Super Golden Eye

Chapter 511 Poor Faqiumen

Yang Fan took a deep breath and turned to look at Fang Yang: "Little brother, please forgive me for being cautious. Because Faqiu Men has already seriously injured his vitality because of his credulity in others.

It was precisely because of that mistake that Faqiu Sect suffered heavy losses and it would be difficult to return to its former strength, so it was worried. "

Fang Yang chuckled and said: "Sister-in-law, there is no need to apologize. This is human nature. If it were me, I believe it would be the same."

Yang Fan said: "Thank you, then I will tell you everything that happened. Thirty years ago, we were still children at that time.

Because my father only has one child, and the Faqiu family has not fought against each other for a long time, he kept the Faqiu seal with me.

That year, due to flooding, even our lives became a problem. Although Faqiumen has always had a bad reputation, our ancestors have taught us that whenever there is a major disaster, we will do good deeds and provide disaster relief.

My father followed the instructions of our ancestors and wanted to take some from our ancestral secret cave to help the world and provide disaster relief.

It happened that one of my father's good friends, Tianjizi from Tianjimai, was visiting at home.

Because his father was frail and sick, he entrusted Tianjizi with the task of charity and disaster relief. Who would have thought that that man was ambitious and wanted to make money, so he secretly gathered talents and wanted to take over our Yang family's secret cave!

There were seventy people from all over Faqiumen, but no one survived! Because I had a bone disease at that time, I was sent to a secret cave to recuperate. My senior brothers and junior brothers stayed with me to avoid the disaster of annihilation.

When I recovered from my illness and came out of the cave, all I saw was a mess! All the houses were destroyed and all the belongings and books were swept away!

When I found my father's body, I saw him sitting under a big tree in the courtyard, his eyes wide open, there were dozens of wounds on his body, and all his blood had already drained away. Holding the tree with one hand and holding the sword with the other, we remain standing!

The junior brother was careful and found a few words written in mourning script on the big tree behind his father: Tianji... kill! Reminiscent of the fact that when we left the village, only Tianjizi was there, so he must have planned this massacre!

We swore a poisonous oath in front of our father's body to avenge us in this life! Unfortunately, after taking care of my father's funeral, we found that things were not as simple as we thought!

At that time, our senior brother was the oldest, only sixteen years old, and he did not have the strength to seek revenge from God.

The skills and secrets inside the door have been wiped out again. Even if you have a lot of blood, you can't do anything. I wanted to enter the secret cave again to look for opportunities, but found that I couldn't find the entrance at all!

When my father was still alive, he once told me that the way to enter the secret cave was in our Yang family tree. But now it has been stolen by thieves, how can I find it? "

Fang Yang couldn't help but ask: "But didn't you come out of the secret cave? Can't you just go in through the exit?"

Yang Fan seemed to have known for a long time that he would ask this question: "It's useless. Our secret cave is built in the maze under the underground tomb. Without guidance, it is too difficult to enter."

In addition, although it is difficult to get in, it is extremely easy to get out. Just walk straight along the exit and you can get out. But if you go back immediately after you come out, you will definitely not be able to enter the secret cave, and you will just go around in circles in the maze. "

"I see." Fang Yang did not doubt Yang Fan's words, that was completely unnecessary.

With the Faqiu Sect's inheritance of nearly a thousand years, it is far away from the flames of war, and it will definitely preserve the previous inheritance to a great extent.

It is not too difficult to achieve such a result by taking advantage of the favorable terrain, making some modifications, and adding a magic array.

Of course, the Faqiu Sect has been engaged in back-and-forth fights all year round, so they must have a thorough understanding of various agencies. If you arrange it casually, it will be extremely powerful. If you make a wrong step, you will not even know how you died.

Because of the fading away of Faqiumen, Mojin Xiaowei has become the top spot in the world of fighting. Everyone thinks that the strength of Colonel Mojin should be higher than that of General Faqiu!

But the truth of the matter is that at the beginning, Colonel Mo Jin was just a minion who wanted to help Zhonglang Faqiu!

Nothing happened, but Fang Yang was really moved: "Do you want me to find the entrance for you?"

Yang Fan nodded: "Yes, we need your help. A few days ago, I and I quietly went back to the secret cave to take a look.

In addition to the original formations and restrictions, many levels and traps were set up on the outside. It was very difficult to get closer. "

Monk Zhou slammed his fist: "Hmph, no need to ask, it must be the fault of those bastards from Tianjimen!

They are afraid that we will enter the secret cave, become stronger again, and cause trouble for them. I, Lao Zhou, was not convinced and wanted to try hard, but I met a guy who was two sizes older than me and very powerful. Especially with a bunch of gold chains hanging around his neck, why didn't he strangle him to death? "

"Two sizes older than you? A gold chain?!" A figure immediately appeared in Fang Yang's mind, and he immediately asked:

"The person you are talking about has broad shoulders and a tall and rugged body. The tattoo should be a dragon, right?"

Monk Zhou was a little surprised: "Huh? How do you know so clearly? Did you also fight with him?"

Originally, Fang Yang was only slightly interested, but when he was involved with the gold necklace Chen Tao, it was completely different:

"Now that we have dealt with you, I already understand your matters. Do you have some photos or drawings for reference? I will reply to you as soon as possible."

Yang Fan was also very happy: "Really?! You promised to help us?"

When looking for Fang Yang, she was indeed a little hesitant. But they also admitted that based on the resources they currently have at their disposal, Fang Yang is the most suitable partner.

There may be people who are more powerful than Fang Yang, but those old guys are all treated as treasures by the major forces. It is difficult to even meet them, let alone help you.

Fang Yang corrected: "I just said to think about it. I didn't say that I would definitely help you. Don't put too much hope in it."

Monk Zhou grinned: "I believe in my little brother's character. Since he wants information, he has basically agreed. Wife, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and get those information out?"

"Ah? Oh, here it is." Yang Fan quickly took out a large sealed bag from the treasure bag beside him and handed it over: "We just got this a while ago. It seems that there are still police people there. "

"Are there people from the police here? What are they doing there?" Fang Yang was a little surprised, but he still took the bag.

After Yang Fan finished speaking, he stood up: "Then we don't know. I'll leave the things here with you. We'll be waiting for news from you in the past two days."

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