Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 3447 Achromia

Angel: "You mean, Mond is likely to be related to achromia?"

Laplace did not nod or shake his head, but simply said lightly: "It may not be Mond, maybe it's the evil witch Mond wants to defeat?"

"Of course, it's also possible that achromia has nothing to do with either of them."

"After all, the investigation results announced by the extremist sect only found that the origin was Chengu Town, and did not identify a specific person."

Angel also understood what Laplace meant. There was no evidence that these two people were related to achromatism, so it was inappropriate to directly equate them.

But then again, since Laplace mentioned the matter of "achromia", he obviously had doubts.

Laplace nodded: "Indeed, I have doubts. But what I doubt is not people, but..."

Laplace looked at the color palette that exuded a faint mysterious aura in the psychic display cabinet.

"It's Mond's palette." Laplace said slowly.

The effect of achromatism is that the entire Kingdom of Sunlight begins to gradually dim and lose color, leaving only black and white and gray.

The effect of "Mond's Palette" is to extract and reproduce colors from everything.

Judging from the effect alone, achromatism and color palette are completely corresponding, or complementary.

According to Laplace, there must be some intrinsic connection between the two.

When Laplace said this, he suddenly changed the topic and looked at Angel: "Do you know what impact a mysterious thing that is not artificially refined will have at the beginning of its birth?"

Angel didn't expect that Laplace would change the topic so quickly. One second he was talking about color palettes, and the next second he was talking about the birth of a mysterious object.

Because of this, Angel didn't react for a while. After a long while, he said: "It will gradually change from order to disorder."

When Laplace heard this answer, he chuckled: "Your answer may be more professional. But in my opinion, the birth of every mysterious thing in nature has only one impact..."

"That's a disaster."

"In nature, the birth of every mysterious thing is often accompanied by inexplicable disasters. For example, the disaster puppet mentioned by Xiao Xiaotao, when it was first born, appeared in the form of the wishing puppet Buisa, it seemed to be a blessing. But when it takes the form of Hulifa, the puppet of disaster, it will bring disaster, and this disaster will continue to spread, and may even destroy the world in the end."

When Laplace said this, the topic turned back to the present again: "Looking back now, does achromia look like a disaster that will erode the entire world if it is not stopped?"

Angel’s answer this time was definitely: “Yes.”

Because ordinary disasters will not alarm the extremist sect. The extremist sect represents the will of the world in the Southern Region. Usually they can only carry out some actions on the stowaways; but once they make any big noise, it must mean... The World Will may have sensed a crisis that could threaten the entire world.

The extremist sect wiped out the entire Kingdom of Sunlight, including the continent, and all the creatures in it.

Isn't this a big move?

Achromatia may really make the world's will feel threatened.

And isn’t this in line with what Laplace said?

"I have a guess." Seeing that Angel seemed to have figured it out, Laplace said again: "Perhaps, the emergence of achromia means that something mysterious is about to be born."

“And this mysterious object is most likely ‘Mond’s Color Palette’.”

Because achroma is losing color; and the palette is absorbing color. One inhalation and one loss, and the sources are all in Morning Valley Town. Laplace doesn't believe that there is no connection between them.

"However, now we have determined that 'Mond's Palette' is only a secret treasure, not a mysterious object, which means that the extreme sect's big move has worked."

"I don't know what method the extremist sect used, but they did interrupt the spread of achromatism in time, and this may be the reason why the color palette has not become a mysterious thing."

"In the end, it became an ordinary secret treasure."

After Laplace finished speaking, the air fell into silence.

After a long while, Angel nodded slowly... Not only was this guess logically self-consistent, but all kinds of evidence seemed to indicate that this might really be the truth behind it.

Angel raised his head and looked at the color palette in the psychic display cabinet. If her guess was true, then even though the effect of this palette was ordinary, it was just a method of extracting and copying colors, but there was something behind this effect. The price was an entire country, twelve provinces, and hundreds of millions of lives...

I was a little horrified, but when I thought about it carefully, I felt it was reasonable.

As Laplace said, most of the mysterious things in nature bring not blessings when they are born, but unavoidable disasters.

From order to disorder, it ultimately leads to horrific consequences.

Of course, there must be exceptions, but such exceptional mysterious objects are often intercepted silently by extraordinary beings without leaving any trace; the remaining ones that are not exceptions will be particularly conspicuous.

After a period of silence, Angel looked at Jota not far away.

"Can I ask a question?"

Jotta nodded: "Excuse me."

Angel: "I want to know, what color is the diary you got?"

Jota was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

Because Angel and Laplace had communicated in the psychic tether before, Jota didn't know about achromia. Now when he heard Angel's inquiry, he had no clue. He didn't know Angel. What means?

Angel thought for a while and asked again: "I just want to know if Mond's diary has other colors besides black, white and gray?"

"Not only the color of the writing, but also the book cover, pages, and even the remaining spots on it. Are there other colors?"

Although Jota didn't understand why Angel asked this, he still thought about it carefully and replied: "The writing in the diary is pure white, very white, without any other colors. The pages inside, Same thing."

"As for the writing, it is pure black. No other colors are seen."

After hearing Jotta's answer, especially when he used the word "pure" when talking about "black and white", Angel and Laplace looked at each other, and both saw the unexpected look in the other's eyes. middle.

Black may occasionally be described as pure; but white, if you want pure white, especially for paper pages to be pure white, the papermaking process requires an extremely high level.

Normal paper pages are a little variegated.

Mond's diary can be completely colorless and pure black and white... This is actually surprising.

Although it may not necessarily be related to achromia, it can be used as evidence for the association.

Angel whispered in the psychic belt: "If Mond's diary has also lost its color, it means that... Mond's era was not far away from achromatism, even now."

"If it were really happening right now, the color palette might actually be strongly related to achromacia."

After all, the color palette is in the psychic display cabinet, and its color, they can clearly see with the naked eye, is a normal wood color, not black, white or gray.

The color palette was not affected by achromia, but the diary was.

They were discovered together.

There is obviously an internal connection here.

Laplace: "Whether there is a connection or not, it actually has no impact on the present."

Angel also nodded and followed Laplace's words and said: "That's right. Anyway, my horizons have been opened, and I also learned a secret about the Southern Region. Let 'Mond's Palette' occupy an exhibition space." It’s not a loss in terms of taste.”

As for whether Angel is interested in "Mond's Color Palette"?

nothing now.

Angel really couldn't imagine what role it would play if it fell into his hands... Perhaps one day it would meet its destined master and wipe away the dust, but Angel felt that this person should not be him.

"Are you sure you want to exchange for the second treasure?" Jota asked: "If you regret it later and plan to look at this treasure again, then you can summon it to the psychic display cabinet again and it will also occupy the same day. Three times. So, are you sure you want to change?"

Angel nodded without hesitation: "Change."

They had already learned all they needed to know about Mond's color palette, and there was no need to read any further.

Jotta didn't say anything else. After teleporting the palette away, he followed the process of summoning the palette again.

However, this time, the one who was inspired by the aperture was no longer the colossus from before.

Instead, it is a giant statue with its hands on its chest, making a triangular gesture.

The glowing thing is right in the middle of the triangle gesture.

The aperture enveloped the luminous object, leaving it in the triangle gesture instead. The luminous object was transported to the psychic display cabinet by the hexagram formation.

"Number 49, "The Art of Blackness."" After Jota finished speaking softly, he took a few steps back, leaving the space present to Angel and Laplace again.

Angel first looked at the "Black Art" body in the display cabinet.

Well...nothing special about it.

It's just a pulp paper book with a black shell.

The cover is pitch black, with the characters "The Art of Black" written horizontally in the middle of the cover. The character "Black" occupies a line by itself in a relatively large font, while the word "Art" is below "Black" in slightly smaller characters.

The thickness of the book is also within the normal range. By visual inspection, it should be between eighty and one hundred pages.

Because the display cabinet blocked inspection, Angel could only see the outer skin. There are really no clues in the outer skin, and no doubts can be seen.

Angel shook his head, retracted his gaze, and turned to the introduction to "The Art of Blackness" on the crystal screen.

As soon as he read the first sentence, Angel's pupils shrank suddenly.

"The Art of Blackness, by Odorus."

Just seeing the author's name, Angel immediately understood that his guess was correct.

"The Art of Blackness" is indeed a work by the Death Party!

Because Odorus is the most famous representative of the Death Sect, and it can even be said that he can be regarded as the Holy Son of the Death Sect! Not only did he deeply understand the truth of the death sect's alchemy, but he also created the unprecedented technique of the four principles.

He pushed the Death Sect's alchemy to the top of the alchemy world at that time.

In the alchemical world at that time, whenever the Death Sect was mentioned, Odorus would almost immediately come to mind!

Therefore, there is no doubt that when Angel saw that the author of "The Art of Blackness" was Odorus, and the title of the book was related to "black", he basically didn't run away.

This must be a work handed down by the Deathists.

Angel suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to look at the introduction on the screen.

However, there is not much introduction at the end, especially compared to "Mond's Color Palette", it seems shabby.

To sum it up in three sentences.

The first sentence introduces Odorus, who bluntly states that he is an alchemical master who dominates countless geniuses. Especially in shaping the appearance of alchemical works, he has his own set of unique artistic techniques and can be called the "Master of Beauty." .

After Angel read this introduction to Odorus, he personally felt that only the first sentence was more credible. The "Master of Beauty" at the back was probably just sealed by the seller to express the word "art" when the book "The Art of Blackness" was auctioned.

Angel has many alchemy notes of the death sect, and he also introduced Odorus in them. However, these introductions only mentioned his explanation of "black", "death" and "rebirth", and never mentioned " beautiful".

Because for anyone who has reached the level of an alchemist master, his cultivation of "beauty" is already included in his status as a "master" and will not be mentioned deliberately.

The second sentence introduces the general content of "The Art of Blackness".

This is similar to what was recorded in the invitation letter Luigi received. To put it simply, it contains the secrets of alchemy, but it is mostly focused on shape shaping and Odorus' personal aesthetic and artistic views.

It is basically impossible to learn alchemy through "The Art of Darkness".

The third sentence is a... riddle.

"It is said that there are secrets hidden in the Art of Blackness.——This statement comes from the auctioneer of the Tooth Fairy Ancient Ruins. Whether it is true or not is unknown."

This sentence is most likely just a marketing tool or marketing password deliberately spoken by the auctioneer. Books with secrets will definitely attract more people's attention and fetch higher prices.

Of course, it is also possible that "The Art of Darkness" really has secrets, just like "Journey to the Umbrella".

However, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Since after the Jingmu clan got this book, they deliberately added the sentence "This quote comes from the auctioneer", which means that they did not find the secret after reading the book.

Otherwise, they would not deliberately leave this row of introductions.

Because the introduction on the screen was very small and could be read at a glance, it didn't take long for Angel and Laplace to communicate in the psychic tether.

"What do you think of this book?" Laplace looked at Angel.

"I'm a little interested." Angel didn't hide his inner thoughts this time.

After all, this is a work by the Death Sect, and the author is Odorus, the most representative figure of the Death Sect. Even if the book only introduces "art", Angel is very interested in it.

"However, although I am interested, I am not impatient yet." When Angel said this, he was also telling Laplace that there was no need to think about giving up "The Starry Sky Book".

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