Super Mothership

Chapter 421: Civilization Ecosystem Conjecture

Very irresponsible, he left Katherine to deal with the trivial matters of the fleet. Nie Yun took two "bodyguards" out of the bridge and walked towards his commander's lounge.

Safety first, in the enemy-occupied area, Nie Yun, 007, has always been very careful, but along the way, the atmosphere of the scene has been seriously decoupled from the spy war movie, and it has almost slipped in the direction of the idol drama...

EH6...Oh, it should be called the Fallen Angel now. Many members of the battleship heard about the arrival of Nie Yun and the two, and they came to watch for various reasons, so there were a lot of people who "ran into" on Nie Yun Road... …

He almost walked the short distance in a welcome way, and in the process recognized almost all the people on the battleship.

Politely, he waved his hand at the female officers of the Feather tribe who were winking at him, and immediately attracted a scream of "so handsome"...


Nie Yun quickened his pace slightly, and at the same time secretly sighed in his heart that this feather clan is really yin and yang, and the ratio of males to females on the Fallen Angel is almost 2:2.

As far as Nie Yun knew, the Yu clan had experienced a long matriarchal social history, and in terms of gender numbers, yin and yang declined.

According to the research in the biological field of the feather clan, it is probably due to the gender imbalance caused by the asymmetric ratio of X and Y chromosomes in genes.

It is precisely because of this that even though men are born with an advantage in physical strength, the status of Feather women has always been high.

In the army, it is not uncommon for high-ranking female officers such as Ishar, Catherine, and Emilia, and the proportion of female officers even exceeds that of men.

Nie Yun was not very interested in the social structure of the Yu clan, but he was a little concerned about some hidden coincidences.

They have two wings on their backs, and most of them are women. These features are very similar to some mythical creatures on the earth.

The concept of "angel" in Western culture originally came from religion!

In Abrahamic religions, the original Hebrew word for angel means "messenger". In Judaism, Christianity, and Christianity, the concept of messenger exists, and it is translated as angel in Chinese.

In the original Jewish religion, an angel was a powerful spirit creature with free will mentioned in the Bible.

In fact, as early as in the solar system, Nie Yun once doubted whether the legends about "angels" on earth had the cauldron of the feather clan? After all, the two are very similar in appearance.

Is it possible that the human beings at that time saw the Yuzu by chance, and this is the reason for such a myth? But thinking about Nie Yun denied this guess.

The origin of the legend of angels can be traced back to more than 3400 years ago, which is seriously inconsistent with the time when Gemini discovered the earth. 3400 years ago, the feather clan even jumped on their own planet, and they have not yet entered the interstellar era.

Originally, Nie Yun thought that this might just be a strange coincidence, but when he discovered that the Kara people in the neighboring galaxy were quite in line with the characteristics of the legendary elves, Nie Yun had doubts. Is this really a coincidence?

Pointy ears, handsome face, long lifespan, love of peace and nature, living in the jungle all year round... Does this setting sound familiar?

Even the pair of robots "Little Wolf" and "Xiaohai" that Nie Yun originally obtained were designed with reference to the appearance of the elves.

Once was a coincidence, what about twice?

Speaking of this coincidence, we have to mention the conjecture about the "pan-human civilization circle" inside Gemini.

Yes, it's just conjecture, because even the Gemini civilization can't figure out why there are so many "humanoid" races in the surrounding star field.

From the perspective of biological evolution, primate creatures may be a common race in the universe, but the probability of living together in such a dense group, and the life forms are so similar... almost infinitely approaching zero!

What about ET? What about the little green skin? What about the tentacle monster? The aliens said... uh! All right,

This one was captured alive by the Gemini people, and now he is running around on the Kara star...

In short, this situation is quite abnormal!

As a result, there are various conjectures about the "pan-human civilization circle" within Gemini, such as what Nie Yun is very concerned about... Cosmic Wonders said!

It is said that countless years ago, by chance, a super cosmic wonder that could act on a large scale was born in the surrounding star field. Affected by its energy radiation, all surrounding intelligent creatures will naturally evolve towards the form of "humanoid". .

This conjecture has a small audience. In fact, the Gemini civilization’s research on cosmic wonders is still blank, and even the definitions and descriptions are vague, and even give people a feeling of mystery.

But judging from their ability to know this item and give a specific definition, there must be at least one sample in the hands of Gemini!

However, it is said that only some high-level officials of the United Council have the right to know what the cosmic wonders they possess and what functions they have.

The reason why Nie Yun is a little concerned about this conjecture is because the water of life... is a kind of cosmic wonder of energy radiation that can affect the evolution of life genes!

As for the most mainstream conjecture of the Gemini civilization, it is the "gene homology theory"!

Under this conjecture, some conjectures about "why genes are homologous" were derived. Nie Yun summed up, there are probably so many kinds.

Conjecture 1: Alien Ecosphere Experiment Says!

It is said that there are such a group of powerful aliens that their territory is too large to be used up, so a vast star field is drawn, and a large number of similar "gene seeds" are placed on the life planet.

After a long period of natural elimination and genetic screening, these gene seeds finally evolved into different forms of "human races" according to the different living environments of each planet. Because the genes are homologous, the shapes are similar!

This conjecture has continued to be extended to a large number of subsequent versions, such as the dark "Aliens will come back sooner or later to harvest the experimental results and destroy the world for laboratory disinfection", or the beautiful "When will the aliens come back to claim them?" The illegitimate child brought a green card for a high-level civilized family of the human race."

Nie Yun thought, um! It makes sense, keep it in a small notebook, and if you encounter a humanoid advanced civilization in the future, if you really can't beat it, you can try playing emotional cards, fellow villagers see fellow villagers, etc...

Conjecture 2: Civilized cultivators say!

It is said that there are a group of aliens who call themselves "agricultural civilization". The thinking of planting melons and getting melons and planting beans and getting beans is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so they chose to plant "highly intelligent civilization"!

They carefully selected a group of biological genes with highly intelligent characteristics, and then sent countless interstellar seeders to spread virally outside the territory. When encountering an unowned or irresistible primitive planet, it is a wave of intelligent creatures. "Gene Seed" down.

This situation will continue until this "old king next door" encounters the territory of the owner, and is then punched out by others.

After these "cultivated" civilizations have grown up and developed various splendid civilizations, the cultivators will follow the natural expansion of their territories, harvesting their technological essence along the way, to supplement themselves, and move towards higher civilizations. Level up...

Conjecture 3: Civilization escape theory!

It is said that after an interstellar civilization was defeated, it was chased all the way and fled to the Orion Cantilever. Then, knowing that his life was not long, he sprinkled a wave of his own "gene seeds" for the continuation of civilization, so everyone became like this. .

The perpetrators... escape!

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