Super Golden Eye

Chapter 639 Meeting Gift

Chapter 639 Meeting Gift

"Yes! Let's go back now!" Shitou stood up suddenly and staggered out. Lao Deng quickly followed him and helped him leave.

After the two of them left, Mouzi also said to Li Qiu Shuang: "Sister Shuang, since Lao Deng and Shitou are gone, there is no point in our gathering this year.

I have already given you the Cup of Flower God, why not give me the gilt statue of Sakyamuni Buddha first. Let's get together again when we have the opportunity in the future. "

"That's fine," Li Qiu Shuang thought for a while. Without Lao Deng and Shi Tou, there really wasn't much point in gathering them together: "I'll get it for you right now. Wait a moment."

Nodding to Fang Yang and Monk Zhou, Li Qiu Shuang turned and left. Fifteen minutes later, he came back again, holding a sandalwood box in his hand and handed it to the mouse: "Take a look, right?"

"Okay, sorry, sister." As soon as the box was in hand, Mouse couldn't wait to open it and looked at it carefully. He seemed extremely excited: "Yes, it's this Buddha statue. I'll say goodbye first and contact you if I have anything else."

After saying that, he didn't say hello to Monk Zhou and Fang Yang, and left in a hurry with the box under his arm. When Fang Yang was testing the authenticity with the mouse, he also used his golden eye to examine the Buddha statue.

Unexpected discovery, it seems that there is a mystery hidden in the Buddha statue. There seems to be something like tissue paper hidden in the chest of the Buddha statue.

Because the weight is so light, it will not affect the overall balance of the Buddha statue. As for what the piece of silk paper is, it is unknown.

But one thing is certain, the mouse is definitely an insider. Otherwise, although there are not many gilded Buddha statues of Sakyamuni in the world, it is not impossible.

You can still buy it if you are willing to spend a lot of money. It can be heard from their conversation that the rat has been chasing him for several years.

In order to please Li Qiu Shuang, she even went to great lengths to put together a set of Twelve Flower God Cups! This shows that he is determined to obtain this gilt statue of Sakyamuni Buddha.

After the mouse left, Monk Zhou burped and picked his teeth and said, "Sister Shuang, since they are all gone, there is no point in us brothers being here."

"Haha, why is Brother Zhou so anxious today?" Li Qiu Shuang smiled gently: "I have some private matters and I want to talk to Brother Fang alone. Is that okay?"

"Talk to him?" Monk Zhou tilted his head and looked at Fang Yang: "Is this necessary?"

Fang Yang guessed that Li Qiu Shuang must have wanted to talk to him because of what he had said before. He is indeed a character who can endure it until this point: "Let's talk. It shouldn't take long for you and Xiaobao to sit here for a while."

Monk Zhou said uneasily, "Then you should pay more attention. If anything happens, just call out."

"Well, I understand." After Fang Yang finished speaking, he said to Li Qiu Shuang, "I wonder what Boss Li wants me to talk about?"

Li Qiu Shuang stood up quickly: "Although Tianzhen Pavilion is small, there are still a few items that can be taken out. Let Brother Fang come and appreciate them."

Fang Yang smiled and said, "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

Li Qiu Shuang asked someone to change some snacks for Monk Zhou and Xiao Bao, and then took Fang Yang to the dark room at the back.

Although there were no accidents on the road, Fang Yang still discovered that there were hundreds of traps hidden in the short passage of a few dozen meters, which were only temporarily closed.

Presumably Li Qiu Shuang had already decided to bring him in when he was getting the gilded Buddha statue of Sakyamuni for the mouse just now.

Soon, at the end of the passage, Li Qiu Shuang pushed open a heavy iron door and made an inviting gesture to Fang Yang: "Please, this is the secret room of Tianzhen Pavilion."

Fang Yang did not go in immediately, but asked: "Boss Li, it's the first day we've met, and you're bringing me to such an important place, aren't you worried?"

Li Qiu Shuang's eyes flashed: "Worry? Why should I worry? You are a disciple of Taoist An in Qingcheng Mountain, and you are the only Feng Shui master currently alive and walking.

If you really take a fancy to my little shop, I'm afraid that neither the agencies outside nor the formations here can stop you, right? In this case, why not be more generous? "

Fang Yang rolled his eyes, feeling helpless: "Uh... can I understand that this is a compliment to me?"

Li Qiu Shuang said: "Of course, I believe that no one will not take Feng Shui masters seriously, especially the Feng Shui masters under Qingcheng Mountain."

After passing through two more secret doors, I finally entered the real treasure room. Suddenly a huge underground palace appeared in front of him.

All the decorations are antiques of various shapes, ranging from bronzes from the Spring and Autumn Period to porcelain from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Although Fang Yang didn't know how to identify antiques, he had just seen the gilt Buddha statue of Sakyamuni and the Twelve Flower God Cup. At least none of the things he has seen so far are worse than those two.

Li Qiu Shuang said proudly: "How do you like it? Here are the treasures accumulated by Tianzhen Pavilion over the past generations. Take a look at it. What do you like?"

Fang Yang sighed: "They are all rare treasures, and each one is priceless. I like them, but it is empty joy."

Li Qiu Shuang raised her hand boldly: "Whatever item you like, treat it as a meeting gift for Brother Fang."

"Meeting gift? Then this gift is too heavy. I would never dare to accept it." Fang Yang was also secretly surprised.

From the private conversation between Li Qiu Shuang and him, Fang Yang guessed that if he asked for something, he would express it, but such generosity was unexpected.

Li Qiu Shuang had nothing to hide: "Since Brother Fang can be recognized by Monk Zhou, he must also know what he does.

We people, to put it bluntly, are the four major sects that were despised in the beginning. In order to avoid all kinds of troubles, they can only break into pieces, survive independently and support each other.

So, what you see are all obtained by fighting backwards. Although it is worth a lot of money, it would be a blessing to be caught by Brother Fang's discerning eye. "

Fang Yang looked around and said calmly: "I'm afraid Boss Li is angry about the recent troubles in Tianzhen Pavilion, right?

If I'm not mistaken, it has been on a slow downward trend since you took over Tianzhen Pavilion. In recent years, it has become more and more serious, and it has even caused official trouble. I don’t know, is that right? "

Li Qiu Shuang's eyes were filled with brilliance: "Brother Fang is really powerful, and what he said is true. I am willing to ask my brother to give me some advice, so that Qiu Shuang can keep the inheritance of his ancestors."

Fang Yang said: "Actually, your matter is easy to solve. You must have offended someone, so the Feng Shui of Tianzhen Pavilion was tampered with."

"Feng shui has been tampered with?!" Li Qiu Shuang suddenly realized it, and was extremely sad and angry: "No wonder! When my father handed over Tianzhen Pavilion to me before his death, some people did not agree. I didn't expect that they would not hesitate to use such a method. The method comes from destroying the foundation!"

Back then, Tianzhen Pavilion had two assistants, Li Qiu Shuang's uncle, in addition to Li Tianshuang's father, Li Xiangong, who was the chief manager.

Li Xianggong was one of three brothers who made a deal, but encountered a murderer. The second brother fought tooth and nail to give the two senior brothers a chance to escape.

After returning, Li Xiangong was still seriously injured and died soon after. At that time, Li Qiu Shuang was just seventeen years old and was appointed as the new Pavilion Master.

Li Xianggong's junior brother Huang Xiaofei believes that he has followed Li Xianggong through life and death, so he should be the best candidate to take over Tianzhen Pavilion.

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