Super Mothership

Chapter 317 Alsace's scheming

If the universe is likened to an ocean, then a wormhole is a vortex on the sea.

No one knows what will be on the other side of the wormhole, maybe you will hit a very rich planet and get rich overnight, or you will hit an extreme celestial body and be wiped out.

In the early days of the age of cosmology, wormhole travel was an adventure full of endless danger and romanticism.

For the Gemini civilization that has not yet surpassed the speed of light, discovering wormholes, exploring wormholes, and then developing new worlds is the expansion behavior they have been repeating for hundreds of years.

From between the lines of a large number of recreational and recreational literary works on the battleship, Nie Yun can roughly imagine how many sacrifices the Gemini civilization made in order to explore new routes during the development of the universe.

The pioneering pioneers may sail forever in one direction until the fuel runs out and turns into a floating steel coffin, becoming a navigation light for the latecomers.

And the lucky person who finds the wormhole by chance will meet an unknown fate after passing through the wormhole, such as the tragic discovery that the wormhole behind him suddenly disappears...

According to the division of the Geminis, the wormholes they have discovered so far are divided into permanent wormholes and intermittent wormholes.

Permanent wormholes generally refer to stable wormholes that exist for an observable time, while intermittent wormholes are unstable wormholes that are opened intermittently in an orderly or disorderly manner.

For example, the solar system wormhole where Nie Yun is at the moment is a permanent wormhole that has never been closed since the discovery of the Gemini civilization.

The reason why the Gemini civilization has not developed for many years after the discovery of the solar system, in addition to the remoteness of the solar system, the poor resources, and the extremely low priority of development, another important reason is to conduct necessary long-term observations of solar system wormholes.

One of the tasks of the 13-year regular patrol of the forest ranger is to test the stability of the wormhole!

According to the information obtained by Nie Yun, a rather tragic pioneering event once occurred in the history of the Gemini civilization.

That was the third traversable wormhole they discovered. Surprisingly, at the other end of the wormhole, there was a very rich galaxy group connected.

For Gemini, this is tantamount to Columbus discovering the New World!

The ecstatic senior leaders of the two tribes were like hungry wolves who saw fat sheep, and immediately launched a large-scale immigration development. Hundreds of immigration ships passed through the wormhole to reach the distant galaxy group.

in that era,

Pioneering means huge profits, and countless people have become rich overnight, and the entire civilization rejoices.

However, blessings and misfortunes lie ahead, and just as the development is in full swing, the wormhole unexpectedly... disappeared without warning!

Just 13 years after the discovery of this wormhole, the wormhole disappeared as if it had never existed, and it has never been opened again...

The first intermittent wormhole in history caused the unprepared Gemini civilization to lose hundreds of millions of people and countless resources. The loss is huge, comparable to the second full-scale civil war between the two races!

In order to remember this lesson, the Gemini civilization at that time set a 13-year development inspection regulation, and kept the development number of the galaxy, which was called "the lost third galaxy".

Nie Yun flipped through the wormhole-related information in his mind, and consciously scanned the observation data collected by the detector from time to time. Combined with the wormhole stability analysis report just submitted, he quickly established a comprehensive data model for the wormhole. .

"Well... it's probably the legendary travel method of being flushed to the Pacific Ocean by a flush toilet?" Nie Yun gave such a definition of wormhole travel...

Soon, the small reconnaissance drone group had scanned the channel in all directions along the direction of the warship, and then arrived near the wormhole first.

"Boom boom boom!" The three drones suddenly exploded without warning, and the huge radiation light made everyone in the bridge suddenly nervous.

"Di! Found a dense minefield ahead!" Zhinao's prompt sound was long overdue.

"Heh! Sure enough, there are traps, these Hai Clan people are really haunted!" Nie Yun said that he was definitely throwing the blame.

In fact, of course, this minefield could not have been set up by the Sea Clan. Wormholes are the areas where the Gemini battleship first appeared. Nie Yun had already dispatched a small mechanical worm spaceship to investigate at that time. Let him calmly set up the so-called "Sea Clan Trap".

"Slow down immediately, dispatch minesweepers, order the mecha units to move forward, move forward in escort mode, and pay attention to possible hidden enemies!" Nie Yun gave a series of orders in a familiar manner.

After these days of "rehearsal", Nie Yun, the first "civilization exchange student" on Earth, has basically integrated into the Gemini battleship life, and his behavior has become more and more casual.

In the eyes of everyone, this change is that the somewhat taciturn captain finally recovered from the blow of Uther's betrayal and became "cheerful" again.

Of course, in some gossip versions, this change is entirely due to the healing of love, and the heroine of the version is naturally Adjutant Catherine.

Following the orders of the fake captain, the crew of the entire ship began to get busy, the fighters scurried through the passage, and the rows of mecha eyes on standby in the hangar lit up in turn...

Catherine beside Nie Yun frowned at this moment, doubts flashed in her heart.

Could it be the sea clan? If it is another civilization, how can we cut off our back road without knowing it? Is it still the dark thunder unique to our Gemini civilization?

"Master Captain, this is indeed the handwriting of the Sea Clan, but the subordinates are a little strange. Now they are all torn apart. Why does the Sea Clan still not accept our communication requests?"

Nie Yun glanced at Catherine, and secretly said that she was really cautious. At this time, she was still suspicious. I am afraid that as long as the sea clan did not admit it herself, she would continue to doubt it.

"Hmph! They are a group of sewers, how dare they show up righteously?" Nie Yun sneered with a look of disdain.

The Maus beast is a Gemini creature, similar in meaning to a mouse on Earth.

"The reason why they refuse to contact is simply to leave a wiggle room!

As long as the guns are not aimed at our bridge for a day to ensure that we cannot escape from the solar system, then they will never leave any clues and will be accused of killing us!

What do you think they would do if we managed to escape? Nothing more than that the battleship was out of control, everything was an excuse for the Ante Empire to sow discord, a single-handed conspiracy and the like.

Ha ha! Even with such a clumsy cover-up, sometimes what politics needs... is just such a fig leaf! "

Catherine seemed to want to say something after hearing this, but was interrupted by Nie Yun.

"Trust me Catherine, I'm a staunch pacifist, and the person who least wants to see a war between the two races!" Nie Yun's eyes were sincere, his face was full of holy brilliance, and there seemed to be a group of white doves behind him. Fluttering up into the air...

Mechanical bug: "..." (→_→)

Catherine was stared at by Nie Yun, her eyes were facing each other, and in those deep purple pupils, a little silver light flickered faintly, making her involuntarily confused for a moment, her cheeks were slightly red, and she suddenly avoided Nie Yun unnaturally. Sight.

"My family and I don't want to see a civil war between the two clans. I believe you can understand this!"

Catherine nodded. Speaker Cruze is in office. If a civil war breaks out because of this incident, the power of the Speaker will undoubtedly be greatly weakened!

"So, this matter is the handwriting of the sea clan, we are the victims, this is the tone of the conflict in the solar system!

But at the same time, we have to try our best to control the possible bad impact of the incident and avoid further escalation of the situation, you... understand what I mean? "Nie Yun had a smile in his eyes.

Catherine instantly understood what Nie Yun meant.

No matter what the truth is, even if this incident was not initiated by the Hai Clan, or it was just a small group of radicals who made their own decisions, it is definitely the most beneficial plan for the Yu Clan to deduct the shit from the top of the Hai Clan.

To be more selfish, this can win more political compensation for the "victim" Alsace!

But while taking the opportunity to blackmail the Sea Clan, the Cruze family does not want the conflict to expand further, because this will weaken the authority of Speaker Cruze!

To put it another way, this is a "solar system touching porcelain" event.

Say it! Private or public?

This is what Nie Yun wants to express to the Hai Clan!

Make things a big "public"? This is not in the interests of both the two clans, so the high-level choice must be to suppress the news, and the two clans are "private" in the form of exchange of interests!

In fact, it was Catherine's previous analysis of Alsace's upcoming political compensation that inspired Nie Yun, so he went with the flow and prepared to establish a "United Front of the Feather Clan" to blackmail the Sea Clan together.

Arthas was promoted and made a fortune, and the generals under his command naturally also rose. This is the alliance of interests!

As long as the interests are aligned, what is the truth? Is it important?

A man would rather believe a hundred lies than listen to a truth he does not want to hear. This is human nature.

"I understand the captain, the sea clan... its heart can be punished!"

Catherine took a deep breath and chose to stand in line without hesitation!

While admiring "Alsace" for being so good at timing, a thought suddenly flashed through her mind.

Could it be that... from the moment he found out that something was wrong with the sea clan, he had already thought of the powerful relationship between them and started the layout?

Then the next series of taking advantage of the situation, is it certain that this is the conspiracy of the sea clan is also within his plan?

Uther's identity and background have long been investigated, and he is unlikely to be a spy of the Sea Clan!

So... Could it be that Uther knew too much of Alsace's secrets, so he took the opportunity to silence him, and by the way framed the sea clan's plan of killing two birds with one stone to gain more political benefits?

Is this the truth of everything?

If this is the case, then Arthas' method is really... terrifying!

Catherine looked at Nie Yun's satisfied and smiling profile, and couldn't help but feel the emotion of a tiger's father without a dog's son.

As expected of the son of Speaker Cruze, this is a scheming bitch...8)

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