Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 1031 Frozen Dragon Scales

The original underground cave was suddenly uncovered.

This made Sanders feel very uneasy. He quickly entered the pit and explored the situation nearby.

Rhine flew around the valley of Fengyu before finally falling into the pit.

At that time, Sanders was standing in a corner with a frown on his face.

"I walked around the Wind Whispering Trough and found no human presence." Rhine said as he walked to an extinguished fire in the pit.

He touched the ashes in the fire, and his fingers sparkled with light.

"The last remaining fire should have been ignited a day ago." Rhine frowned: "In other words, there were still people here a day ago?"

Rhine muttered to himself for a long time, but found that there was no response from Sanders, so he walked over in confusion.

But he saw Sanders touching a piece of dusty ground.

This place belongs to the rock layer, and the ground is full of rock cross-sections, but something strange is that the place that was originally blue-gray is covered with asphalt-like black in one place. If you smell it carefully, you can smell the smell of blood.

Rhine recognized it at a glance, it was a pool of blood.

Judging from the coverage of the blood stains, it was quite a lot.

"Whose blood is it?" Rhine saw Sanders' brows knit together and said clearly, "Angel's?"

"Yeah." Sanders nodded: "After I left, something must have happened here, and Angel may have been in danger."


Sanders hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: "I don't know, I can't feel the location of my blood essence. It seems to be blocked by some powerful energy field. However, I can feel that my blood essence currently belongs to In mint condition.”

However, there is no obvious internal logic to whether his essence and blood are intact and Angel is safe.

Moreover, the blood essence was in a powerful energy field, and this information also made him feel weird.

"This blood stain was left two days ago, but the previous fire was extinguished a day ago. This means that there were still people here yesterday." Rhine's eyes seemed to be coated with a clear light, and he was passing through Delirium "There are indeed traces of Angel, but they are very faint, as if there is an invisible wind that blows away all the remaining information."

This "wind" that exists in the past in the Art of Destruction of Illusion is definitely not normal.

There is some kind of creature that deliberately erases its own information.

"But the strange thing is that apart from the blood stains, there are no other traces of damage here." Rhine muttered. If it was not destroyed by external forces, could Angel's blood flow from the inside?

While Rhine was muttering in a low voice, Sanders found a hind leg bone that had been chewed until only the white color was left.

It was identified that this bone came from a monster called "Dow Jones Magic". It looks like a porcupine, but the thorns on the back of the porcupine pose no threat to wizards, but the thorns on the back of this kind of Dow Jones Magic are not. , as long as one shot hits, it will immediately turn into tarsal maggots, burrow into the body and wreak havoc. Its attack power is terrifying, and it is a wizard-level monster.

"The hind leg meat of Dow Jones is a high-grade ingredient and can be made into delicacies." Rhine walked over, with a trace of regret in his eyes: "It's a bit wasteful to bake it directly."

Sanders dropped the bones and examined them. There was a layer of breeze surrounding the bones, and all remaining traces disappeared.

However, based on the information currently known, it is basically certain that not long ago, there was not only Angel in this deep pit, but also another being who could hunt down the strength of Dao Qiong Magic. This being was absolutely Not weak.

There is no body of Angel here. Maybe Angel is not dead, but according to the blood stains found before, Angel's condition is not necessarily good.

Perhaps, it was the being who was good at using "wind" who took Angel away.

They continued to search the deep pit to see if there were any other traces. At this time, Rhine suddenly discovered that some nightmare aura suddenly appeared on a certain stone wall.

"Here, there seems to be a message left by Angel!"

When Sanders came over, Rhine frowned.

Rhine rarely frowned, which made Sanders a little confused. When he saw the remaining information on the stone wall, he suddenly understood.

Let’s not mention the phantom characters covered by the nightmare aura for now.

There is an incident recorded on the stone wall below, telling the whole story of how Toby was infected with the disaster. At the same time, it was reminded that in the team going to Sky Island, the Orlov Tentacle Crab hunted by Frost Moon was also very likely to be infected. A disaster.

If this information is true, this is no small thing.

They all know that once infected by the disaster of the Doom Patroller, Sky Island will even be destroyed. Even the true wizard cannot bear the horrific disaster.

Donla is a lesson learned from the past.

Sanders read the message left by Angel, and he finally realized that something was wrong with him all the time, and the flash of inspiration just now pointed to one fact: the positive variable collapsed significantly.

Whether you are attacked by a large number of demons or fail to open cross-border passages continuously, it turns out that it is all caused by bad luck!

"Unexpectedly, the underground river in the Shadow Cave is connected to the Silent Dead Sea." Sanders said with emotion.

"This matter is very important. Whether it is true or not, it must be conveyed to Sky Island as soon as possible." Rhine said.

Sanders nodded, and he would naturally convey this matter to Sky Island, but what he was most concerned about now was Angel's situation.

The words covered by the nightmare also revealed the truth: Angel went to the Ice Valley.

The only thing in the entire abyss that can be singled out as an "Ice Valley" is the famous Unmelting Ice Valley.

Based on Angel's current situation, it was absolutely impossible for him to take the initiative to go to the Ice Valley. He must have been coerced.

However, what is more worthy of scrutiny is that the existence of the person who coerced Angel allowed Angel to leave these messages, which is somewhat intriguing.

Moreover, Angel definitely heard about Toby being infected with Calamity from elsewhere, and he probably coerced his existence.

The other party can not only detect the disaster, but also discover the source of the disaster. From this, it can be seen that the opponent is very powerful, otherwise he will definitely be affected by the disaster and take action against Angel.

Regardless of what's fishy here, even if the message "Go to Ice Valley" is a trap, Sanders must go there.

But before going to Ice Valley, they still need to convey the news of the disaster to Sky Island.

Angel was standing outside a mountain range at this time.

Fafnir, who had restrained his breath, turned into a human form and leaned against the trunk of a tree. He seemed to be taking a nap, but in fact he was squinting and looking deep into the mountains, where the shape of the snow-capped mountains could be faintly seen.

"Lord Fafnir, it seems that this place is still some distance away from the Ice Valley..." Angel hesitated for a moment and turned around.

"There will be no powerful monsters within a thousand miles outside the Ice Valley."

Although Fafnir explained this, Angel looked at Toby who was sleeping like a mess and took Toby who was contaminated by disaster. Even if it was safe, it would probably be difficult.

Seeing that Angel was still hesitant, Fafnir snorted coldly, and a tornado suddenly emerged from Angel's feet.

Angel screamed and was swept up into the air, falling in a parabola thousands of meters away.

Climbing up from the rotting deciduous forest, Angel knew he had no choice.

This place is still very close to the outskirts of the mountains, and all his actions are still under Fafnir's surveillance. If he makes any changes, Fafnir will probably continue to torture him.

Anyway, this is the most superficial level. Even if there is any monster, it probably won't be very powerful.

With this thought in mind, Angel embarked on the journey to the Ice Valley alone.

As he went deeper, Angel was also thinking about something. In fact, Fafnir could have taken him to fly outside the Ice Valley, but she did not do so. Instead, she put him down thousands of miles away and let him go to the Ice Valley by himself. This shows that she seems to be afraid to see Odekra. Si?

But when Fafnir was leaning against the tree trunk, her eyes were always looking in the direction of the Ice Valley, with complex and nostalgic eyes, which showed that she actually also yearned for the Ice Valley.

It's not that you don't want to go, but you don't dare to go?

Maybe there's a story here?

While Angel was thinking, he took out a transparent ice cube from his pocket.

The ice is imprisoned by a powerful force, almost called cryolite, and cannot be physically melted. In the ice, there is a shimmering white dragon scale sealed in the ice. Reflected by the water chestnuts of the ice itself, it shines with crystal clear brilliance.

This piece of frozen dragon scale was given to him by Fafnir.

Angel originally thought that Fafnir would tell him what he said, but he didn't. Fafnir just left this dragon scale for him and said: "What I want to say, he will understand when he sees this dragon scale."

Angel was too embarrassed to observe when he was next to Fafnir before, but now it seems that there is something strange about this dragon scale.

Fafnir is an abyss wind dragon, and his true body's scales are blue-black, not as white as jade.

Along the way, Angel also inquired about some information about Alderkras. It is said that Alderkras is an abyssal flame dragon.

The scales of a fire dragon cannot be frozen by ice so easily.

Moreover, Angel did not feel the breath of fire in the white scales, so the frozen dragon scales could not be from Alderkras.

So whose does this belong to?

When Angel was lost in his own thoughts, he looked for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com A depression suddenly appeared on the ground. Angel looked down and found that the depression was actually a giant mouth full of sharp teeth!

Angel was startled, and quickly started flying through the dark night, flying into the air.

As Angel flew into the sky, the giant mouth on the ground also stretched out from the depression.

Only then did Angel realize that this seemed to be a carnivorous plant?

Just like Jack's magic beans, the plant suddenly grew upward like a vine, and the giant mouth also snaked upwards, aiming directly at Angel.

A plant rooted in the ground was unable to fly, but Angel was not too afraid. However, as soon as this idea came to mind, I heard a hoarse roar in my ears.

He looked back and saw billowing black clouds coming from the distance.

If you look closely, you will see that the black clouds are not real clouds, but densely packed bone crows...

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