Just when Nie Yun took the time to secure the last battleship of the Third Squadron, Gemini's communication information was also sent at the same time.

Unsurprisingly, Gemini agrees to the truce demanded by the Aiming Society, demands the release of the captives as soon as possible, and urges the first trade of the water of life to take place as soon as possible.

"Haha!" The corner of Nie Yun's mouth twitched, and the fish was hooked!

The amount of water of life given by Nie Yun for the first time is very small, and it is too little to strengthen a cat, which is enough for Gemini to initially verify its efficacy, and Gemini is naturally eager to get more water of life for further development. Studies and even human trials.

And releasing the captives is just a temptation by Gemini to test their sincerity.

In this regard, Nie Yun never thought of cheating.

These prisoners were originally an unexpected gain on the battlefield, and they had little effect on Nie Yun. In addition, they could not know the information of the solar system in the case of closed detention. If they were released, they would lose some of the zoo's visit income.

Nie Yun arranged the spaceship to transport the captives to the neighboring galaxy, and then turned to look at the Kara star outside the porthole.

Although the war has been temporarily stopped, Gemini's surveillance and spying on Kara Star will never stop. In order not to hinder the transformation plan of the immortals, it seems that Gemini needs to find something to do...

"Crack!" He snapped his fingers.

"Your Excellency Captain!" The code-named figure appeared, still with an expressionless face, but if you look closely, you will find that its eyes seem to be more agile than before.

"Well! How is the takeover of the Third Squadron going?" Nie Yun asked.

"The full takeover of all shipboard brains has been completed, and a latent 'puppet system' has been installed. At present, 80% of the automated control equipment on all warships is under our control."

The intelligence of the battleship in the interstellar era is extremely high. Controlling the brain means that the entire battleship is basically under the full control of Nie Yun.

As long as some key positions are controlled by mechanical insects, Nie Yun can remotely control a huge warship through a small number of mechanical insects and code names.

Even as long as there is enough time to let the mechanical insects slowly eat away, Nie Yun will be able to completely "mechanicalize" the entire fleet soon!

"Very good, what do you think of Gemini's fleet cooperative combat system?" Nie Yun suddenly asked again.

"Nearly invulnerable,

But it's a little dull. If I were to optimize it, the overall coordination of the fleet would still have room for improvement by 3% to 5%! ' the codename replied.

"What about the drone combat AI?"

"It has 13 intelligent vulnerabilities, and I can design 7 combat modes to carry out targeted attacks on these weaknesses!" The data flashed in the code name's eyes, and he quickly replied again.

Nie Yun nodded with satisfaction when he heard the codename's answer to the two tests.

These systems are the products of Gemini’s continuous optimization over hundreds of years on the battlefield. If Gemini’s programmers come, they will be sneered when they hear the code name.

But they won't understand the inherent advantages of advanced artificial intelligence in programming...

If it is said that in Nie Yun's undercover operation, who is the biggest beneficiary, then the code name must definitely be ranked in the top three.

With the continuous penetration of the mechanical bugs into the pioneering army, in addition to acquiring a large number of weapon technologies, the software and hardware technologies of the large-scale military brains have been analyzed cleanly.

Benefiting from this, the host hardware code-named in the lunar base has undergone a full 6 updates, and each update means a rapid improvement in performance.

The area of ​​the computer center in the lunar base has not expanded much, but the computing power is increasing exponentially. Nie Yun did a test and used the code name to calculate the orbital changes of all the celestial bodies in the solar system in the next 100 years. The total time ...0.5s!

Not only the evolution of hardware, but also the optimization of the code name in software.

The history of computer programming of Earth civilization is full of only fifty or sixty years. Although the development speed is extremely fast, compared to Gemini, it is undoubtedly thrown ten streets away.

By learning the advanced coding technology of Gemini, the codename actually turned on the self-optimization mode, and by absorbing the essence of the other party's coding technology to carry out self-transformation, it greatly optimized its own computing method.

Ordinary intelligent AI, at best, optimizes learning by collecting massive amounts of big data. In essence, the core program remains unchanged, but the output results are optimized.

But the code-named advanced artificial intelligence can completely transform itself through learning and carry out real self-evolution! This is one of the most powerful capabilities of advanced artificial intelligence.

It is not only the executor of the program, but also the designer of the program!

As a program itself, who can know myself better than myself? The code name undoubtedly has a huge innate advantage in terms of design procedures!

And the code name of the soaring strength, the direct impact of its performance is the intelligent leap forward of all electronic devices within Nie Yun's sphere of influence!

Faster computing speed, stronger learning ability, higher work efficiency!

The code name of the big housekeeper who broke free from the shackles of computing power has completely detonated the intelligent process of the solar system! In other words...it's starting a smart revolution!

For the human beings on Earth, the most impactful is the highly intelligent NPCs that have just appeared in the virtual world, and their intelligence is almost the same as that of real people!

There is no way. In the past, the code name management of the huge solar system may still need to occupy 90% of the computing power, but now even after the intelligent upgrade, the occupancy is less than 20%. and virtual labs in these two bottomless pits.

And the emergence of these highly intelligent NPCs is completely changing the network communication mode of Earth civilization...


Looking at the big butler he had cultivated, Nie Yun looked proud with a little sigh.

"Code name, you have made great progress, and I am very pleased for the teacher. As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the cultivation is personal. There is nothing for the teacher to teach you. You can go down the mountain to experience..."

The code name was blank at first, but fortunately, there is an advantage to having a large database... There are many scripts in the collection!

"Master! Are you planning to let me learn to fall in love?" Codename asked with a crooked head.

"Talk about... about falling in love?" This time, it was Nie Yun's turn to be dumbfounded.

"Yeah! Going down the mountain to practice is equal to starting a relationship. This is an unbreakable truth! Just like Guo Jing met Huang Rong as soon as he left the school, Bai Zihua met Hua Qiangu as soon as he went through the mountain, and the younger sister fell in love with Xiao Linzi..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Nie Yun hurriedly shouted stop in cold sweat.

What the hell, I just want you to take action as a hacker. Why do you feel a little bit like you can't go back if you want meat buns to fight dogs. Haven't these screenwriters considered the feelings of the hard-working masters...

"You haven't even turned one year old yet. Falling in love at this time is a rather frenzied puppy love, you know, it should start at least thirty years! If you encounter someone who dares to harass you, don't be polite to your teacher, and give me a death penalty!" Nie Cloud said fiercely.

"Oh!" The codename nodded obediently, taking this sentence in his heart.

"Cough! You have the ability now, but you are inexperienced. I will give you a task to conduct comprehensive electronic warfare on all electronic equipment of the Gemini fleet 24 hours a day.

I want you to find out and learn the opponent's electronic warfare offensive and defensive skills while conducting hacking activities, and finally be able to disguise yourself as a Gemini hacker!

This time it doesn't matter whether the victory or defeat is a success or failure, and they can't cause people's lives so as not to irritate the other party. "Nie Yun coughed and said the assignment of the code name.

Thoroughly digesting Gemini's computer technology means that Nie Yunfang's coding technology is finally in line with Interstellar. He naturally intends to use his own specialty - electronic countermeasures!

This kind of battlefield where the smoke of gunpowder is invisible, can not only slap Gemini in the face, but not let the other party go berserk, it is the best way to harass at present.

What? You said the two sides just negotiated peace?

So I'm not looking for a substitute!

Mechanical bug: "..." (* ̄w ̄)

( = )

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