Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 1057 The Chaos of the Evil God

Since he promised the young fire demon to let it experience the rhythm of the ocean today, Angel naturally couldn't break his promise. He had to find a way to satisfy the young fire demon as much as possible without actually hurting it.

Angel thought for a moment. In fact, the young fire demon has never really experienced the rhythm of the ocean. He can use other illusions to stop Tao...

After having a general direction, Angel began to think about what illusion he should use to deal with the young fire demon.

As time passed, the wind chimes in the yard rang more than once.

Angel also goes downstairs from time to time to start the rhythm of the ocean for the guests. However, what is somewhat puzzling is that the young fire demon never appeared during this process.

This made Angel feel relieved, but also doubtful. With that naughty kid's noisy energy, shouldn't he give up so easily? Could it be that the fire demon persuaded it to stop? If that's the case, thank you very much.

In just half a day, Angel received five groups of guests, each group containing thirty people. In other words, the net income alone exceeded 45,000 demon gold coins.

This is simply an unimaginable figure. Even Canaan, who has been in Castlevania for ten years, has seen such a huge amount of money for the first time.

Among these five groups of guests, there was a half-blood demon, and two little demons caused the vision. This has also led to more and more people paying attention to the psychedelic cabin, and its trend and popularity are still rising.

Because this apparent income can be seen by even the guests, there are not a few people who are eyeing them.

Although they are very public now, if they continue today and each batch earns nine thousand demon gold coins, then maybe they are not being targeted, and the jealous demons will probably ignore it and start preparing to take action.

So Angel decisively chose to close the store. Anyway, he had already made enough, and the devil's gold coins would be in vain if he couldn't use them. In addition, Angel is also worried that the young fire demon will suddenly come again, so if he closes the store early, he will have an excuse to evade it.

However, even though Angel closed the store, the subsequent turbulence caused by it is still not over.

On the third level of the abyss, above the hanging waterfalls, is Sky Island.

The formerly prosperous Kongtian Island was now reduced to ruins and a sea of ​​fire. Ruined walls, beacon smoke rising everywhere, as well as withered stumps, and corpses that fell into eternal silence among the sparks.

A braided child with an arm missing fell to his knees on the ground, tears silently flowing down his face.

In front of him was the corpse of an apprentice. It was short and fat. Even though it had completely lost the breath of life, its face still had the simplicity of a good old man.

If Angel were here, he would be able to recognize at a glance that the braided kid and the pudgy apprentice were the two apprentices who had been hanging out with Bobota before. They were also the ones who told Angel about the confusion between Silver Ring and Toby. Information.

The braided child's head slowly drooped, resting on the fat apprentice's belly, crying silently.

In the abyss filled with despair all the time, only Duski and Popota supported him and cared for him, preventing him from sinking. But now, everything is over.

Bobota disappeared inexplicably on the way to the Watch Fortress. In the Dark Light Mountains where demons are infested, Bobota's chance of survival is close to zero.

Now, Dusky has also been killed by the terrifying evil god from before. For the first time, the braided kid feels despair and boundless loneliness.

There are many others who are similar to him, because in this inexplicable battle, more than just the pudgy apprentice died? There were even official wizards who fell under the attack of the evil god.

"What are you looking at?" The person asking was a white-browed little old man wearing a triangular wizard hat, the current head of the Lilith House, such as Kanter of the Night.

Sanders looked away at the braided kid and shook his head: "Nothing, I just looked at the mess on Sky Island and felt a little emotional. I was still a step too late."

Kanter also noticed the corpses in the ruins. He sighed: "Oh, there are already soul warlocks to collect the souls. Let's see if they still have a chance to trace the origins."

"I didn't expect that even if the Doom Patrol didn't enter the Watch Fortress, we would still be tricked." Kanter couldn't help but say a curse word in his mouth, "It's all the fault of that foodie Brufen, how could he have tolerated the glutton any longer? , as soon as I returned to Sky Island, I couldn’t wait to steam the Orlov tentacle crab I hunted.”

Kanter had already learned from Sanders that the Orlov tentacle crab was most likely contaminated with bad luck. Once Brufen ate it, problems immediately arose.

"It's not just Brufen." Sanders shook his head: "In this battle, more than one official wizard died, so there may be many more people who eat Orlov's Tentacle Crab... But who would have thought that Brufen Fen actually secretly wanted to resurrect a powerful evil god, but he became the source of disaster."

Kanter actually knew that everyone, including Brufen, was innocent, but he just couldn't get angry.

It's just that Brufen was the source of the disaster. This guy actually survived in the end. Moreover, I don't know what he did. His whole body became as thin as a bamboo pole. Not only did he lose all the fat, but he also got the curse of disaster. Excluded from the body.

He was the one who caused this, but he himself is living the most unrestrained life now. Kanter felt his teeth itching just thinking about it, knowing that he himself was also seriously injured in this evil god chaos.

When Kanter wanted to complain, a cold wind suddenly blew from the sky.

Along with the cold wind came pieces of flying snowflakes, falling from the sky.

These snowflakes danced softly, swirling in the wind, falling on the ruins of the beacon fire, and also on the sad apprentices.

The heavy snow fell, cleaning the blood on the ground and extinguishing yesterday's beacon smoke. At the same time, it also repaired the injuries on the bodies of all the living apprentices present.

Obviously, this is no ordinary heavy snow.

At this time, two clearly separated diamond-shaped snowflakes fell on Sanders and Kanter, turning into snow and disappearing. At the same time, they felt a message reaching their ears.

"Did you receive it too? Mr. Monchi asked us to go over." Kanter said.

Sanders nodded, and the traceless snow that covered the entire Sky Island not only healed, but also cleansed, and also had the effect of conveying messages. The delicate operation in this was probably only done by the man named Only Lord Mengqi of "Endless Frost" can do it.

I don’t know whether it was good luck or bad luck. Although Sky Island suffered heavy damage, the timely arrival of Sanders and Reinmut stabilized the situation. However, the resurrected evil god is too powerful, and there are too many people cursed by the disaster. There is no way to completely eliminate it for a while.

At this time, Lord Mengqi, who had never heard from him, suddenly returned to Shuangyue's base camp - Kongtian Island for some unknown reason.

With the return of Lord Monkey, he joined forces with Reinmut and finally suppressed the evil god again not long ago. Although many people died this time, at least it did not cause any serious injuries.

"Let's go and take a look. I think we need to arrange the reconstruction plan of Sky Sky Island." Kanter sighed: "The apprentice casualties were too serious this time. I guess we also need to start the reconstruction plan."

On the way to the central hall, Kanter suddenly remembered something: "By the way, when you came to Sky Island this time, why did Lord Rhine also come with you?"

The Savage Cave is not like Lilith House. Kanter can leave freely because there are only two people in Lilith House itself, him and Qili. But for a large wizarding organization like Savage Cave, if the leader leaves, there will be many things to worry about, such as the invasion of hostile organizations or internal strife.

What's more, the Savage Cave is currently in troubled times.

The fusion of the two realms should have just ended. It is still in a period of chaos. In addition, the Eternal Night Change is also near the Savage Cave. How could Reinmut come to the abyss at this time?

Regarding Kanter's question, Sanders shook his head helplessly. He was not expecting things to develop to this point. Originally, Reinmut came here to 'take some time off' and escape his troubles. If possible, he would take a peek at his daughter's current situation from a distance, and then take Angel back to the Savage Cave. But who knows, Angel's situation is still the same. Unknown, something happened again on Sky Island.

Rhine doesn't need to worry about him. He has fragments of ephemera in his hand and can sneak away at any time.

However, Sanders is very worried about Angel's current situation.

His original plan was to wait until things happened here and then go to the Ice Valley to look for Angel. But the incident on Kongtian Island dragged him alive for three days.

The most important thing is that Sanders has actually been distracted to sense the breath of essence and blood before. Although the breath of essence and blood in Angel's hand has been affected by a powerful force, it is difficult to sense it.

But not long ago, Sanders sensed the breath of essence and blood for the first time.

Although he could not determine the location of the essence and blood, he felt that the essence and blood was very close to him.

This kind of closeness is actually only relative to the boundary. But Sanders could sense that the location of the blood essence may no longer be on the first level of the abyss, but on the third level of the abyss again.

Now, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Sanders is a little depressed. What is Angel's current situation? Is the essence and blood really in his hands? If the essence and blood were in his hands, why did he return to the third level?

Or is Angel brought back to the trough of Fengyu by that extremely powerful existence?

Because of these doubts, Sanders planned to discuss it with Rhine.

As for the "plan to rebuild Sky Island" mentioned by Kanter, Sanders is not prepared to participate.

When they came to the central hall of Sky Sky Island, they found that it was not just the two of them who came here, but all the surviving wizards on Sky Sky Island had gathered here.

Today, the central hall is in ruins. The wizards are leaning or fighting, some on the high ground, some in the lowlands. Although they look scattered, no one of the wizards present makes a sound. The atmosphere is filled with chaos due to the evil gods before. There was a sad low pressure.

Sanders and Kanter found a spot between them and looked toward the center of the hall.

Lord Mengqi stood on the tattered red carpet with a solemn expression, and beside him was Reinmut who looked bored.

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