Like the earth, the interior of the moon also has a layered structure. From the center to the lunar surface, the moon can be divided into three layers: the lunar core, the lunar mantle and the lunar crust.

The thickness of the lunar crust and the lunar mantle add up to about 1,000 kilometers, and where Nie Yun is now is the junction of the lunar mantle and the lunar core!

And these black stone pillars are equivalent to propping up the lunar core and lunar mantle layer of the moon, forming this underground world.

Nie Yun guessed that perhaps at the beginning of the formation of the moon, a unique cosmic environment capable of forming energy crystals appeared in this location, and then this place was discovered by a certain cosmic civilization, and the energy crystals were emptied by large-scale mining.

And the rest is just slag...

Thinking of this, Nie Yun felt a little unbalanced in his heart. It was like you had a piece of shit in front of your house, but before you went out, you were stepped on by a passer-by!

If there is no such abominable passerby, the lucky one should be his own!

My energy crystal! Heart hurts……

and many more! But it's a bit wrong. With such a large-scale mining area, why have I been bouncing on top of people's heads for so long and no one has appeared?

When growing mushrooms, it is equivalent to beating gongs and drums and setting off firecrackers at the door every day. Can aliens be so patient?

Year beast, scared big?

Looking at the traces here, it seems... it looks like a long time ago. It doesn't look like someone has been active recently. Could it be that they have been completely mined and evacuated?

Nie Yun found no other abnormalities around, so he followed the already vague traces on the ground and prepared to follow the clues to find the other party's mining base.

He ran wildly in this huge underground world. The open terrain and the ideal racing environment without resistance allowed Nie Yun to quickly soar to over 600km/h on the 11th road. Pass by, and the speed is still increasing!

An hour later, the shadow of a huge base finally appeared in front of Nie Yun's eyes.

"Boom..." Nie Yun's feet plowed out two deep ravines on the ground, extending for several kilometers, and only then could he stop more than ten kilometers in front of the ruins, leaving a trail behind him. A soil, rock and dust belt that cannot settle for a long time.

What appeared in front of Nie Yun was the ruins of a huge mining base, yes, the ruins!

That dilapidated and desolate scene definitely doesn't look like it's still working.

Nie Yun's pupils shrank, and he looked closer to observe the interior of the ruins. In addition to some semi-circular functional buildings, the base was a row of strange machines nearly 100 meters high on the open space, and at the center was a semi-circle. shaped pit.

Seeing that there were no signs of danger, Nie Yun jumped into the base several times.

There is no such thing as a wall or a gate here. It is transparent on all sides, and these buildings do not have any obvious defense facilities. Obviously, in this safe underground depth, the owner of the ruins did not do anything unnecessary.

Although it seems to have been deserted for a long time, some buildings and mechanical equipment have collapsed and appear very dilapidated, but the main body of the base still maintains a certain integrity.

Nie Yun first came to those very conspicuous huge machines.

This is a very bloated-looking six-legged construction machine.

It looks a bit like a mechanical ant with two drill arms. It seems to be an engineering robot for mining. The bloated body should be a specially designed storage space for the convenience of carrying the mined minerals.

"Bang Bang!" Nie Yun tried to tap a mechanical foot of the mining ant in front of him.

"It's stuck!" A crisp sound similar to glass breaking came, and a crack appeared directly on the mechanical foot that was knocked, and then the crack spread rapidly.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Boom!"

Just under Nie Yun's stunned gaze, the mechanical ant first broke with one mechanical foot, and then the remaining mechanical feet shattered like a chain reaction. Finally, the entire mechanical ant collapsed and collapsed into a pile in front of Nie Yun. Dust and parts.

"Uh..." Nie Yun was dumbfounded. How long would it take for the aliens' steel materials to age like this? You must know that this is a vacuum environment, and it must be at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, right?

Tens of thousands of years ago, humans were still playing with wood to make fire in caves, right? These aliens have the patience to observe human beings for 10,000 years?

He was even more puzzled, and then ignored the machinery here, turned and entered those semi-circular buildings to find clues.

"The empty! Well, as expected. This group of aliens is greedy!

Is this the power line? He didn't even leave me a generator! snort! Really petty!

Here... it seems to be an automated production line of robots whose cores have been demolished. Why are you ants again? Are you ants? What kind of hobby is this..." Nie Yun complained while looking for it, his tone was full of the sour taste that he couldn't eat grapes.

As a result, no traces of aliens have been found, but it is confirmed that the other party has an extraordinary love for ants.

The robot automated growth line that was discovered was a small ant robot only 2 meters high, which seemed to be a basic unit for construction and maintenance, and there were still some broken robot remains inside.

Seeing that there were no other clues, Nie Yun tried to carefully swallow a relatively complete ant robot, opened his eyes after a long time and frowned.

There is not much information from the robot. Its chip uses a completely unfamiliar programming language, and of course it is not binary. Without a large number of data samples, Nie Yun could not fully decipher it.

Just like when Nie Yun saw those abstract paintings for the first time, he could clearly see the color of every molecule in the paintings, but when combined... Who knows what the hell he painted?

In addition, a considerable part of the chips inside the robot have been aged and damaged beyond repair, and the broken information will bring more trouble to Nie Yun's deciphering work.

Therefore, in addition to some experience values ​​of the "multi-legged robot" structure and material science, the biggest gain at present is to find the command issuing source to control it.

He came to the huge semi-circular pothole in the center of the base, and he could see that there were dense lines and pipes in the pothole, but it seemed that a section had been cut off, and that's it.

"There should have been a spherical base core here, that is, the alien mining vehicle! Was it recovered after mining?

That is to say, what is left is some old equipment or cheap tools that have no recycling value? ! "

Hello! Isn't it a little rude for you to do this? It’s okay to eat dry and wipe it off. Before leaving, you have to lick off the plate you used to eat. Is it Erha!

Nie Yun is simply outraged!

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