifth Fleet's mecha troop and gaining local air dominance.

After a fierce battle, Beckman sacrificed almost all the mecha troops, and only then with only half of the remaining fleet broke through the siege, and finally escaped.

Even so, the Beckman Fleet, whose position was exposed, was still not out of danger. The commander of the Fifth Fleet, who was so embarrassed that he missed a hit, directly sent more troops and dispatched a total of more than 100 warships to besiege and intercept Beckman.

Relying on the familiar terrain and the surrounding radar network of the Fifth Fleet, they tightly bit the Beckman group.

Inside the fleet flagship at this time.

"Your Excellency Beckman, the other party's fleet is catching up again, and the fake target we released should be exposed." The adjutant hurried to report.

"So fast?" Beckman smiled bitterly, his face pale.

During this period of time, they have used all the means of escape that they can use. It will not take long before the pursuers behind them will catch up again. Now that even the bait has been used up, they are exhausted.

"We should have entered the enemy's surveillance area. If we go on like this, unless there are reinforcements, we may not be able to escape the enemy's pursuit." The adjutant said anxiously.

Now their mecha troops have been completely lost, and the remaining battleships are also heavily wounded. Once they are caught up by the opponent, the outcome can be imagined.

"Reinforcement? Ha!" Beckman smiled bitterly.

With the current battle situation over the wormhole, it is not difficult for one or two warships to come over, but if you want to send a rescue fleet... Is the Woolf Empire really your backyard?

Although he was on the brink of desperation, Beckman was an elite of Gemini, and he was not afraid and panic. After calm thinking, Beckman asked. "How long is it expected that the enemy will be able to catch up with us?"

"According to our current speed and distance, it is expected that we will enter the enemy's range in three days!" the adjutant replied.

One chase and one escape, three days is not a long time.

However, if there are ambushes encircling the front, the time to be caught up may be shorter.

After lowering his head and pondering for a long time, Beckman finally gave the order through gritted teeth. "Let all warships abandon all unnecessary weapons and materials on the spacecraft and reduce the load!"

"Your Excellency, no!" The adjutant exclaimed in surprise. "We are now behind enemy lines. If we don't have weapons and baggage, even if we are lucky enough to escape, what will we do in the future?"

"If we don't do this, we won't even be able to get through this level, so what are we talking about in the future?" Beckman said bitterly.

The adjutant was at a loss and could only execute Beckman's orders in the end.

The fleet abandoned the baggage, and the speed suddenly increased, but everyone knows that this is just drinking poison to quench thirst...

However, when the entire fleet was helpless and filled with despair, it unexpectedly received news from the "friendly army"!

"Let's escape to this coordinate?" Beckman looked puzzled.

"Yes! His Excellency Alsace's reinforcements will meet us here, and they will help us stop the pursuers behind!" The adjutant flushed excitedly.

Nowhere to be found! Is there anything more surprising than this?

"Even if Alsace is fully organized, there are only more than 30 warships in the area. Even if we add us, it can't be a chasing opponent. Isn't he here to die?" Beckman frowned.

To be honest, his first reaction when he heard the news was... This must be a trap!

But after thinking about it, even if you want to eliminate yourself as a competitor, is this situation a bit unnecessary? When I'm full, tell a bad joke before I die to make me smile Jiuquan?

Is it so narrow-minded?

wrong! Do they really have the confidence to deal with more than a hundred warships?

Yes! He has obtained 100 Sea Storms, and maybe the Yu clan also gave Arthas some super equipment. It makes no sense that only you can cheat!

Beckman convinced himself so, and finally believed a little.

"Your Excellency Alsace may be really prepared, because they not only sent the coordinates, but also the mobile radar patrol route map of the Fifth Fleet, let us pay attention to avoid it!" The adjutant continued, and turned on the projection equipment.

It was a star map of the surrounding star field, but there were many lines marked with red lines.

Beckman suddenly widened his eyes.

Mobile radar patrol roadmap? ! Can this be there too? How did Alsace get this thing?

Could it be that the patrol fleet of the other party was captured alive? !

Naturally, he didn't know that for the pirates and local snakes who wandered around the surrounding star fields all the year round, this kind of patrol method with a fixed route was basically a decoration.

In Broken Star City's intelligence sales point, 10,000 Broken Star points can get the patrol star map that is updated in real time in the surrounding star field, which is a mess!

"Dead horses are used as living horse doctors, and the fleet is ordered to turn towards this coordinate!" Finally, Beckman gritted his teeth and decided to take a gamble!


After seven days...

The fleet of Beckman and others was almost bitten by the chasing soldiers of the Fifth Fleet, and plunged into the periphery of the Fragment Star Territory!

The two fleets chased and fled, entered the Fragmentary Star Territory one after another, and then invariably came to a sudden stop!

Because in front of them is a battleship that is waiting for battle, and a group of mechas all around!

"Which force are you from, you dare to break into the territory of my ghost pirate group, thinking that the tens of thousands of brothers under my command are vegetarians!"

Mechanical bug: "..."

Familiar opening remarks, familiar taste...

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