Super Mothership

Chapter 136 SOS

"Our... retired scientist?!" Commander Hu looked at each other vigilantly.

These people are the treasures of the country. Although they may be too old, they have a lot of things in their minds!

"Yes, it's the kind of old retired scientists who can't walk fast, such as astrophysicist Yu Zhou, geologist Li Sishi, mechanical dynamicist Liang Guang, biologist Zhou Dong, mathematician..."

Nie Yun usually lists the leading figures of various disciplines in the country around the age of ten, saying fifteen or six names in a row, covering various disciplines and fields.

Most of them have gradually left various scientific research positions as their energy subsided, faded out of the scientific and technological circles, and enjoyed their old age in nursing homes provided by the state.

They can be said to be the treasures of the country, but the youth is fleeting, and the death of the years is gradually approaching them.

"What do you want these people to do? These are all meritorious ministers of our country, and they can never be used as bargaining chips!" Commander Hu replied decisively.

"Don't get me wrong, Commander Hu, I'm not a human trader, but I am interested in the scientific research ability of these seniors and want to recruit them into my research institute!"

"Recruiting? Don't joke, Mr. Captain, don't say so many people, even if there is one, our country will not allow outflow! Besides, you all know that they are old and can't walk, how can they still be able to do research and development ?" Commander Hu still looked vigilant.

We don't even know your details, who knows how they will be treated when they arrive at your site! The national technology in the hands of these people is never allowed to flow out!

"Hey, Commander Hu should know that we have advanced human enhancement technology, right?" Nie Yun said with a smirk, um, it's really a "smile"!

Hu Junchang was completely attracted by the words "human body strengthening technology", and his eyes widened instantly!

"Gudong! What... what do you mean?" He swallowed and asked.

"If you agree with us to recruit these people, then we can promise to extend the life of these scientists by at least 30 years with the newly developed life technology!"

Captain Hu: "..."

His brain has entered a dead loop, and the cycle is full of one word, "30 years of life... 30 years of life..."

It took a long time for him to wake up from this shock. Looking at the other party's "smiling" expression, he didn't even have any complaints.

"Your life technology... has been able to achieve this level?!" He asked incredulously.

"Haha..." Nie Yun "bared his teeth" with a smile without saying a word.

"At the same time, you can get a copy of the scientific research results in their research process! And the employment period is only 10 years. After 10 years, they are free to stay!" Nie Yun went on to overweight!

"Hey! Can their scientific research results really be shared with us?" Hu Junchang suppressed the tumbling emotions in his heart, and tried his best to make his voice sound less excited, but it still had a vibrato.

That's Captain Ghost's research project! The worst is black technology, right?

Nie Yun smiled and nodded.

He naturally has his own little abacus! Without the cooperation of mechanical insects, the results of any scientific research project under Nie Yun's will be greatly reduced. Although the rabbit can get a lot, but Nie Yun can only get more!

Although Nie Yun has a strong learning speed and technology integration ability after integrating with the mechanical bugs, his scientific literacy cannot be developed overnight. As a primary school student... To put it in a very rude words - lack of research and development awareness!

The reason why he was able to develop these black technologies today, in addition to the powerful performance of the mechanical bug itself, is mostly the replacement and combination of technologies.

It can be said that in addition to material technology throwing the earth's eight streets, other technologies are actually half the world's top level!

Even the most cutting-edge human enhancement technology is only thanks to the "Nie Yun Model"!

Of course, there are also novel ideas that have a flash of light, such as mosaic interference technology, little yellow face mask technology...cough! Nie Yun was too embarrassed to think about it!

Therefore, until now, his weaknesses in the research and development breakthrough ability in basic disciplines have been gradually exposed, such as nuclear power thrusters. developed!


In view of this situation, Nie Yun moved to form a team of scientists to strengthen his research and development capabilities!

"So, how do you keep these scientists safe?"

"I vouch for it with my personality!"

Captain Hu: "..."

I haven't even seen your face. Is your personality standing or lying?

"Actually, you can rest assured that with our ability, if we really want to kidnap someone, I believe that as long as it is not a security measure at the level of the head of state, we can't stop us at all! I don't need to do this!

What I want is to establish long-term technical cooperation with you! You should be able to feel my sincerity!

You can send a scientist to verify our life technology first! At the same time, these scientists can communicate with you regularly to confirm the current situation!

Mr. Hu Jun, I think you need to understand that it is absolutely a great waste of human society and the scientific community to let these precious scientific research talents go to the end of their lives! Whether or not to accept the transaction and retain this wealth for the human society is entirely up to your wishes!

If you do not agree, then I will seek other partners, for me, although you are the best partner, but not the only one! "

Hu Junchang took a deep breath and said slowly: "I will report this matter to the above discussion, but I want to know that your scientific and technological research and development capabilities are already at the forefront of the world, why continue to expand the research team, what is your purpose? What is it?"

Uh... can I tell you, in fact, my technology research and development ability is a perfect copycat? The only researcher or a half-baked elementary school student?

"Cough! Commander Hu believes... there are aliens?" Nie Yun began to make up stories! First of all, aim to be tall!

"Out... Aliens!?" Hu Junchang was stunned.

"Yes, I have reliable evidence to prove that aliens do exist!" Nie Yun said that he did not lie! At least he knew there was an Ayres civilization!

"Hi! Could it be..." Commander Hu looked at Nie Yun in disbelief!

Could it be that Captain Ghost's force is an organization set up to fight aliens?

Nie Yun "smiled" without saying a word!

An image of a group of like-minded scientists who accidentally discovered the existence of aliens a few hundred years ago suddenly appeared in Hu Junchang's mind.

"So what's the name of your organization?" Hu Junchang had a look of reverence on his face.

"Hmm... SOS group!" Nie Yun said without blushing.

Hu Junchang was taken aback, SOS? A universal distress signal? Does it mean salvation?

As expected of the Human Rescue Organization! The name goes straight to the point!

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