Super Golden Eye

Chapter 693 Cleaning up Hongsheng

Chapter 693 Cleaning up Hongsheng

"Why did I become a summer insect..." Fang Yang couldn't help but feel a little depressed: "Forget it, as long as you are happy. I have something to do, so I will go back first."

It is said that three women make a show, but these two women already gave Fang Yang a huge headache. After saying hello, he turned around and left.

Before leaving, Fang Yang said to Shen Xin: "Don't be too depressed, I feel uncomfortable looking at Miss Shen like this.

You have time to put your company in order. Tomorrow, the company over in the East China Sea will send some people over, and the cleanup operation against Hongsheng Group will be fully launched.

After the foundation of Hongsheng is dug out, the people in Donghai will still have to go back. We still have to rely on you here. Don't let me down! "

Shen Xin was obviously not very interested: "I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee how far I can achieve it."

"Go and take a rest first. Your condition worries me even more." Fang Yang shook his head and drove away.

Returning to his room, he was about to lie down when he received a call from Cao Miaoyu: "My people have been sent over, when will they start?"

Fang Yang looked at the time and said: "We will launch with all our strength tomorrow morning. As long as Hongsheng's stock market is disrupted in the morning, we will start pulling out the nails in the afternoon."

"Okay, I'll go and assign the tasks." Cao Miaoyu hung up the phone after saying that.

No matter how long the night is, dawn finally arrives. When the early morning sunlight shone through the gaps in the curtains, Fang Yang had already packed up and went out to drive to Stone Gambling City.

There is a big screen here and the location is relatively good. If there are any emergencies, we can respond immediately.

At around 8:30, Fang Yang, Wang Qiang, and Baofu had breakfast and were already sitting in front of the computer, connected to the computer in the Donghai Data Center.

At nine o'clock, all personnel were in place. At nine fifteen, when the stock market opened, hundreds of accounts began to frantically acquire Hongsheng Group's stocks.

In this crazy wave of acquisitions, Hongsheng Group's stock price rose by 8% in less than five minutes! At least nearly 5% of the shares were acquired!

Everyone is nervously looking at the numbers on the market. As long as the stock rises by 10%, it will hit the daily limit!

At Songjiang Hongsheng Group, Zhang Kai stared at the constantly beating numbers and asked in a deep voice: "Liu Qing, is there any news about my brother? Where has he gone?"

"Not yet. Director Zhang said he was going to Jiangbei before, but now his phone is turned off." Liu Qing is Zhang Tao's confidential secretary. To put it bluntly, he is an open mistress. Basically everyone knows it.

As Zhang Tao's woman, Liu Qing naturally knew what was going on between the two brothers. However, under the current circumstances, Zhang Tao could not be contacted, so Zhang Kai could only be asked to take charge of the overall situation.

Zhang Kai frowned: "Notify everyone that an emergency conference call of the board of directors will be held immediately within five minutes!"

Liu Qing was a little surprised: "Is it too hasty? Some directors are not in Songjiang at all. Five minutes, I'm afraid..."

"If they don't want to lose everything and beg for food on the street in the future, they have to show up for me!" Zhang Kai looked at Liu Qing coldly:

"I know what you are thinking. Do you think that because you are Zhang Tao, you can ignore me?"

"No, no, no, I don't mean that." Liu Qing's expression changed, "I'm going to notify the board of directors to hold a conference call."

Zhang Kai fiercely hugged Liu Qing into his arms and looked at her greedily: "You'd better be good, otherwise, even if I lose power again, I can easily kill you!"

Liu Qing's face changed wildly, she struggled out of Zhang Kai's arms, covered her face and left. Although she suffered such great injustice, she did not dare to show it to outsiders at all.

Five minutes later, Zhang Kai sat in the conference room and convened the board meeting on time via video call. Liu Qing whispered:

"Director Zhang, there are seventeen members on the board of directors, sixteen in fact. The chairman is absent."

Zhang Kai nodded and took the microphone directly: "Everyone, you are all old men of Hongsheng Group. You conquered the world together with my father and created this foundation.

During this period, there were also turmoils and troughs. We all worked together to overcome the difficulties and got to where we are today step by step.

But now, we may encounter the biggest difficulty since Hongsheng was founded. Because of our previous mistakes, we had a problem with Yang Ming Group.

Although we knew that Yang Ming Group would be detrimental to us for a long time, we did not expect that it would come so quickly. This morning, after the market opened, we discovered that someone was maliciously manipulating Hongsheng's stock.

So far, our market value has evaporated by nearly 30 million out of thin air! And now, it has only been fifteen minutes since the market opened! "

Immediately, some board members raised questions: "Where is Zhang Tao? Shouldn't he be here to take charge of the overall situation?"

Zhang Kai was expressionless: "I have just returned to Songjiang. As for my dear brother, do you think he will report his whereabouts to me?"

Everyone knew what was going on between the two brothers, and no one was optimistic about Zhang Kai in this fight.

But now, besides Zhang Tao, it is Zhang Kai who holds the most shares. Even if he loses power again, he still holds the largest 15% stake in Hongsheng Group besides Zhang Tao.

After a brief silence, someone asked: "If Yangming Group is determined to fight us, Hongsheng Group has no chance of winning. I wonder what you can do?"

Zhang Kai said: "The other party's strategy is obvious, which is to use this short-term operation to drive up cash. We don't know how many stocks they have in hand, and we don't dare to gamble.

Therefore, my strategy is to work together to push the stock up first and then hit the daily limit! Then before the review, there will be a certain buffer time for everyone to sit down and formulate countermeasures. "



With the first supporter, everyone soon agreed with his approach, and it was obvious that there was really no better way to solve the current predicament.

"Very good, then I'll make the arrangements right away, and everyone should get to the company as soon as possible. After all, this is a matter of life and death, and it's better for everyone to witness it together."

Zhang Kai had long known that these people would agree. No one would want to see their money wasted for no reason.

Conference calls start and end quickly. Leaving the conference room, Zhang Kai said to Liu Qing: "Immediately ask the technical department to arrange manpower and prepare for preliminary work. Fund allocation matters have also been arranged. After the directors arrive, we will attack the stock market as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Director Zhang." Liu Qing agreed with a low eyebrow, and immediately went out to make arrangements.

At the same time, Fang Yang and Wang Qiang were drinking tea while chatting with Cao Miaoyu: "Miaoyu, what's going on now? What's going on over there?"

Cao Miaoyu said: "No action has been found so far, but judging from the banks, Hongsheng Group has mobilized a large amount of funds.

Based on the current situation, without knowing whether Zhang Tao is alive or dead, he probably wants to suspend trading of the stock as soon as possible before making any plans. "

"Haha, this is interesting." Fang Yang calculated: "We should have obtained 35% of Hongsheng's shares from Zhang Tao?

Coupled with the previous panic buying, is it possible to reach forty? They should have more on hand. "

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