Super Invincible Battleship

Chapter 469 Mysterious Aircraft

It wasn't until Yan Fei drove the drone up to 50 meters away from the underground warehouse that the metal door of the underground warehouse was opened from the outside. A group of heavily armed rice army soldiers wearing gas masks rushed in from the outside.

However, the intruders could no longer be seen in the underground warehouse at this time. The warehouse was in a mess, the ground was full of glass shards, the stone caves on the stone walls were empty, and the wreckage of those very precious aircraft had disappeared. There is a huge hole in the ceiling wall above the head, it is dark and faint, and it does not know where it leads, and sand and sand fall from it from time to time...

In the middle of the warehouse is a neatly arranged pile of explosives, which seems to be at least dozens of tons. Directly above the explosive pile, there is also a small trigger timing device connected, and this device is also flashing red light. After sensing that a large number of people entered the warehouse, the red light on it became more and more urgent.

The commander of this group of rice soldiers realized something was wrong and shouted: "There are traps here, retreat immediately, retreat immediately..."

It's a pity that the commander's order came too late. Before this group of rice soldiers had time to retreat, the red light on the timer suddenly turned green, and the huge pile of high explosives was detonated, causing an earth-shattering explosion. The shock wave and flames generated by the explosion swallowed the entire underground warehouse and the group of rice soldiers in the warehouse, and then rushed out along the metal gate to Area 51, destroying everything that could be destroyed...

Even in the vertically upward underground tunnel left after the drone retreated, a large number of shock waves and flames rushed up and severely impacted the drone. However, the drone clone is very strong, especially after entering the submerged mode, it is indestructible, and this attack is not enough to damage the drone. However, under the impetus of this upward force, the upward speed of the drone has become faster.

The hard rock of the underground tunnel has been ground into soft sand by the drone, which is very suitable for the drone to rise in the reverse direction in the backward direction. In just two minutes, the drone returned from a depth of 200 meters to the bottom of the Great Rift Valley, which was 100 meters deep.

After the drone returned to the bottom of the valley, it climbed up in the direction it came down from before. Driven by the two powerful crawlers under the drone's belly, the drone's clone quickly returned to the ground. Yan Fei switched the UAV's underground stealth mode to the normal flight mode, and saw the UAV quickly deformed and suddenly returned to the previous B-2 shape.

Then the drone was lifted into the air and flew to an altitude of 500 meters. At this time, Yan Fei was completely relieved, because no one could hurt him. Although the previous underground stealth mode is powerful, it is very inflexible, and the movement speed is very slow, and it may be attacked by the enemy at any time. If at that time someone spots the drone that is burrowing, use high-power bombs to keep attacking it. No matter how powerful the drone is, it will be destroyed because it cannot dodge. Only when he returns to the sky can Yan Fei feel safe enough.

Then the drone "saw" three armed helicopters flying over from the core area of ​​Area 51,

There is also a rice army convoy with snow-white lights under the armed helicopter. Judging from the direction they were driving, it should be the bottom of the Great Rift Valley where Yan Fei stayed before.

Yan Fei knew in his heart that this should be because the defense forces of the 51st District discovered that something was wrong, but they could not enter the underground warehouse in time, so they sent ground and air troops to check the situation on the surface of the underground warehouse. They wanted to investigate the enemy How to sneak into the underground storage warehouse from the surface, and block the escape route of the intruder from the surface, and wipe out the intruders.

At this moment, an explosion suddenly occurred in an area in the 51st district in the distance, and then the ground collapsed downwards, and a huge flame burst out from the collapsed hole. It turns out that the explosion in the underground warehouse finally triggered a chain reaction, causing a big explosion in a certain area of ​​District 51. This big explosion was so powerful that it actually blew up the entire area to collapse. It seems that Yan Fei's previous fifty tons of explosives It caused huge damage to Area 51.

Although Yan Fei successfully escaped from the underground warehouse, he left a tunnel for the drone to burrow underground, which cannot be hidden. Yan Fei didn't want Americans to know the underground stealth parameters of the drone, so he wanted to completely destroy this very obvious evidence. I saw the space channel outside the drone open, and three huge super bombs over ten tons suddenly appeared and fell towards the bottom of the Great Rift Valley below.

These three bombs fell on the bottom of the Great Rift Valley, and then exploded violently. The explosive power completely destroyed the underground tunnel dug by the drone when it was diving, and the canyon above the Great Rift Valley collapsed. I saw tens of thousands of tons of sand rushing down, blocking this section of the Great Rift Valley. In this way, no one can collect the traces left by the drone, and naturally they will not know the secret of the drone.

The rice army in the distance stopped when they noticed the big explosion at the location of the Great Rift Valley ahead, and the fighters in the convoy immediately got out of the car and prepared for battle very skillfully. The armed helicopters in the sky also stopped advancing, and they approached each other to form a small combat formation.

In the sky, less than one kilometer in front of the rice army, is Yan Fei's drone clone. However, the sky was dark at this time, and the UAV radar was invisible, so not only the soldiers of the Mi Army, but also the armed helicopters, they did not find the UAV clone hidden in the darkness.

The Mi Army didn't know where their enemies were, so they stood firm while seeking military support from the rear base. At this moment, fire suddenly flashed in the sky ahead, and more than a dozen AGM-114 anti-tank missiles appeared out of thin air like celestial maidens scattered flowers, and quickly approached the rice army troops.

After discovering that the missile was coming, the pilot of the armed helicopter was taken aback. He hurriedly maneuvered the helicopter to dodge and released the decoy bombs. However, the three armed helicopters were too close to the incoming AGM-114 anti-tank missile, and the two enhanced The AGM-114 anti-tank missile flies very fast, so the armed helicopter has no time to dodge.

I saw fires flashing in the sky, and three AGM-114 anti-tank missiles avoided the decoy bombs under the guidance of the quantum radar, and directly hit the armed helicopters in the sky, blowing them up in the air. The wreckage of the burning helicopter gunship fell to the ground, startling the rice army troops on the ground.

Destroying the armed helicopter only consumed three AGM-114 anti-tank missiles. Under the lock and guidance of the quantum radar, more AGM-114 anti-tank missiles flew towards the convoy of military vehicles on the ground, constantly hitting the ground. The military vehicle, the general's vehicle exploded, and the aftermath of the explosion also injured and killed the soldiers of the Mi Army who were hiding next to the military vehicle...

After all the nb-114 anti-tank missiles hit the targets on the ground, the entire rice army was killed and injured, and the ground was full of burning helicopters and military vehicle wreckage. Even the rice army soldiers who survived by luck were seriously injured and unable to move, they could only helplessly wait for death.

Yan Fei didn't pay much attention to this small-scale military convoy. He flew the drone towards the core area of ​​District 51. He has exceeded the goal of this operation and obtained three necessary items for upgrading, but Yan Fei has no intention of stopping. He will continue to attack and destroy the special department of the United States that specializes in the study of mysterious aircraft. Let their technology continue to grow.

But before that, Yan Fei locked the airport runway in District 51, and used AIM-120 air-to-air missiles to destroy all the F-15 fighter jets that were taxiing on the airport runway, preventing the Mi Army fighter jets in the airport from coming. Destroy your own attack this time. And without the Mijun aircraft, this place is completely dominated by Yanfei drones.

After eliminating the threat, the drone arrived at the entrance to the underground research area in Area 51. At this time, the entrance was very chaotic, because an unknown explosion occurred in the underground research area, and many research rooms had been blown up. It was no longer safe to stay underground. The survivors were reminded by the radio to quickly evacuate here. Some people who evacuated early had already driven their vehicles to leave the base.

Yan Fei didn't care about the researchers who left. He flew the drone over the entrance and exit. The belly of the drone opened, and a huge GBU-28 laser-guided bomb was launched, flying towards the passage below. . The moment the drone's belly was opened, the drone's whereabouts were temporarily locked by the Mi Army radar, but when the UAV's belly was closed, the target on the Mi Army radar disappeared...

The GBU-28 laser-guided bomb is a powerful ground-penetrating bomb for drones. One piece weighs as much as 2.3 tons, and it is the most powerful attack weapon for drones. However, Yan Fei has rarely used such powerful bombs because he rarely encounters targets that need to penetrate the ground to attack. He now wants to destroy Area 51, which is located at a depth of 200 meters underground, and this powerful ground-penetrating bomb is the best choice.

Under the guidance of the quantum radar and the precise control of the auxiliary brain, this GBU-28 laser-guided bomb hit the entrance and exit of Area 51 vertically, but this GBU-28 laser-guided bomb did not happen immediately like other bombs Instead, it broke through the hard ground and drilled down to the ground. When the GBU-28 laser-guided bomb penetrated 100 meters below the ground, its delay fuse was activated, and then a violent explosion took place, driving the bomb to a depth of 100 meters. All nearby buildings were destroyed. And the shock wave of this explosion also rushed to the ground in the opposite direction, killing all the scientific researchers near the entrance and exit who hadn't had time to evacuate.

The GBU-28 laser-guided bomb reached a depth of 100 meters for the first time, because the place where it drilled was an elevator shaft built by the Americans, and there were a lot of hollow spaces in it, so it achieved such a good drill Effect. Then Yan Fei launched the second GBU-28 laser-guided bomb. This GBU-28 laser-guided bomb continued to drill down along the previously opened passage, but this time the drilling effect was not very good. Drill down to 60 meters. After Yanfei launched the third GBU-28 laser-guided bomb, this GBU-28 laser-guided bomb came to the ground at a depth of 200 meters and destroyed a large number of research centers below.

The area covered by Area 51 is very large, and each scientific research building has solid isolation equipment. Even if Yan Fei blows up one of the important areas, it will not be able to cause a large-scale chain reaction and destroy the entire Area 51.

Yan Fei also understood this truth, so he changed his attack target and began to attack the ground one kilometer from the entrance and exit. In the quantum radar scan, Yan Fei knew that there were many large buildings at a depth of 100 meters underground, and there were still a large number of researchers in the buildings. Yan Fei didn't know what was important in the ground at a depth of 200 meters, but there were so many scientific researchers at a depth of 100 meters, it was already worth his attack here.

A GBU-28 laser-guided bomb hits the desert floor and burrows down quickly. There is no hollow elevator shaft here, so when the GBU-28 laser-guided bomb entered the ground at a depth of 80 meters, it exploded violently. However, there is still a distance from 100 meters here, and no casualties were caused to the research center and personnel at a depth of 100 meters. However, the second GBU-28 laser-guided bomb drilled to a depth of 140 meters, and the aftermath of the explosion hit scientific research institutions and personnel at a depth of 100 meters, killing a large number of scientific research personnel.

Next, Yan Fei fired two GBU-28 laser-guided bombs again, and finally reached a depth of 200 meters, blowing up a large number of scientific research buildings below.

After eliminating this target, Yan Fei was about to switch his attack target when he discovered that there seemed to be something different in the ground at a depth of 200 meters. In the previously destroyed underground, violent red flames and thick smoke were everywhere. But in this underground, what appeared was a blue mysterious light, and the red flames and thick smoke that should have appeared were nowhere to be found.

Yan Fei was curious, and found that the blue light was getting stronger and stronger, and then a mysterious aircraft emitting blue light quickly flew out of the huge tunnel blasted by the ground-penetrating bomb, and then slammed on the brakes, just hovering at two feet from the ground. 100 meters in the air.

After discovering this hovering aircraft, Yan Fei was very surprised. Because he found that the aircraft was very large, even larger than the UAV B-2. This aircraft exhibits a special streamlined and aerodynamic shape that Yan Fei has never seen from other Earth aircraft before.

However, Yan Fei immediately found something familiar, that is, the body color of this mysterious aircraft is gray and black, and the inclination angle of some places is exactly the same as that of Mi Jun's B-2. If the unique aerodynamic shape of this mysterious aircraft is excluded, it actually has a lot of similarities with the B-2 stealth bomber of the Mi Army. The B-2 of the Mi Army should be the design obtained from this mysterious aircraft. inspiration.

Then Yan Fei discovered one thing, that is, this mysterious aircraft also has powerful radar invisibility capabilities, and ordinary radars cannot detect it at all. This stealth ability should be related to the design of its body and the gray-black substance painted. From this point of view, the connection between the mysterious aircraft and the B-2 is very strong, and it is almost printed from the same mold.

However, there are many differences between this mysterious aircraft and the B-2 of the Mijun. For example, its body emits a blue light, which envelopes it inside, which looks very sci-fi. . Moreover, this mysterious aircraft also has the same hovering ability as the Yanfei drone, and can easily hover in mid-air.

Just seeing this mysterious aircraft for the first time, Yan Fei discovered that it was not simple. The scientific and technological content of this mysterious aircraft is very high, and it has obviously surpassed the technological level of the United States. The GBU-28 laser-guided bomb launched by Yanfei just exploded at a depth of 200 meters, but it could not harm the aircraft, which shows that the aircraft is very strong.

Then Yan Fei remembered what Captain Huaxia said to himself, that is, when the Americans discovered the submarine plaza in the Bermuda Triangle decades ago, they once found a complete aircraft from that submarine plaza, and brought that aircraft with them. Back to the United States. Now it seems that this mysterious aircraft should be the one that the United States got from the submarine plaza.

The United States is only conducting research on this mysterious aircraft, and then they designed the most advanced B-2 stealth bomber in the United States based on the research results. But it is obvious that the imitation of the B-2 by the Americans should not be successful, and their imitation is too far behind the original.

This mysterious aircraft has radar stealth capabilities, but this stealth ability has the same root as the B-2. Yan Fei's UAV quantum radar can easily detect Mi Jun's B-2, so it is natural to find this mysterious fighter. Its invisibility ability is ineffective against Yan Fei. The only difference from the B-2 is that the UAV needs to consume more energy points to lock this mysterious aircraft.

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