The Bulls suffered another three-game losing streak. To make matters worse, some reporters picked up trouble. Some problems at the press conference sparked conflicts between Chandler and Oden.

The quarrel between the two when they left the arena was also photographed by the paparazzi, and a few words of the conversation were exposed.

Chandler said: "You are just a rookie. Are you the one who won the championship in the first two seasons?"

"I didn't mean that," Oden said.

"Then stop smiling when you lose," Chandler said loudly.

Just a few words, without fierce conflict, but it arouses people's infinite reverie.

Immediately, some media predicted that Chandler's departure from the team has entered the countdown. This season, the Bulls will trade him in exchange for an insider who can shoot and defend against pick-and-rolls, changing the current team's dilemma.

Chandler's temper was too violent, and he couldn't help but say some things. Oden recently continued to rank third among centers in the All-Star selection, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

After Chandler showed his strength against Duncan in the finals, he really wanted to be selected for an All-Star.

If Chandler still has the data of last season, he is likely to be selected as an All-Star, but he was injured at the start of the game and has not played much. He averaged 22.6 minutes per game, and the data dropped to 5.8 points and 7.6 rebounds. Naturally, not many fans will vote. give him.

At this time, Oden and his teammates often talked about voting, which stimulated Chandler. Oden was only 19 years old and immature. He didn't know what to say and what not to say, let alone Chandler would think he was showing off.

Oden's playing time was increased to 25 minutes, and those few minutes caused conflicts. Chandler couldn't stand going from one of the core to a role player who played 20 minutes or so.

Skiles is purely helpless, David Lee is injured, he has not many cards in his hand, two centers overlap, must stagger the playing time, there has never been a double tower strategy with two big men who can't shoot partner.

Greedy people are prone to jealousy. Chandler was dissatisfied with playing time before Oden came, let alone now? But Chandler didn't want to leave the Bulls. Jealousy hurt both others and himself.

There was a discussion on the Internet, and some fans felt that Chandler was the hero who won the championship. Better than Oden, the Bulls should have chosen Durant, better than Luol Deng, and there will be a superstar at the third position in the future.

People who saw Durant took 20+ and said such things were a bit of an afterthought. If it weren't for a team like the Sonics that lacks scorers, Durant wouldn't be able to get so many possessions.

It is not easy to cultivate.

It was also suggested that the Bulls send Chandler away immediately and devote themselves to cultivating Oden with better talent.

In fact, Chandler's talent is not bad, and he has rich game experience. He is a big man who has signed a long-term contract. If Oden is allowed to replace him, it is impossible to do better in the playoffs.

Skiles didn't want to send Chandler away, and Chandler finally discussed with his agent and didn't continue to be stupid. He said at the press conference that it was just a misunderstanding, and if he continued to toss things, it would be irreversible.

The Bulls officially stated that this was just an ordinary quarrel, and the two had no problems. "Bulls internal strife" is still what people are most concerned about.

On the 14th, the Bulls' home opponent was the Knicks, which gave them a chance to breathe. Players rest to recover their strength.

After discussing with Hill and Howard, Wang Jun proposed a treat and called the players for a dinner.

After Wang Jun toasted, Hill mentioned the recent situation in the locker room.

"Recently, our team has encountered some difficulties, a three-game losing streak, players have been injured, etc. I know everyone feels uncomfortable, but we must restrain our emotions."

Don't interrupt everyone, Hill is a famous basketball player and an old star. Everyone has to give him face.

Hill looked at Chandler and said, "I'm a veteran player. I've played longer and seen a lot, so I'm just sharing my thoughts here. Tyson has had a bit of trouble with Greg recently. In fact, it has nothing to do with football. Quan or something else, but the team is not doing well recently, and the fire in my heart can't be suppressed, right?"

"Yes." Chandler couldn't say no, he had to make big things into small things. Otherwise before the mid-term deal deadline. He may leave the Bulls, which is undesirable.

Leaving him will bring the reputation of a stabbing player on his back. It is not a trivial matter to cause infighting among the defending champion team, and the image is seriously damaged.

The Bulls can send him to a bad team. If he doesn't have a good record, it will also affect his next contract in the future. Even if he doesn't sign a big contract, he still wants to hit the three consecutive championships.

Hill went on to say: "Everyone sat together and had a good chat today. We have to work hard to get through the difficulties. Neither Juwan nor Blevins and I have won championships. Joining the Bulls is to realize our dreams here. We have all experienced a lot and joined the Bulls. For at least three teams, if they want to achieve good results, strength is one aspect, and the most important thing is another word, do you know what it is?"

No one else spoke. Howard sat beside Chandler and gave him a wink, motioning for him to speak.

Of course Chandler knew what the word was, and shouted like a soldier in the army: "It's unity!"

A team that is not united has never won a championship, no matter how strong the lineup is.

As the captain of the team, Chandler should stand up and be the peacemaker when the team has problems. Now it is Wang Jun who treats the guests, and Hill is the peacemaker. He is also a little ashamed of this.

The coaching staff wanted him to be a leader in the locker room, but he never got the job done.

Hill nodded and said with a smile: "Greg is a newcomer, lacks experience, and is prone to say wrong things. It's normal for young people to make such mistakes. We can communicate in private. We shouldn't act aggressively, let alone be photographed by the media. "Our only goal this season is to win the championship, we have to be united. Take this opportunity, you two have a drink, don't blame each other, it's not a big deal."

Chandler stood up immediately, walked up to Auden with a glass of wine, and said seriously: "Greg, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive, please forgive me."

Oden has been keeping a low profile. He quickly raised his glass and said with a smile, "I won't take it to heart. Let's work hard together."

The two drank, and the atmosphere eased.

This dinner is very timely. If the veteran does not speak out to clarify the matter, other situations may arise in the future.

Wang Jun watched and learned something.

He couldn't handle this kind of thing if Hill didn't tell him what to do. He knows how to persuade his teammates to pass the ball to him, but he can't make peace. As the core of the team, his views are also crucial, and whichever side he favors may play a decisive role.

Being the core of the team is a university question, and it cannot be done with outstanding skills.

Like the Lakers played well this season, a very important factor is that Fisher is back. Compared with the game skills, Fisher and Kobe are far behind, but he is calm and considers the overall situation.

Communication between players is necessary and a valuable experience. One day, Wang Jun will also have to assume the role of a veteran.

Wang Jun hopes that this day will come as late as possible. He hates this kind of thing. It is too nerve-wracking and he can't concentrate on the court.

When leaving the hotel, the team arranged for the reporters to take pictures of the players, and Oden and Chandler walked out with their hands on each other's shoulders with a "good guys" attitude.

With photos as evidence, the media can explain that the two are fine and bring an end to this "infighting" incident.


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