Super Mothership

Chapter 568 Leon Assad

"The Unity of All Things will require expanding the scope of trade. What do you think about this?" Speaker Cruze asked solemnly while sitting on the top.

"I'm against it!" A military representative said immediately. "These people have mysterious identities, occupy the solar system and act secretly, and have obvious hostility to our side. Trading with them is tantamount to strengthening the opponent's strength with the enemy, and I am afraid they will raise tigers!"

After several previous battles, no one dared to underestimate the strength of the Unity of All Things. The performance of the Silver Fleet was so powerful that even their most elite battleships were inferior.

Although its strength has only revealed the tip of the iceberg, it has become the biggest potential threat to the Gemini Caldari sector. It is normal for the military to have this concern.

"I think the other party's proposal is not a bad idea!" At this moment, another member of the council said.

"Everyone, the first energy crystal exchange has been completed, and the other party's goods have been tested and all are energy crystals of excellent quality.

Now we can basically confirm that the other party does have the charging technology of energy crystals, otherwise it would not have made such a trade with us that is not worth the gain.

The number of blank crystals recovered by the parliament has reached tens of millions of tons. Once these blank crystals are fully redeemed, you can imagine how huge a fortune it is. "

When many people heard the words, their eyes were full of light.

The exchange of energy crystals involves huge interests, and those present naturally understand that this is the main reason why Gemini attaches great importance to this trade between the two parties.

"Crystal trade is crystal trade, and it has nothing to do with the expansion of the trade scope proposed by the other party. Even if we do not agree with the other party's proposal, we can still exchange crystals!" At this time, another military personnel questioned.

"Hehe! You are right, but who would think that he has too many energy crystals?

The other party only asked for some ordinary civilian commodities and minerals, and there were no sensitive military supplies, but the price given was two to three times that of the market, or the payment was made directly with energy crystals. Why not do such a good deal?

You must know that energy crystals are non-renewable strategic reserve materials, and you can't buy them with money! "

Hearing this, many congressmen nodded again and again.

"Yes, we are at war with the Woolf civilization, and the daily consumption of the front line is a large number.

However, our crystal mines have limited production. Affected by this, the price of crystals in the market has risen sharply recently.

If we agree to the other party's request, in addition to the large amount of energy crystals obtained from the exchange, we can also obtain a steady stream of crystal replenishment by selling ordinary commodities, which is definitely more beneficial than detrimental to our Gemini! "Immediately, people came out in solidarity with the proposal.

"Humph! I absolutely don't believe that the pie will fall out of thin air in the sky. The other party definitely has other plans to do so. Don't be fooled by your immediate interests and ignore the potential threats in the future!" The military personnel who objected at the beginning hummed.

The scene was immediately divided into two factions, each holding their own words.

Speaker Cruze frowned and looked down at a middle-aged officer.

"His Excellency Leon Assad, I would like to hear your opinion on this matter."

Leon Assad, member of the Assad family,

The newly appointed head of the intelligence department of the Caldari sector is also the current head of intelligence for the Association of All Things Returning.

Leon, who had a lean look, seemed to have known that the Speaker would ask this question, "Lord Speaker, I don't think it's complicated."

He looked around and said in a confident tone: "Judging from the list of goods requested by the other party, most of them are production tools, commercial spaceships and mineral raw materials.

Given that the other party's technology level is no less than our own, it is definitely not impossible to manufacture or mine, then the reason why the other party wants to purchase these commodities is very simple, nothing more than cost and efficiency!

According to the current intelligence, this All-Unification Society seems to have limited manpower, so it likes to expand its sphere of influence by conquering alien indigenous civilizations.

Among them are the newly established 'Kara Branch' and 'Earth Branch'.

Judging from the data recently collected by the remote monitoring stations of the neighboring galaxies, the civilization activity index in the solar system has increased by nearly 10 times compared with the previous one. It can be seen that the other party should have large-scale industrial activities in the solar system!

Not surprisingly, the other party purchased these things, I am afraid it is to develop the solar system on a large scale! "

Obviously, Leon learned the lesson of the previous intelligence officer's sad resignation. After taking office, he was really attentive to the intelligence of the Unity of All Things, and the content of his analysis was partly close to the truth.

Speaker Cruze nodded, agreeing with Leon's judgment.

In fact, this is not difficult to analyze.

Since the other party chooses to deliver the goods in the neighboring galaxy, looking at the surrounding star field, there is only one solar system that may be able to use these.

"In addition, the other party's Deacon Bai is full of businessman's style. It is said that she didn't blink, and she sent more than ten tons of energy crystals as a public relations fee...

From this point of view, the other party is definitely rich and powerful. "

Several people present felt guilty, and Cruze's eyes narrowed slightly.

But fortunately, this kind of thing is easy to offend people, and Leon didn't make a lot of fuss about it.

"Businessmen value profits, and from a businessman's point of view, it is natural to consider the cost of goods.

As for why the other party purchased these things from us, I am afraid that the industrial foundation of the solar system is weak.

Or maybe the price of the opposite Ante Empire is too high, and the transportation line is too long, resulting in too high cost...

The purpose of the other party's development of the solar system is nothing more than to rapidly enhance the war potential of the rear, which is naturally a danger to us, but the benefits of this trade to us are also obvious.

How to weigh the pros and cons is up to the adults to decide. "

Everyone nodded to the analysis of this intelligence department.

Although Leon walked a little bit on the back door, he was genuine, very good at intelligence, and his analysis was quite in place.

In general, the high price of the return of all things is a fragrant bait. This is a conspiracy. Specifically, whether to choose win-win cooperation or confrontation to the end, the choice is in the hands of Gemini.

Cruze pondered for a long time, the solar system is remote after all, and his own defense is more than enough at present, but not aggressive enough.

The next more important thing is to know the details of the opponent first, so as not to kick the iron plate.

And the threat of the Woolf Empire can be seen and touched. This iron plate has hit it straight, and the twin star that hit it is very injured...

After discussion, the joint parliament finally passed the resolution to expand the scope of trade with a majority of votes!

Gemini merchants have a very keen sense of smell. Almost immediately after the meeting, a large number of family and company delegations rushed to the remote Kara star...


After the meeting, Leon, who had just talked eloquently at the meeting, turned off the communication system.

The remarks just now, although there is no obvious tendency, are also the real analysis of the intelligence department, but they undoubtedly played a positive role in passing the resolution.

"Zhengchou couldn't find the opportunity to contact. Since you all took the initiative to send it up, let me take a good look at your details."

An organization hidden in the shadows and isolated from the world is naturally flawless.

But once the two sides have an intersection, the situation is naturally different...

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