Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 389 [The Clippers' invitation, selfish thoughts]

While Wang Jun was waiting calmly, the Nets management was extremely anxious.

According to Thorne's plan, Jefferson was traded for an insider and draft pick, and then matched Wang Jun's contract.

This insider can carry a big contract, but there must be only two years left.

Two years later, the Nets let him go and used the basic salary insider to work hard, otherwise the three high-paid players in the team would have to pay a high luxury tax.

There are few good insiders in the league, and those who are capable are regarded as treasures by the teams. Where can we find people with special conditions like this?

Loyal Richard Jefferson was put on the shelves and couldn't sell.

All the teams know that the Nets have too many swingers and they must send one away, so they all want to lower the price and exchange for a strong player at the lowest price. Without a good bargaining chip, no matter how you change it, the Nets will suffer.

For example, the Spurs wanted Jefferson, and the chips they offered were outrageous, Nesterovic + two role players.

If it is really changed, it will simply help the Spurs solve the garbage contract. Thorne even suspects that Vitch is deliberately entertaining him.

Boss Bruce realized that it was not good, and then traded Jefferson for draft picks. No team was willing to change three first-round picks. And the deal is concluded, the fans must be angry, it's a shame.

In addition, the Nets have to work hard to keep the existing inside lineup, which is even more headache for the management, and there are other teams who want to dig the wall from the Nets.

Blue-collar Jerome? James won a five-year 30 million contract with the Knicks. It is a habit of the Knicks to spend a lot of money, but this reflects the extent to which insiders are scarce in the league.

The Heat renewed O'Neal's contract for 100 million in 5 years, and Haslem's 34 million in 5 years. As long as they are good insiders, even if they are just blue-collar workers, they will get high salaries.

The Lakers thought O'Neal was too old. It is difficult to guarantee the state, so he was traded away, and the Heat still gave O'Neal a big contract. Very adventurous.

Pat Riley knows that the Heat already have the strength to hit the championship. But without O'Neal, they're just a normal playoff team.

In order to find an inside meat shield, the Lakers signed and then traded with the Wizards. They got Kwame Brown and Tim Laron, and sent away the starting small forward Caron Butler and the starting point guard Atkins.

General manager Kupchak was once again surrounded by doubts. How could Brown be worth $22.68 million for three years? Butler averaged 15.5 points, 5.8 rebounds, 1.9 assists and 1.4 steals per game.

Just changing the blue-collar Brown seems to be a loss for the Lakers.

In fact. Even during the previous Lakers championship, Kupchak has never really been recognized by people. He is always regarded as a spectator of the Lakers' championship rather than a meritorious service.

After selling the "Big Sharks", Kupchak did everything by himself, even more diligent than during the three consecutive championships. From the draft to summer league, from European scouts to training camps, Kupchak is everywhere. But his diligence has not yielded results. He has been unable to find an insider for the Lakers to fill the vacancy of the Sharks. Superstitious about the value of veterans, he even pinned his hopes on Divac who was on the verge of retirement.

Now this deal is even more brain-dead, it is simply disrupting the market. 7 points, 4.9 rebounds, and a good-for-nothing who can't make free throws has such a big contract. How much does the other insiders cost?

See the amount of these few signings and deals. The Nets completely rejected the idea of ​​using Jefferson for an inside star.

As far as this year's market is concerned, Jefferson will at most switch to a Kwame Brown-level insider to add a head, so that Thorne should give himself a Chinese name of "Lei Feng".

After several deals were made in early July, free agency fell silent.

The Clippers took the lead in offering a maximum salary to Wang Jun, and did not rush to renew Bobby Simmons.

Currently in the Clippers, only Brand has an annual salary of tens of millions. The second highest Maggette contract is only 7 million. They are the team with the largest salary space in the league and can offer the highest salary in theory. Sincere.

The Clippers are determined to compete with the Lakers next season, and they don't want to be a foil every year.

Kaman also called Wang Jun. Hope he agrees. Once the Nets do not match, the Clippers will form the starting lineup of Kaman, Brand, Maggette, and Wang Jun. The only weak spot is at the point guard position.

Livingston is injured, and Jaric is too bad, but the Clippers have enough salary space, can dig people in the free market, and can also trade for a point guard.

Wang Jun was a little tempted, and called Ryan Hughes home for dinner and discussion at night. "Ray, this contract is a maximum salary, and the Clippers lineup is not bad, how do you feel?"

Hughes shook his head: "Can't hold back? I suggest you wait and don't go to the Clippers, although there are your friends there."

Wang Jun looked at the two younger sisters and Abby again, and asked, "Can you also talk about your ideas?"

Accept the maximum salary, and if the Nets do not match, he will really leave.

Leaving the Nets means leaving New York and living in a new environment. Everyone knows this. Wang Jun wondered whether the three could accept him to develop in other cities.

Wang Jun just lives in Manhattan, and actually faces the same embarrassment as James, without a big market.

The Nets haven't found a strong player inside. If the lineup remains the same, or if there is no inside star on the premise of Jefferson leaving, how can they beat the Heat? Wang Jun is not very satisfied with the team lineup.

For many players, like the Rockets, reaching the second round is already a breakthrough. But after Wang Jun won the championship and tasted the taste of victory, he was not satisfied with dawdling. He wanted to win more victories and win more championships.

Wang Leying glanced at Abby, not knowing what to say, she hoped that Wang Jun would go to the team she wanted to play and have a good time. But Abby works in New York, and it is difficult for the two to see each other.

Song Ting supported Wang Jun to go to Los Angeles. "Why don't you go to the Clippers? How nice it is to be in Los Angeles, where there are Hollywood and celebrities... Besides, Haozi's family is in Los Angeles, and we will go there in the future, so we can kill multiple birds with one stone."

After finishing speaking, she kicked Le Ying lightly under the table.

After they graduate, if they don't go to Los Angeles, it will be difficult for Yuan Hao to fall in love with Le Ying.

"Abby, what do you think?" Wang Jun asked.

Abby sighed: "If you go to Los Angeles, I can't apply to be transferred to work there. Los Angeles is full of people who are reused by ESPN. Can you choose other teams? Sorry, I don't want you to go to the Clippers."

In fact, she was worried that Wang Jun's relationship with Theron would become closer when he went to Los Angeles.

After participating in the reality show, their relationship has been warming up, and they don't want to have any surprises.

She felt that her thoughts were a little selfish, but said it anyway.

Hughes took over the topic: "Don't think about it, the Clippers owner Sterling is a recognized jerk, and their status in Los Angeles is too similar to that of the Nets in New York. At that time, the core will be Brand, let you and Maggie Dee shares the ball, Maggette hasn't made a three-pointer yet, you have to attract from the outside, so it's better to go to the Cavaliers."


"They can offer you a maximum salary, but they haven't made any moves until now. They are probably discussing something."

Abby's eyes lit up. Wang Jun's joining the Cavaliers is better than going to other teams, but she didn't express her opinion. She didn't want to ignore Wang Jun's development in a city. The Cavaliers' position is too bad.

It's only July, and Wang Jun has plenty of time to wait.


ps: The fifth update continues today, and the update time is the same as yesterday.

The protagonist will not stay in the Nets, where the next stop will be announced today.

Ask for votes, ask for support! (To be continued.)

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