Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 3439: Curious Treasures Expo

The Expo is by invitation only. All outsiders need to submit a special crystal shell invitation letter, which will be inspected by the guards and confirmed to be correct before they are eligible to enter the expo.

Remember, you are qualified, not guaranteed to get in.

There is also a strict restriction in the Expo Hall. Only fifty people can be accommodated inside the Expo Hall at a time.

If there are more than fifty people inside, the rest of the guests who want to enter the museum will have to queue outside. Only when someone inside leaves and the total number of people is less than fifty people will they be let in again.

The external explanation for this strict limit on the number of people is to allow all guests who visit the expo to have a cleaner viewing environment.

But anyone who has come to the Curiosities Expo knows very well that this is definitely not the real reason.

Because the Exhibition Hall of Curiosities occupies a large area.

There are more than fifty large collections inside.

Throwing fifty people into it is like throwing a few stones into the sea. It will definitely not make a single ripple.

Even if ten or a hundred times more people enter, the inside will still remain pure.

"So, what is the real reason?" Angel looked at the giant crystal shell walking in the front.

The giant crystal shell is Yota.

Jotta took the lead and led them towards the gate of the Exhibition Hall of Curiosities, explaining the rules of the expo as they walked.

From his tone, it was as if he was also a tourist.

Jotta paused and said softly: "Because the Giant City Spirit only has fifty branches here."

Angel: "???" Giant City Spirit? Splinter spirit?

Jotta shrugged and did not continue to explain. Because they have now arrived at the main entrance of the Exhibition Hall, surrounded by people.

There were people queuing up at the door waiting to enter, and there were also rows of Jingmu clan guards patrolling around.

Jotta's words here would definitely arouse everyone's attention, so he could only temporarily stop talking.

However, even if Jotta remained silent, he had actually attracted the curious eyes of others.

Because Jotta took Angel and Laplace directly towards the main entrance of the Curio Expo.

Everyone else was queuing up, and Jota entered in a swagger... It would be really strange if it didn't attract anyone's attention.

The journey is smooth and no one is blocking it.

Obviously, the Jingmu clan guards here recognized Yota.

On the contrary, the people queuing around started shouting that it was unfair.

Fortunately, the guard revealed Yota's identity. After learning that the person in the giant crystal shell was the only prophet of the Crystal Eyes clan, everyone's shouts slowly disappeared.

On the other side, Jotta led Angel and Laplace all the way into the main hall corridor of the expo.

In the quiet corridor, Jota finally spoke and responded to Angel's inquiry.

"The giant city spirit has set up fifty branches in the expo, and each branch will monitor an entrant."

When Angel heard this, realization appeared on his face.

It turns out that it’s not that the Expo Museum of Curiosities has an upper limit on reception, but that there is a limit on the number of clones of the Giant City Spirit.

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand the internal reason.

After all, there are a large number of precious collections in the Museum of Curiosities, which require a considerable degree of vigilance. It is understandable that the giant city spirit uses its separate spirits to monitor every entrant.

Angel muttered in a low voice: "To a certain extent, this can be regarded as a one-on-one tour guide of the expo."

Jotta shook his head: "No, the giant city spirit is only monitoring in the dark and will not show up."

When Jotta said these words, they happened to walk out of the corridor and came to the main hall.

Not far away, there happened to be a person visiting.

Seeing their entry from a distance, the other party smiled and nodded to them, and continued to wander around the hall.

He was indeed alone, without any "tour guide" around him.

Judging from his wandering posture, he looks very leisurely and contented.

At least, on the surface, tourists here are much more comfortable than other museums Angel has been to.

The exhibition hall is large, there are many exhibits, and there are not many people around. How can you not enjoy it?

However, tourists who can enter here can obviously guess that someone must be supervising them secretly, but as long as they don't show up, it will not affect their comfortable mood.

"This is both the main hall and the general exhibition hall No. 1." Yota also began to introduce the situation in the exhibition hall at this time.

The so-called ordinary exhibition hall is a place where level 1 and level 2 treasures are displayed.

Level 3 treasures are placed in the boutique exhibition hall.

The entire Exhibition Hall has a total of sixty general exhibition halls and nine boutique exhibition halls. The further back the exhibition hall is, the more precious the contents on display are.

Exhibition Hall 1 is the first exhibition hall. The treasures displayed here are all Level 1 treasures.

While Jota was introducing, Angel was also looking around at the surrounding environment.

The outside of the Expo looks like an exquisite and gorgeous crystal palace, but the interior and exterior decorations are almost the same, with lace, carvings and mottled stained windows everywhere.

Everything is beautiful, like the legendary temple bathed in divine light.

It's just that the churches in the real world are gorgeous, but they are more solemn because of their faith and atmosphere; but here, there are no statues of gods, let alone faith. There are only exhibits placed in glass cabinets one by one. The surrounding quietness and sacredness are... It's similar to the hall, but the atmosphere is much more relaxed and comfortable.

At least Angel liked the environment here.

Even the long-lost "collector's addiction" also broke out at this time.

I saw Angel in the spiritual belt, sighing to Laplace: "It would be great if I could use the dream conch to pull this place into the Dream Crystal Plains..."

Hearing the voice transmission from the other end of the psychic belt, Laplace was stunned for a moment and frowned slightly.

Angel's words reminded her of some not-so-good memories.

The wilderness of dreams, the city of original heart.

The eccentric city construction, various architectural styles mixed together, and the streets are criss-crossed, making you feel dazzled... in a derogatory sense, dazzled.

Thinking of this, Laplace only felt a chill, hesitated for a moment, and replied: "It's better to say goodbye. Although the architectural style of the Jingmu tribe looks very similar to the Crystal Plains of Dreams, the ice crystals and crystals It’s still different after all.”

"Moreover, there are many people from all walks of life who come to the Curious Treasures Expo. Once they see the exact same expo in the Crystal Plains of Dreams, they will definitely make some guesses."

"It is better to develop the Crystal Plains of Dreams step by step. Let each tribe complete the city construction by themselves."

Angel glanced at Laplace with a surprised expression.

Although Laplace occasionally spoke at length, his speaking speed was slow and his tone was flat. Why did his speaking speed become faster today, and he still felt anxious?

Angel didn't think much, and sighed: "You are right, I also know that it is better to develop the Crystal Plains of Dreams step by step. I just simply like this building, and it would be great if I could bring it to the Wilderness of Dreams. "

"In the Dream Wilderness, it should be no problem to place this building."

Unfortunately, using the Dream Conch here can only pull the building into the Dream Crystal Plains, but not into the Dream Wilderness.

Angel shook his head with a regretful expression.

After Laplace heard Angel's emotion, she felt a little relieved, but when she thought about the situation of the Treasure Expo located in Chuxin City, she felt her eyebrows swell slightly.

If the Museum of Curiosities was really pulled into the Wilderness of Dreams, Laplace would definitely be fine with it, but Angel would probably be chased and scolded by his enlightenment mentor.

Laplace had heard that Jon racked his brains to modify the urban construction of Beginning Heart City in order to make up for Angel's "collector's addiction" in Beginning Heart City.

But now, the results are not too high.

It is said that there are occasionally wizards in the Savage Cave who take airships from the New City to the First Heart City.

Wizards who have been to Chuxin City all shake their heads, sigh, and look up speechless at the city construction there.

Fortunately, Meng Conch cannot pull buildings across the world.

In order to prevent Ingres' "collector's addiction" from continuing to spread, Laplace began to draw Ingres's attention from his interest in architecture to the exhibits here.

We took the initiative to chat about the exhibits we met in passing.

Angel was also very pleased.

Although he occasionally suffers from "collector's addiction", "addiction" is not a "hobby" after all. In addition, there is no external stimulation, so it comes and goes quickly.

Even if Laplace didn't take the initiative to change the topic, Angel actually turned his attention to the exhibits.

They have followed Jotta through six exhibition halls, all of which are ordinary exhibition halls.

Although Angel did not go to see every exhibit in detail, he probably understood the classification of level 1 treasures and level 2 treasures.

Level 1 treasures can basically be sold to the outside world.

It can be understood that everything in the display book belongs to level 1 treasures.

For example, the crystal shells for sale in the exhibition book: red dandelions, green ghosts, sapphires, wind-haired crystals, rock crystal clusters... etc. are all displayed in the exhibition hall.

Of course, the quality of the crystal shells that can be displayed in the Exhibition Hall must be the best year-on-year.

For example, Angel saw a top-quality "wind-haired crystal" in an exhibition hall not long ago. There is only this "Wind Hair Crystal" in the entire exhibition hall. It is as big as a flowing cloud and floats above the exhibition hall. It is surrounded by cyan wind whirlpools. Everyone who enters the exhibition hall can clearly feel the power of the surrounding wind.

Even ordinary people can fly freely in the exhibition hall with the power of wind.

According to the introduction on the display card, such a top-quality wind-haired crystal is the only one among the Jingmu clan.

Yota is also quite proud of this "wind-haired crystal". Although it is only a level 1 treasure, the fact that it occupies an exhibition hall alone shows how important it is.

If we really talk about the price, perhaps even the best quality treasures in Level 2 can't compare with the "Wind Hair Crystal".

Angel also saw a lot of level 2 treasures in these exhibition halls.

Compared with level 1 treasures, level 2 treasures are obviously valued at a higher level.

It can be understood as: Level 2 treasures, not for sale to the outside world, at most supplied to high-level officials of various races on a small scale.

Let’s take the crystal shell as an example.

For example, the "vacuum membrane" and "transportation-specialized rock crystal cluster" that Angel learned from Quintra not long ago are both level 2 treasures.

These crystal shells are not in the exhibition book, and most ethnic groups have never even heard of them. Only the top leaders of a very small number of ethnic groups are aware of their existence and have a small number of purchasing qualifications.

The Hundred Dragon Divine Kingdom is one of them.

Of course, whether it is level 1 treasure or level 2 treasure, it is not limited to crystal shells, there are many other types of treasures, and even human treasures.

For example, Angel saw a level 2 treasure in an ordinary exhibition hall: "Griffindo's Travels in Wild Lake".

This book records the travels of a human wizard named Griffindor in a very special desperate situation - the Desolate Lake.

Even though it is just a travelogue, it contains many tips for survival in the deserted lake recorded by Griffin, and even recorded three spells.

These three spells are: Wandering in the Desolate Lake, Featherfall in the Desolate Lake, and Gryphon Summoning.

Among them, the Desolate Lake Wandering Technique and the Desolate Lake Feather Falling Technique belong to the level of magic. Although Angel has not seen the specific content, he guesses that it may be a modified version of the Wandering Technique and the Feather Fall Technique.

Wandering, a level 1 cantrip, allows you to walk on water or other non-special liquid surfaces without falling off.

Feather Falling Technique, a level 1 sleight of hand. After the technique, the body becomes like a feather. It will not be harmed when falling from a high place and can glide by the wind.

The first two tricks recorded by Griffindor were probably advanced versions of the Wandering Technique and the Featherfall Technique, or the improved versions limited to the Wild Lake.

However, Angel didn't know where the "Desolate Lake" was. He only knew from the display column of the travel notes that it was a very special energy lake that was extremely dangerous.

Because he was not familiar with "Desolate Lake", he didn't know what the changes were in the "Desolate Lake" version of the Wandering Technique and Feather Fall Technique.

In addition to the two tricks, the travel notes also record that only a formal wizard can use the trick: Griffin Summoning.

Angel had seen this spell in the Yunshang Library. It originated from the summoning system and was not original.

Overall, this travelogue is pretty good. It not only introduces the special deserted lake, but also records the practice of magic and magic.

To Angel, it may not be of much value; but to some individual wizards, it is definitely a treasure.

After all, recording a spell requires not only a strong knowledge base, but also an entire system to support it; if an individual summoning wizard gets this travel diary, he will learn not only the griffin summoning spell, but also the summoning spell. A whole system behind it.

Level 2 treasures are actually somewhat underestimated in Angel’s opinion.

But this is normal.

Different environments have different values.

If this were placed in the wizarding world, it would definitely be a priceless treasure; but in the Mirror Realm, it would be rated as a level 2 treasure, which is already a high praise from the Jingmu Clan.

Jota continued to lead the way.

They seem to be wandering around one exhibition hall, but in fact they are recording the "aura" of different exhibition halls.

"If you want to enter the level 4 treasure area, you must be contaminated with the auras of different exhibition halls. Find Shuyuan You can understand that these auras are the password to enter the level 4 treasure area." Yota led the way. Explained: "The 'password' is different every day, and the aura that needs to be contaminated is also different."

"We have already been infected with the atmosphere of six exhibition halls. Now we only need the atmosphere of boutique exhibition hall No. 66 to enter the level 4 treasure area."

When Yota said this, he had already walked to a teleportation array nearby.

Although the exhibition halls here are connected, if you want to be infected with the atmosphere of a specific exhibition hall, you can only transfer it one by one.

Angel and Laplace followed him to the teleportation array without doubting his presence.

Lightning flashed, and there was a familiar feeling of weightlessness.

After about a second or two, they landed on the ground.

Looking up, Exhibition Hall 66 is already in front of me.

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