Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 1021 Door model

After observing for a while, Angel found that the energy core was slowly changing.

This change is very strange, it seems to be a qualitative change process from invisible to tangible. In other words, in his eyes, that special energy seemed to be building something.

Angel looked at the changes in front of him expressionlessly: it seemed that it was not as purposeless as he thought before. It leads itself forward with purpose.

In this case, the Outer Eye may also have relevant will. Even if it is a dead thing in itself, it should have residual will to cause trouble.

And the activation switch is the special energy in the fusion of planes?

Although Angel had this doubt in his mind, he now had no deep curiosity and was just thinking aimlessly along the changes in the energy core.

There are many doubts that arise and die at will, without asking for a clear explanation.

In this state, Angel would feel very uncomfortable simulating his own thoughts when he had emotions. After all, curiosity is the first driving force. Even if he doesn't explore, the frontier of his thinking is enough for Angel to gallop.

But judging from Angel's current situation, he doesn't hate this state. Putting aside all emotions and purpose, the speed and acceptance of thinking rotation are beyond imagination.

If he really wants to study something, his efficiency will be much higher than when he has emotions.

Just like now, when the energy core transformed into its first "horn", Angel understood its purpose.

The energy core changes from invisible to tangible, and the first corner that emerges is a door frame base.

It was constructed entirely in front of Angel.

Moreover, although the way it is constructed is somewhat obscure, with various wonderful lines intertwined, every step, where it starts and where it goes, is clearly imprinted in Angel's thinking.

——Its purpose seems to be to build a door. And let Angel see clearly.

"So, this is teaching?" Angel thought to himself, but even if it was really teaching, Angel didn't understand its intention. He had never even seen the energy structure that built the "gate". .

Moreover, even if the door is really built, is the next step to let him open the "door"?

All mysterious "doors" and the unknown hidden behind them often carry great risks.

Angel began to weigh some risks. Although he didn't care about anything outside at this time, he didn't want to die from being exposed to risks for no apparent reason. So, he was thinking, would it be better if he chose to leave and not watch it at this time?

When the scale in his heart began to shift towards "leaving", the energy core in front of him suddenly shone brightly.

The next moment, the door with a base built in front of him suddenly shattered.

At the same time, a point of light appeared in the broken place.

This light spot is almost exactly the same as the light spot that was sucked into the Eye of the Sky during the previous "Galaxy Influx".

"When I have the will to leave in my heart, does it really break?" Angel looked at the floating light spots in front of him and thought to himself.

Strangely enough, this light spot is the same as the light spot that was absorbed by the Eye of the Sky before. But before, Angel could only see the light spot with his naked eyes, which was tangible but intangible.

But now, Angel felt inexplicably that it had become tangible and qualitative.

While Angel was thinking, the light spot suddenly disappeared.

When Angel reacted, he discovered the fact that the light spot did not really disappear, but entered his thinking space.

And then……

The light spot slowly turned into the special energy before, and began to rebuild the "door" in his thinking space.

Previously, when it was building the door, Angel could choose to leave without looking.

But now, it has penetrated directly into the thinking space, and Angel can see it even if he doesn't want to see it.

Angel guessed that if he had an emotional template now, he would be speechless at this moment and want to jump out of anger, right?

Unfortunately, he didn't have any mood swings now. He even immediately accepted its setting and began to look at the construction of the "door" carefully.

Because, before he had a choice, now he has no other choice. Since you can't resist, let's take a closer look. What exactly does it want to do?

The construction of the "door" is not very fast.

Angel vaguely felt that the speed of its construction depended entirely on the speed of his own memory digestion.

And unlike before, every time a path was built, a torrent of information rushed into Angel's consciousness. These torrents of information directly imprinted the meaning represented by this line on Angel's thinking.

This is an alternative experience, gaining new knowledge out of thin air. It's just that obtaining and applying are two different things.

Just like solving mathematical problems, knowing formulas and skillfully applying formulas are two different concepts.

This kind of information transmission is very similar to the information transmission method of "initiation" in magic.

When Angel accepted the flood of information, he deeply felt that he was currently taking a building block building class.

You just need to look at it before and remember the order in which the blocks are built. Now, Angel not only has to remember the building sequence, he also has to know the materials of the bricks and the knife skills to carve them out.

Angel initially thought this pattern was a completely new system.

But as a large amount of information was transmitted, he discovered that he was actually wrong, and this still fell within the scope of the wizard system.

Moreover, Angel vaguely felt that this "door" seemed complicated to construct, but it was actually based on the breadth of knowledge that Angel himself knew.

In other words, this "building block construction class" has no over-the-top program.

It is indeed difficult and complicated, but it is not impossible to understand.

"Could it be that it read my memory and understood my knowledge structure?" Although Angel had this conjecture, he did not go into it further, but was still immersed in learning.

How much time has passed? Angel didn't know.

In this strange world, there is no concept of hunger and no concept of time scale. It is similar to the nightmare world to some extent, but completely different.

Occasionally when he was multitasking, Angel also thought about an idea: I wonder if the special concept of time here can be integrated into the alchemical illusion like the feeling of the nightmare world?

Of course, this kind of multitasking is rare, and Angel still devotes a lot of energy to studying.

Although there is no time scale here, in order to prevent himself from being completely lost, Angel calculated a number in his mind every time he analyzed the concept of a path. To date, the count has reached one thousand four hundred and thirty-six.

Although the speed of his analysis is accelerating, on average, if converted into real time, it should be measured in "years".

Three years, or four years.

Angel is not sure, but he is somewhat fortunate now that this kind of pure learning and research is actually very boring. If his own emotional template is brought in, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to persist until now.

Of course, this kind of "lucky" is actually what Angel thinks when he simulates his own emotional template in his spare time.

Back to studying, when Angel analyzed the 100th line, he discovered something fishy. The energy properties contained in the lines that construct the "door" can be of various kinds.

But one part of it that cannot be avoided is the nature of space.

Angel had understood the concept of space before, but his exposure was more to alchemical descriptions of space, such as building and stabilizing space energy through the combination of materials.

But he has never been exposed to the real mysterious side space system.

However, a large part of the teachings given to him by this "door" related to the space department. Angel was still a little self-denial at the beginning, and it would be difficult to understand some of the basics of the space department.

But after actual contact, Angel didn't find it difficult to understand. Although it is not as easy as learning illusion, it is not completely difficult.

After Angel conquered a new pattern, he counted silently: one thousand, three hundred and forty-seven.

At this point, the door is half modeled.

When Angel was about to continue learning, he found that the lines on the "door" were no longer updated.

A door model with only half of it was suspended in the dark thinking space, motionless.

Angel was not surprised because the pattern on the door stopped. In fact, he had expected it because the door was symmetrical and both sides were almost the same.

Therefore, teaching half of it is actually enough.

The rest is Angel's business.

Although there was no information telling him what to do now. But Angel somehow knew that he now needed to fill up the half door.

The method of making up is what Angel has been learning during this period. However, the previous half-door was made of a strange kind of energy. Angel did not have that kind of energy, but it didn't matter. The nature of the energy contained in this door could be diverse.

This is a thinking space, which can be constructed using the magic power from the magic source.

However, Angel was just learning before. When he really wanted to participate, it was actually much more difficult than he thought.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, especially building the first trail, which is the most difficult.

Angel has mobilized the magic power from the magic source many times, but in the end he still did not actually attach it to it, but continued to simulate it in his mind.

The reason for being so cautious. Find the bookstore

It's because during this period of time, he already had an idea of ​​the function of this "door".

The model of this door is actually a kind of magic model.

However, it is different from ordinary magic models. Once other magic models are constructed, they will quickly dissipate if they are not released.

But because this magic model is constructed with special energy, it can solidify and maintain an overall shape for a long time.

But once Angel starts to connect this model, the connection will be successful. If the connection fails, the magic model will completely collapse.

In fact, it doesn't matter if it dissipates. Angel has studied for a long time before, and it's a big deal to rebuild it.

However, Angel always felt that the special energy that built the "half door" was very precious, and maybe the "door" he built was also special.

He would feel it was a pity if the model of this door collapsed because of his failed connection.

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