Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 3433 Text Column

Angel felt like his eyes were blurred.

The next second, everything around him changed.

His consciousness seemed to have left the spot and entered a dark space.

In the center of this dark space, a long road of glowing crystals suddenly appeared, and then, a figure walked out of the long road.

Angel took a closer look.

It was the outline of a figure wearing a cloak and hood, with no appearance or even gender.

But as he stared, lines of text emerged from the figure.


"Current achievement: First passer of the special linkage wonderland - Glutton's Feast."

Looking at these words, Angel showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

——Not surprised by the content of the text. When the cloaked figure appeared, he probably guessed the operation of the fairyland power.

Angel was surprised that the smooth feeling when the words emerged was exactly the same as the feeling in the text space before.

At that time, at the Dragon Banquet, whenever Angel stared at anything on the field for more than two seconds, words would appear. These words described exactly what Angel was staring at.

Now, as Angel stared at the figure, familiar words floated out. This sense of déjà vu was exactly the same as the text space.

"It turns out that the special rules of the text space are used here by the dream power?" Angel muttered in a low voice.

After two seconds of silence, Angel's eyes were fixed on another set of words.

He stretched out his finger and tapped it.

"Special linkage wonderland - the glutton's feast."

Following Angel's movements, the surrounding dark space changed again.

The darkness was expelled, and the cloaked figure representing "Yinsen" also retreated into the unknown depths.

White light flashes.

The next second, Angel felt like he had arrived in a huge garden from the dark void.

The sky is blue and the clouds are like silk.

The earth beneath your feet is moist, and the air is filled with the fragrance of earth.

A beautiful multi-story villa can be faintly seen in the distance. From the slightly mottled roof and the walls covered with various thorns and vines, it seems that this is a small villa with a story.

Nearby, where Angel was at this time, was a winding path.

Rose buds were planted on both sides of the path.

At the end of the path, there is a glass door. Nothing can be seen behind the door, but judging from the shape of the glass door, it seems to be a greenhouse?

Angel's eyes slowly scanned everything around him.

Before, he only took a general glance, but now he stared at the things around him carefully.

As long as he stares at anything for a few seconds, text messages will appear.

For example, the rose buds around you.

"The buds of the Great Mary rose: a specially cultivated rose species that grows very tall, and the thorns on the rose vine are sharp and long. If an ordinary person is scratched, a deep wound will be left. It is precisely because of the large The thorns of Mary roses can easily hurt people, which has led many flower growers to call the flowers of Mary roses blood roses."

Familiar text messages floated out.

Angel stared at the small villa in the distance, and text messages would appear.

However, perhaps because of the distant relationship, only a rough name appeared: "Villa of the Fan Family".

Seeing this, Angel probably knew that this was where the copy of "Glutton's Feast" took place.

"Because I clicked on the relevant text, so I appeared in this copy?" Angel whispered: "No, it's not a copy, it's just a projection."

Although the air is filled with the moist smell of earth and the faint fragrance of roses, Angel is very sure that this is not a real replica of fairyland.

Because "Glutton's Feast" has been cleared, and with the end of the level, the related crystal creations have disappeared.

In other words, the copy itself has disappeared, so there can only be a projection here.

Angel continued to look around, his eyes fixed on the arch of the glass greenhouse.

The Glass Flower Room is where the story of "The Glutton's Feast" begins.

As Angel stared closely, the glass greenhouse also displayed corresponding information. Only this time, there was more than one message.

"Glass flower house: The flower house full of roses was once a warm place, but now it has begun to harbor dirt and stained with blood."

"The Glass Flower Room is where the copy of "Glutton's Feast" is opened, and it is also where the replay is started."

"Whether to turn on replay and replay the "Glutton's Feast" clearance process?"


This row of text is very clear, telling that the photo playback is started from the starting point of the instance - the glass flower room.

Seeing this, Angel's guess was confirmed that this was indeed not a real copy, but just a projection of the "Glutton's Feast".

When Angel was thinking this, he reached out his hand and clicked "Yes".

The next second, new text appeared.

"The passer has turned off the replay permission, and this replay is invalid."

After finishing speaking, the surrounding environment changed again, everything disappeared, and Angel's vision returned to reality.

Only the scent of roses lingering on the tip of his nose meant that he had actually been to the copy projection before, and it was not a dream.

While Angel was stunned, Laplace next to him turned his head: "Did you click on the dungeon name?"

Angel nodded.

Laplace: "I clicked it too, and then I entered the dungeon I had cleared previously."

Lapras's operation process is exactly the same as Angel's, and she can enter the "clearance replay" option faster than Angel.

After all, Laplace was the real passer, and she knew very well that the dungeon was opened from the greenhouse, so she entered the projection and looked at the greenhouse at first sight.

Naturally, Laplace also saw the related options of "clearance replay".

However, unlike Angel, Laplace has one more option.

"Do you want to re-enable the playback? Y/N?"

As a passer, she has the authority to start replay at any time.

However, Laplace once again refused to open.

Immediately afterwards, Laplace returned to reality, and happened to see Angel coming back to his senses...

"I originally thought that after the fairyland power absorbed the text space, it might create a fairyland copy of the pure text space." Laplace whispered: "Unexpectedly, the fairyland power combined the characteristics of the text space to create such a text column, you can also directly watch the replay, and you can also see relevant text information about the items in the replay.”

There was obvious emotion in Laplace's tone.

Angel nodded in response, he had thought of this before.

"Speaking of which, I previously thought that the power of Wonderland was to project copies, but now I suddenly have a new idea."

Laplace turned around and asked: "What do you think?"

Angel: "Perhaps, the power of Wonderland is not a copy of the projection, but directly uses the rules of text space to recreate a copy of 'Glutton's Feast'."

Laplace thought for a moment and felt that Angel's words seemed to make sense.

Because everything she has seen before can be presented in words, which is exactly the same as the rules of text space.

It is very possible that both those big Mary roses and the Fan family's villa were created through written descriptions.

Since it describes creation in words, it is definitely not a real projection.

After all, Laplace was a person who had personally experienced the customs clearance. She knew very well that when she looked at the flowers and plants in the copy at that time, no textual information would come out.

Laplace: "It's really possible."

Angel sighed and didn't dwell too much on this topic. Whether it was true or not, he would know later by "retrieving" relevant information on the power tree when he had time.

What Angel is more curious about now is...

"If I remember correctly, the first dungeon you cleared was obviously 'Helen's Dream'." Angel: "But the Wonderland dungeon that appeared in the first pass announcement was a glutton's feast. This is why?"

Laplace pondered: "I have thought about this question you raised before."

Angel looked at Laplace.

Laplace continued: "Not only Helen's Dream, but also the original copy of Circus Sunshine, we have actually cleared it. But in the first pass announcement, there is still no copy of Circus Sunshine."

"That made me think of a possibility."

Angel squinted his eyes and seemed to have thought of something: "You mean..."

Laplace whispered: "Exploration completion."

Laplace's words made Angel's pupils shrink. Yes, it really might be a problem of completion!

The exploration completion rate of "Helen's Dream" is 99%.

The exploration completion level of "Circus Sunshine" is 79%.

The exploration completion rate of "Glutton's Feast" is 100%! It is also the only dungeon with full star exploration!

So, only dungeons with 100% exploration level can leave their name on the first pass announcement? !

This is a very simple speculation, but it is very reasonable. Angel had not thought before that it was because the dungeons he had been exposed to recently were all dungeons with special NPCs such as Meiji, Guconcubine, and Shizhen, and these fairyland dungeons did not have the setting of exploration completion.

Because of this, Angel did not think of the key to completion.

Laplace, on the other hand, was a person who experienced it and was more sensitive to the degree of completion.

Therefore, after comparing the dungeons she had cleared so far, she immediately found the answer.

Angel suddenly realized: "No wonder the power of Wonderland is included in the first pass announcement, so that everyone has the opportunity to see the replay of the customs clearance process."

"Because these dungeons are completely cleared, others cannot enter. Even if everyone can see the process, everyone can only learn from other dungeons, and cannot re-enact the clearance operations in 'Glutton's Feast'."

All dungeons with 100% exploration completion will disappear completely. Not only the dungeons will disappear, but also the crystal creations in the outside world will disappear.

Therefore, if others see the passing process, they cannot reproduce it in the copy.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as protecting the "copyright" of the customs clearance person?

However, Wonderland Power, a major plagiarist, protects passers from being plagiarized... Angel always feels weird.

While they were communicating in low voices.

Laplace suddenly said: "Hey, the text column has updated information again."

Angel subconsciously moved his gaze to the light screen, but found that the text column was no different from before.

"What information?" Angel looked at Laplace in confusion.

Laplace: "Don't you have any over there? Just a glutton's feast."

Laplace read out the new information in the text column: "Reward: Glutton's Feast."

Just these words and nothing else.

"Reward? A glutton's feast?" Angel frowned and repeated in a low voice: "What does this mean? Is a glutton's feast rewarded to you?"

Laplace: "I don't know. I'll give it a try."

As he spoke, Laplace tapped lightly toward the text column.

The next second.

Angel was still talking to Laplace, but when he turned around, he found that the Laplace had disappeared.

Angel: "???"

Where have people gone? No trace at all?

Like the copy of Wonderland, at least there is a crystal creation outside, and Angel can observe it from a God's perspective; but now, Laplace disappears directly on the spot, leaving no trace of the outside world. Even if he wants to observe it from a God's perspective, he cannot observe it. rise.

The only thing Angel knew was... Laplace was not offline.

She should be somewhere in the Crystal Plains of Dreams at this time, but Angel didn't know where exactly.

On the other side, Laplace felt his eyes go dark, and then his body felt slightly weightless.

When the feeling of weightlessness disappeared, Laplace opened his eyes and took a look.

She was no longer in the sky before, but came to the gate of a manor.

The door was locked, and there was no way to push it open or get out.

It seems that the only way to move forward is towards the manor.

In the manor, one side is a rich countryside, and the other side is a garden full of flowers and plants. Vaguely, Laplace could still see the pure white outline of the glass flowerhouse in the garden, as well as the large Mary roses in full bloom around the flowerhouse.

Further away, there are small spiers with thorny exterior walls.

Seeing this, look for Shuyuan Laplace already understood that the space he was in should be...a feast for gluttons.

To be precise, a glutton’s feast – text space version.

Because everything here is described in words.

For example, Laplace looked at the gravel road under his feet. After focusing for two seconds, words appeared around him: "Gravel path: This is a path leading to the main house. It is paved with warm Yuhua stones. Every grain of it is The size and color have all been selected by the servants, which is not only time-consuming but also labor-intensive.”

Not only the gravel paths, but also the surrounding fences, street lamps, flower beds, neatly landscaped trees, lush fruit trees, swings under the trees... everything is described in words.

So, this is the original version of Dream Crystal... text space?

"Hey, fruit trees are also creations of words?" Laplace: "The creations of words here can already create fruits?"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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