Super Mothership

Chapter 594 2nd gear

"I admit, you have the qualifications to let me use all my strength, so be proud of it!" Chilong regained his confidence, and then the flames behind the mecha burst out.

"Whoosh!" Like a meteor falling from the sky, the Chilong with astonishing flames smashed down from the sky.

"Oh? Is this the legendary palm technique that fell from the sky?" Nie Yun also took the time to add a show to himself, and only then did he bend his knees and jump to avoid it.

"Boom!" Amidst the loud explosion, gravel splashed.

Before the smoke and dust dissipated, a red light and shadow rolled the smoke and rushed out, pounced on the Ghost again, and swept the long-handled axe in his hand.

"Has both strength and speed been greatly improved?" Nie Yun quickly judged the change in Chilong's combat power, but his movements were intentionally slower.

"Keng!" The crystal axe blade that turned into an afterimage passed by, and after the metal clashing sound like a cracked silk, a scratch with blue smoke suddenly appeared on the chest of the Ghost.

"Hi!" Nie Yun's eyes narrowed, this attack...

Even the affected mechanical worms vaporized in an instant, and the energy level was too high, so that the mechanical worms had no time to absorb the transferred energy at all.

"Energy Crystallization! The legacy of advanced civilization, condensing huge energy particles to the level of the entity, this is the unique ability of the core of the super mecha, even thousands of years later, we still have not cracked this magical technology.

In the face of the highly compressed crystallized energy, any shield and defense are as weak as a piece of paper, and it is invincible! "The off-site commentator excitedly introduced.

"Bang Bang Bang!" The two mechas in the field collided again, but this time, the Ghost was at a complete disadvantage.

After using the ability to crystallize energy, not only the speed and strength of the Chilong were greatly enhanced, but also the invincible sharp blade in his hand also made Nie Yun throw a mouse at the sword, and he was very restrained.

What's more unfavorable is that even if it's just an ordinary momentary body collision, the contact part of the Ghost can be burned red and almost melted. It didn't take long for there to be more than a dozen dark red high temperature "burns" all over the body.

"Hahaha! Rejoice!" As if to vent the frustration of being blown away, Chilong's movements opened and closed, laughing wildly, dancing the long-handled axe into an afterimage and attacking frantically, completely attacking and not defending. stance.

The two fought for more than ten rounds... "Bang!" The Ghost kicked the Chilong's side waist, and the Chilong was also unwilling to be outdone, and kicked the Ghost's chest with one kick!

The two kicked each other,

The results were quite different.

The energy crystal armor on Chilong's waist only flickered slightly, and the body did not even shake.

On the other hand, the Ghost was directly kicked away, and after landing, two scratches of dozens of meters were dragged on the ground before it stopped.

Nie Yun looked at the unscathed Chilong on the opposite side, then lowered his head and glanced at the large dark red footprint on the chest of the Ghost that was still exuding high temperature, and suddenly had a toothache.

"Overlord? Has the energy crystallized and even the kinetic energy impact almost ignored? It also has its own counter-injury. In this case, I may not be able to even break the defense in pure melee combat..."

On the other hand, although Chilong had the upper hand, he looked a little dignified when he looked at the Ghost, whose body was rapidly cooling down.

Ordinary mechas are not to mention hard against the attack of the Chilong, even the high temperature burning attached to the energy crystal armor can melt the body, or cause irreversible damage to the internal mechanical structure.

Not to mention other things about this Ghost, the fire resistance is a bit outrageous, isn't it? Should it be said that it is a high-tech creation of the mechanical family...

Chilong slammed the long axe to the ground, "Admit defeat! My Chilong is the least afraid of melee combat. No matter how strong your iron fist is, it is completely ineffective in front of the energy crystal armor."

If you can't break the defense, how can you win?

"Haha! Admit defeat? It's a bit early to say that, let's talk about it... Who said that only you can transform?"

"What?" Chilong was taken aback.

The next moment, the ghost on the opposite side suddenly began to emit a strange blue current. "Zizi~" The electric snake danced wildly, like a thunder pond.

"Second gear, open!"

In the electric light that blocked the line of sight, the mechanical insects that made up the Ghost started another aggregation at the microscopic level under the abundant energy supply, and the distance between the insects quickly shortened!

When the electric light dissipated, revealing the figure of the Ghost inside, all the people in the arena were stunned, even the shadow and Messiah who were watching the battle sat up slightly...

"This...this is?!" Chilong looked at the thin mecha opposite in shock.

Is this still my opponent?

Although today's Ghost is still roughly the same shape just now, it is much "slimer" like a person who has been hungry for half a year.

If the previous Ghost was an armored giant with knotted muscles, now it is more like a "strong" eva version body, and the whole mecha is almost condensed in half.

The surface of the body has also become a black mirror as smooth as a mirror, like a whole piece of black crystal, which looks dense and solid.

"No... Incredible! It seems that in a desperate situation, the Ghost even has a trump card! Is this strange deformation ability some powerful trick? Could it be a legendary mecha?" The narrator was also taken aback.

The other caster was clearly more tech-savvy.

"No! No, this is not a legendary mecha, but an advanced mecha transformation technology!

Mecha deformation, this kind of technology is not uncommon in the empire, but it is generally a local change, but generally it is some flashy entertainment transformation.

Because the deformation ability will greatly occupy the precious body space, the output power and structural strength will be greatly reduced.

It is said that only the precision construction of the mechanical family has a certain practical value, and even liquid metal that can be deformed has been developed..."

The commentator stopped halfway through, as if he had some scruples.

The three pirate leaders suddenly realized that this was the case...

Hearing the explanation of the explanation, Nie Yun smiled secretly.

His second-stage transformation is naturally not an ordinary deformation technique, but a sublimation of the essence of the material by compressing the distance between the mechanical insects!

The mutant "heavy mechanical bug" obtained from Bajo has always been one of Nie Yun's key research topics.

Although the "heavy-duty mechanical worm" could only be copied through the "straight-line reproduction" model, but with the increase in spiritual power, Nie Yun's control over the mechanical worm became stronger and stronger.

Not long ago, Nie Yun developed a technological breakthrough that uses "light" mechanical insects as materials, and directly compresses and manufactures "heavy mechanical insects" by consuming huge energy, just like pressing graphite into diamonds, completely changing the material properties.

With higher material density, stronger defense performance, and better energy conductivity, "Heavy Mechanical Bugs" is undoubtedly a more perfect mecha material.

It's just that the shorter distance between the mechanical insects means stronger microscopic interaction forces, so this is a more stable "solid" state.

This means that although certain material properties are improved, it also sacrifices the flexible liquefaction and deformation ability of the mechanical insects. Therefore, under normal circumstances, Nie Yun prefers to use "light" mechanical insects such as arms to deal with different complex situation.

It's just that in this state, heavy mechanical bugs are obviously more suitable for combat.

"Although this mecha is full of surprises, you who don't have the ability to crystallize energy will still not be my opponent! One minute! I will show you the reality in one minute!" Chilong is full of confidence Looking at Nie Yun, he issued a declaration of victory.

Think you can beat me by changing shape? Without energy crystallization, there is a qualitative gap between us!

"Boom!" The Chilong shot out again, and the sharp axe slashed!

"Shhh!" However, in the blink of an eye, Chilong lost the shadow of the Ghost, and the attack naturally failed.

Chilong was startled. Just as he was about to move, an iron arm suddenly appeared on his shoulders, and the Ghost appeared behind Chilong like a ghost at some point!

"What?" Chilong hurriedly turned around and slashed, but the Ghost was a light bounce, reappearing right above the Chilong almost instantly, and then an upside-down golden hook kicked hard on the Chilong's forehead.

"Bang!" The huge power made the energy crystal armor on Chilong's head emit a fierce light, but in the end Chilong only sank slightly, and the Ghost bounced high and hovered over the Chilong.

Chilong raised his head to look at the Ghost, which was looking down on him, and a few drops of cold sweat instantly dripped on his forehead.

Although it was only two fights between rabbits and falcons, he had already judged that his Chilong was completely unable to keep up with the opponent's speed.

Unexpectedly, the Ghost just changed, and the speed has doubled, and his Chilong is like a dull baby in front of the other party.

But fortunately, even if the power of the Ghost has also doubled, it is impossible to break my energy crystal armor with physical attacks!

However, at this moment, the Wraith in the sky suddenly made a strange movement. It squatted slightly and placed its palms on its right abdomen.

At the same time, at the heart of the Ghost, the one-meter-high diamond-shaped energy crystal instantly shines brightly!

Huge energy was transmitted to the arms along the liquid mechanical insect fluid, and began to gather and compress terribly. In the strong magnetic field constructed between the palms, the particles began to rapidly positronize...

"Zila~" A violent energy reaction appeared between the Phantom's palms, like a small sun lit up in an instant.


"Boom!" A straight, thick beam of light fell vertically!

"I..." Only had time to say one word, the Chilong was completely submerged in the beam of light.

"Boom!" The beam of light entered the soul from the arena, directly penetrated the thick strata, and then drilled out of the city of Broken Stars. Along the way, it also took an innocent casino on a low-altitude orbit, which turned into a light spot slowly. Shrink and dissipate...

Casino: "..." (intentional?)

"Gu~" Looking at the huge void that had crystallized on the edge, everyone in the arena swallowed dryly.

Who told me that this is a melee mech? !

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