Super Golden Eye

Chapter 277 Smart New Product Launch Conference

When Fang Yang and Cao Miaoyu were surrounded by many media, the diva Guo Xiang appeared behind Fang Yang at some point, facing each camera, and came to Fang Yang's rescue with great ease.

The person who said those words just now was also Guo Xiang.

Guo Xiang returned to the rescue, but she just said that she invited Fang Yang to come, which made Fang Yang confused.

Ever since that day when Huanggang came to deliver the invitation letter, Fang Yang felt vaguely that something was wrong, especially since Jinfang Group asked Guo Xiang to become their company's project spokesperson. From the perspective of the causal eye, due to a period of mixing, the causal line between Fang Yang and Guo Xiang has become inseparable, and her fate will also have varying degrees of impact on Fang Yang.

However, Fang Yang tried to contact Guo Xiang during this period, but Guo Xiang was very busy, flying in the sky every day. Fang Yang could not see her face at all, and he hung up the phone in a few words.

After Guo Xiang finished helping deal with the media, under the leadership of the staff, Fang Yang, Guo Xiang, and Cao Miaoyu had a rare opportunity to be alone.

When Fang Yang was about to ask Guo Xiang what was going on, Guo Xiang spoke first, staring straight at Cao Miaoyu's hand holding Fang Yang's arm, and asked with a smile: "Hey Fang Yang, we haven't seen you for a few days. , you even hooked up with a beautiful woman!"

At this moment, Fang Yang had no intention of talking about this matter. He shook his head and asked, "You just said that you invited me to attend this press conference. What happened? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

When Fang Yang was talking to Guo Xiang, he subconsciously looked at Guo Xiang with his Feng Shui eyes, only to see that Guo Xiang's luck was still poor.

All in all, every time Fang Yang saw Guo Xiang, her fortune line was either bad or extremely bad, and bad things happened to her every time.

Will the same mistake happen again today?

After Fang Yang looked at Guo Xiang with his Feng Shui eyes, he was thinking of looking away, but his subsequent discovery made Fang Yang's golden eyes widen and he looked around.

At this moment, just above the dome of the science and technology museum, the LED lighting effects of the sun, moon and stars, which were not turned on during the day, were having subtle lights flowing along the light strips.

If Fang Yang restrained his golden eye, everything would be normal. But once he continued to use his golden eye, a subtle light would appear on the light strip above the dome.

Through the light strip, Fang Yang vaguely noticed something strange inside the light strip, but Fang Yang could not tell that the substance inside was neither evil spirit nor blood light.

Could it be that Jinfang Group is going to do some kind of technology display? Fang Yang vaguely felt that the light flowing inside seemed to be a substance similar to electric current.

As for Guo Xiang, who seemed to have brought the topic to himself, how could Cao Miaoyu, who had long been a master of human nature, not notice that while Fang Yang was absorbed in observing his surroundings, Guo Xiang and Cao Miaoyu's words contained thorns, and they came and went. There were several confrontations.

Fang Yang restrained his golden eyes and turned his attention to Guo Xiang and Cao Miaoyu. Only then did he realize that the atmosphere was a little weird.

"Uh" Fang Yang looked at Cao Miaoyu and then at Guo Xiang with an embarrassed look on his face. Just when he was about to speak out, Guo Xiang's assistant ran over and said he was going to start putting on makeup.

Guo Xiang nodded, and then said to Fang Yang: "You guys can help yourself first. I'll put on makeup. The event will start later."

Watching Guo Xiang's leaving figure, Fang Yang was a little confused. This woman still didn't answer his question. Did she invite him, or did Jinfang Group invite her?

After Guo Xiang left, the venue staff came forward to guide Fang Yang and Cao Miaoyu to their seats. After sitting down, Cao Miaoyu asked in a low voice: "Last time, I was wondering how you got such tickets for the in-field concert. Now it seems that the Queen of Songs' feelings for you are extraordinary."

Hearing this, Fang Yang was startled at first, and then scolded in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense, Guo Xiang and I are just ordinary friends."

"Ordinary friends?" Cao Miaoyu smiled lightly and then stopped talking.

The smart new product launch conference held by Jinfang Group today was attended by many celebrities. In addition to some shopping mall tycoons and capital giants, the Guwu family also came to help. Most of them were people who had enemies with Fang Yang, such as Zhan Long, Qi Mofeng, Duan Qihuang and others.

Among them, Zhan Long looked at Fang Yang with a fierce look in his eyes, as if he wanted to eat Fang Yang's meat raw right away, but Fang Yang automatically filtered it out.

The press conference was held in a closed venue in the Science and Technology Museum. The stage was laid out in advance. When the surrounding lights dimmed, a series of light curtain rays lit up around the stage.

Huang Gang, who was wearing a suit and leather shoes, walked to the center of the stage closely followed by the light curtain.

"Now I am announcing that Jinfang Group's first intelligent new product launch conference will be held here. Now we have invited the spokesperson of the group's intelligent robot project, Miss Guo Xiang!"

As Huang Gang's voice fell, the lights in the entire venue were dimmed, and a ray of bright blue light shone down. Guo Xiang, ethereal and fairy-like in a white dress, appeared in the center of the stage.

As soon as Guo Xiang appeared, a row of light yellow LED lights flashed in a row three feet above his head, and then brightened.

It was a metal robot shaped like an umbrella. It was called a robot because there were two blue 'eyes' as big as fists on the umbrella.

Water droplets were spraying on the umbrella robot, but the water droplets, let alone Guo Xiang, could not even come into contact with the umbrella robot, and the world was evaporated.

After the umbrella robot demonstrated its functions, a row of light screen fonts flashed, introducing the functions of the umbrella robot. As you can see, the function of the umbrella robot is to keep out the rain.

Finally, at the bottom of the font on the light screen was marked the selling price, RMB 10,000.

Fang Yang looked at the price and couldn't help but smack his tongue and muttered: "You made an umbrella of gold, it's so expensive."

There were many people who had the same idea as Fang Yang, but none of them spoke up. In line with the great wish to support the country's scientific and technological construction, they continued to watch the rest of Jinfang Group's display of technology.

\u0026nbs/h; There are smart stoves and smart bicycles

Jinfang Group's exhibits today are closely related to life. Every new smart product is priced extremely high, but its functionality makes those present stunned and yearning for it.

As the show came to an end, Huang Gang suddenly shared the stage with Guo Xiang and said with a smile: "Miss Guo Xiang, what do you think of our company's products?"

Although Guo Xiang is the spokesperson for Jinfang Group’s smart projects, this is the first time she has experienced so many types of smart services. This is like opening a door through the future, and Guo Xiang is the first to experience it.

When Huang Gang asked, Guo Xiang took a deep breath, calmed down her excitement, and then responded to Huang Gang's words in an official manner.

When Guo Xiang finished speaking, Huang Gang suddenly smiled mysteriously and said, "Our real finale hasn't come yet. Miss Guo Xiang, are you ready?"

After Huang Gang finished speaking, Guo Xiang's pretty face was startled. There was no finale during the rehearsal.

When Fang Yang heard Huang Gang's words, he instinctively felt uneasy in his heart, and then

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