Super Mothership

Chapter 291 Change of Nationality

His attack was actually blocked from the front? !

Even if he was wearing power armor himself, it was impossible to block the hundreds of tons of full-strength blows from the gravity hammer with one hand.

The detector shows that the strength of the opponent's force field is not strong, at most it can play a buffering role, so most of the strength is actually endured by the body!

With the opponent's slender structure, how did he do it? The strength of this body is a bit foul!

"Hey! This time you're on the right side, it's not a mass-produced model!" The third child smiled, his left hand seemed to be holding the giant hammer effortlessly, his right hand was suddenly raised horizontally, and the palm of his hand was aimed at the captain of the Sea Clan. The right arm began to quickly jump up with blue lightning, and the momentum was astonishing!

Due to the difference in height, the palm of the hand is facing the chest of the power armor at the moment, and the captain of the Sea Clan immediately felt bad when he saw the third child's appearance that he was about to enlarge the move and was accumulating power.

Without hesitation, he immediately crossed his arms to protect his chest, and at the same time, he took the initiative to activate the force field shield.

"Om!" A blue shield immediately appeared in front of the captain of the sea clan, blocking the palm of the third child...

"Zizi~" A large number of electric lights rushed to the shield, but none of them could penetrate.

"Huh?" The captain of the sea clan was stunned for a moment. The data on the tactical helmet showed that his shield strength had not decreased at all.

"Not good! I was fooled!" He immediately realized that something was wrong, but looking ahead, there was still the shadow of the third child!

"I'm sorry, that's a fake!" The third child's voice came from behind him, this time in the common language of Gemini, and the voice clearly reached the ears of the captain of the sea clan, but it made him go to hell.

Just as the third son finished speaking, the shield of the power armor disappeared as promised. The next moment, the captain of the Sea Clan, who had no time to react, only felt that the back waist was hit by a giant hammer!

The third one bent his knees and slammed into the power armor's back lumbar spine.

"Bang!" "Crack!" The heavy force directly hit a fist-sized pit on the power armor, and there was a sound of something breaking.

"Cough!" The captain of the sea clan had a sweet throat, coughed out a mouthful of blood, and was slammed into the air in a leaning position. Before he could recover, the third child took off again gently after landing.

With both hands clasped together, a cannon hammer slammed directly on his chest armor.

"Boom!" The power armor more than 3 meters high fell to the ground, smashing a huge pit on the ground, and the armor on the chest was completely shattered!

"Alarm! Alert! The main control circuit is damaged, the support mechanism is damaged, the shield is invalid, the body below the waist is lost, and the energy output drops by 60%..."

"Alarm! Alert! The operator has abnormal brain waves, abnormal vital signs... analgesic injection, vital hormone injection..."

The sea clan captain, who was bleeding from his mouth and had a somewhat slack consciousness, could only hear his heavy breathing except for the red alarm on the screen, and then he felt that his body, which was about to fall apart, was being picked up.

The third child grabbed the opponent's neck and lifted the captain of the sea clan. The huge power armor was placed on the ground weakly with both feet. The two heavy blows before and after caused the outer armor of the driving part to be torn apart, and the appearance was very miserable.

"Sorry, you've already been seen through!"

The third said, another punch hit the captain of the sea clan on the stomach, "Boom!"


Throwing the sea clan captain who was completely unconscious on his fist, the third one shook his head regretfully.

"Hey! I fought twice, and I didn't even understand my fighting style..."

A sense of superiority in intelligence arises spontaneously...

(Sea Clan Captain: "...")

In fact, in terms of technology level, the Mithril Knight really can't be said to be stronger than the Haibo-class power armor of the sea clan, but because of the strong mechanical insect material, the Mithril Knight is definitely called rough skin and thick, strong and resistant to beating!

The speed and strength of the key strengthening has surpassed the opponent by an order of magnitude, and the advantage is overwhelming. Basically, as long as you avoid the most troublesome force field shield, you can hang the opponent!

If the opponent's power armor can open the shield 24 hours, then the third child may have to work hard to break the tortoise shell. Unfortunately, Gemini's shield miniaturization technology does not seem to be very clever. The third child has an opportunity.

In addition, during the Battle of Callisto, the third child's brain chip has recorded and analyzed various performance parameters of the power armor, and formulated corresponding tactics for the opponent's possible weaknesses. It can be said that there is no preparation for attack.

Cough cough! Of course, the fighting style of the third child also needs to be given considerable affirmation...


The battle on the third's side has just ended, and the other two battlefields have also been divided into winners and losers.

Outside the energy cabin, the fallen sea warriors, and many machine wrecks, parts flew all over the floor.

"Whoosh whoosh!" The last multi-legged robot more than two meters high shot desperately, and the four-mounted gun muzzle flashed, and the rain-like laser beam shot towards the silver body on the opposite side.

The silver figure jumped back and forth on the inner wall of the spacious passage like a ghost, evading the ballistics while rapidly approaching the opponent.

Although most of the dense barrage was dodged, it could only follow the lightning-fast figure, but under the cover shot, one or two beams were lucky enough to hit.

"Whoosh!" A beam of light hits the right shoulder!

I saw that the silver armor at the hit part instantly turned red, and then the red spread from one point to the periphery, like a ring-shaped blush.

However... except for a little white smoke, the place returned to normal after a while!

The silver figure continued to charge forward, and in the blink of an eye, he jumped over the multi-legged robot, and raising his leg was a powerful downward slash.

The multi-legged robot raised its muzzle, but before it could shoot, it ran into a powerful whip leg.

"Crack!" The stepped barrel twisted and broke at a speed visible to the naked eye. "Boom!" The steel shards filled the sky, and the robot was directly smashed into scrap iron from head to toe, and could no longer move despite the electric sparks.

Standing proudly on top of a pile of scrap iron, the boss was quite energetic.

Due to the priority of importance, the Hai Clan sent guards and automated robots with weaker combat capabilities to the other two places. In contrast, the battle ended easier than the third.

"This is Unit 1, the target is safe, report the situation on your side, do you need support?" The boss opened the built-in communication and asked.

"I'm the old... No. 2 unit, the enemy has been eliminated!" The third child's voice came, and it got stuck in the middle.

"Unit 3, Clear!"

"I said the boss, let's talk normally, okay?" The third child seems to be quite uncomfortable with this way of chatting, after all, the "professionals" are somewhat contradictory...

"What's normal! Do you understand the sense of ritual and the sense of ritual! We are now lone heroes who go deep behind enemy lines, the Earth Army special forces 'Mithril Knight'! Do you want me to speak nonsense? How much damage the atmosphere!" The eldest pouted, dissatisfied with the third child's uncooperative behavior.

"Well, this reminds me of the experience I had on a mission in Afghanistan..." Er Mao's tone was filled with nostalgia, remembering the few remaining memories...

"Uh... But in fact, it seems that we are still doing kidnapping work, and slang is more appropriate?" The third child touched his head.

Although the target is a spaceship, in the final analysis, it is indeed a kidnapping...

At this time, if we say "Boss, the hostage 'host' is still under our control!" It seems... that there is no problem?

Boss: "..."

Er Mao: "..."

I feel that the style of the task has suddenly become good lo!


Sea clan battleship bridge.

"Intruders really exist!"

"Request for support, light weapons are ineffective, we need heavy firepower! Ah..."

"Where's the Marine Corps? Why haven't we arrived yet, ask for support! Can't stand it anymore!"

"The robot guards are all wiped out! Team A is wiped out! Team B..."


In the external communication channel, one after another exclamations and screams were heard, reaching everyone's ears!

Due to the destruction of the communication module of the spacecraft, the various combat teams within the sea clan battleship can only maintain communication through short-range tactical communication equipment.

There is no problem with this kind of communication equipment covering the entire warship, but at a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers on a cosmic scale, it is absolutely impossible to contact one's own friendly ships.

Everyone in the bridge was stunned to listen to the content of their reports before they lost contact. Although it was intermittent, everyone understood one thing...

My own side...isn't someone's opponent at all!

Although I guessed in advance that there were infiltrating enemies in the ship, I never imagined that with just a few...

Isn't this a joke?

Are you here to play Sneak Destruction, or to destroy the ship alone?

At this moment, someone whispered, "Ship... Captain! All the troops we sent... are all destroyed!"

The sea clan captain showed blue veins on his forehead, "A group of rice buckets! There are only three enemies, three enemies..."

"Captain, the equipment of the Marine Corps was destroyed in advance by the infiltrator, and even the captain lost contact, and almost all the members of the mecha squad attacked..." The deputy next to him whispered, almost not saying that the ship is the most capable of fighting. can't get on.

Not to mention suppressing the enemy, the defensive strength is not necessarily enough, but fortunately, the bridge is the most tightly guarded place on the whole ship. Without powerful weapons, the alloy gate cannot be broken at all, but there is no need to worry about being penetrated by the enemy.

"Damn it! This is a conspiracy!" The Sea Clan captain gritted his teeth and cursed, but it was too late to understand now.

"What's going on with Zhinao now?" he asked with a cold face.

As long as you can wait for the mech troops to come back and regain control of the spaceship, there is still a chance!

The deputy was about to speak, but suddenly "Zizi~", the light screen in the room flickered and lit up again.

The surprised look on everyone's faces had just been half done, but the next moment they froze on their faces.

"Langrun ~ wave flow ~ thousands of miles of tao tao, the river will never end... I have washed away the world's affairs, mixed with a surging trend... It's joy~ it's sorrow~ I can't tell the difference between laughter and sadness in the waves..."

Weird music suddenly sounded, the bridge instantly became quiet, and everyone looked at each other.

Although I don't understand what they're singing, I'm sure...

This smart girl has definitely changed her nationality and didn't run away!

The next moment, the thick alloy door that everyone had high hopes for slowly opened...

In the excited bmg sound and the somewhat terrified eyes of all the sea clan, a humanoid creature wearing a black trench coat with a large collar and stepping on a pair of shiny leather shoes slowly walked into the bridge...

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