Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 1011 Toby’s Dream

In fact, Angel didn't dare to make a conclusion about Toby's situation. Maybe it had been sleeping and there were other reasons.

For example, what did the giant snake do to it before.

Or maybe Toby did something himself.

Angel carefully recalled the situation at that time. Although Toby appeared in the territory of the giant snake, and the surrounding snakes were hostile to Toby, the giant snake did not seem to take action against Toby.

Even though Toby has gravity veins around his body to protect him, those gravity veins are nothing to the power and defense of the giant snake.

So, why did the giant snake not attack Toby?

Moreover, when Angel escaped with Toby, the giant snake launched a crazy attack on him without hesitation, which was obviously different from the treatment it treated Toby. In the end, even if Angel left the Shadow Cave, the giant snake would They chased him out, showing how much resentment he had.

What happened in the middle?

The more Angel thought deeply, the more his brows furrowed. After hesitating for a while, he decided to ask Sanders for help.

Although Sanders had been arrogant for a long time before, when Angel took the initiative to ask for help, he no longer acted aloof and fixed his gaze on Toby.

Sanders' palms were filled with a faint aura, and gentle energy swept over Toby.

"The blood condition, heart rate, and operation of the internal organs are all normal." Sanders thought for a moment: "Its brain fluctuations are also consistent with sleep, so there should be no problem."

Angel didn't lower his voice when he asked before, so Kanter also noticed the interaction between their master and apprentice.

Kanter: "Your instructor is right. Toby may have just slept too deeply."

Angel nodded, seemingly accepting the answer, but he still felt a little uneasy.

Speaking of which, Toby's state of drowsiness has happened once before. When he experienced the "Tribulation of Five Flavors", Toby fell asleep for a long time in order to subdue the "anger" emotion left by the legendary monster. .

It was not until he was purifying the garden that Toby successfully surrendered "wrath" and opened his new form: "Raging Griffin".

For Toby, surrendering the five tastes in his heart: love, hate, resentment, anger, and sadness is also a necessary process for his growth.

But at the same time, when Toby experienced the calamity of the five senses, it was also the most critical moment in his life.

Outsiders can't help it, they can only let it go on its own. If it fails, it will eventually become a puppet controlled by the five emotions.

Thinking of this, Angel had doubts in his heart: Could it be that Toby was drowsy because he entered the five senses?

It doesn't seem right. It's only been a few years since the last time Toby surrendered the "anger" in his heart. According to Greya's original inference, the second battlefield should not be opened so soon.

After all, although Toby has conquered "anger", he is still figuring out how to use the power of "anger".

At least, he has to wait until Toby has completely mastered "wrath" before he can start a new calamity of five flavors?

Angel frowned tightly, and all kinds of suspicions in his heart were eternal.

Sanders, who was sitting next to him, took a look at Angel's emotional changes. When Angel muttered "five flavors", Sanders also recalled what Grea had said about "the disaster of five flavors". ".

Sanders thought of the giant snake from before.

He had fought against a giant snake, so he knew very well how terrifying that giant snake's emotional field was. He knew the worries and speculations in Angel's heart. Toby may not have really entered the second catastrophe, but the emotional field of the giant snake was very likely to contain the five emotions hidden deep in Toby's body. Provide guidance in advance.

"If you are really worried, you can try to enter Toby's dream." Sanders said suddenly, "However, you can only dream, not read."

Angel also happened to think of the dream, and when he heard Sanders' words, he nodded immediately.

Dreaming is entering someone else's dream. As long as you don't take the initiative to speak, the other person may not notice you in the dream. Dream reading is about communicating with people in their dreams.

Dreams are unpredictable, and people who are not familiar with dream control are likely to change the rules of their dreams at the slightest thought. Therefore, it is best not to read dreams before you understand the situation. Sometimes, even the most intimate and familiar people may have incomplete thinking and logic in their dreams, resulting in mishaps when talking to them.

Of course, this situation only occurs when the level of dream reading is low.

If the four realms of dream reading are "listening, guiding, commanding and tampering", Angel can reach the "command" stage, and he will not be afraid of entering other people's dreams and being harmed himself.

With Sanders taking care of his physical body, Angel didn't have to worry about the future. He put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind and constructed the dreaming technique in his thinking space.

After a while, Angel stretched out his dream tentacles and penetrated Toby's dream bridge.

When Angel fell asleep, Kanter looked at Angel who was lying on the table and fell asleep, and asked curiously:

"Angel actually learned the magic of the dream system?"

Sanders said calmly: "Dreams and illusions are often compared. Perhaps, the combination of the two may have some unexpected effects."

Kanter's eyes lit up: "You mean, Angel plans to combine dreams and illusions to create spells?"

After a pause, before Sanders could respond, Kanter deliberately lowered his voice: "You really want Angel to take that path, right? Train him to create his own method during his apprenticeship?"

Sanders just said it casually, but he didn't expect Kanter to understand it this way.

However, Sanders knew very well that it was extremely difficult for Angel to combine "dreams and illusions" to create a method. It also took a lot of time, because Angel's understanding of "dreams" is still very superficial, and even those dream tricks were forcibly constructed.

So Kanter's speculation is actually wrong. Moreover, although Sanders hoped that Angel would start creating his own magic when he was in the first witchcraft position, everything must return to reality. In the current situation, the shadows of the devil and the nightmare world are hanging overhead at the same time. Focusing on breakthrough first is Angel's best choice.

But Sanders didn't explain, he just smiled and said nothing.

Kanter originally wanted to ask about the specific situation, maybe he could take this opportunity to make a reference for Qili's development, but at this moment, Kanter frowned and suddenly looked at the sky in the distance:

"Trouble strikes again."

Not long after the team entered the Huiguang Mountains, they encountered a crisis again.

Several gargoyles, whose bodies were burning with flames, led a group of demons. They fluttered their huge bat-like wings and jumped up from the mountain forest, filling the sky densely.

At the same time, Angel also walked across the Dream Bridge and entered Toby's dream.

Angel thought that Toby had entered the "Tribulation of Five Flavors", and that his dreams might be filled with hurricanes and heavy rains, or even volcanic eruptions and earthquakes... However, there were none of these things in his mind.

At first glance, there is nothing strange about Toby's dream.

The background of the dream is an island manor. The layout of the manor is very similar to Pat Manor. The entire manor is filled with transparent soap bubbles, some as big as hot air balloons, some as small as marbles.

Under the sunlight, the soap bubbles reflected colorful lights, floating over the manor, into the clear blue sky, and into the sparkling blue sea.

I have to say that this dream is full of girlish feelings.

As Toby is fond of wearing pink lace dresses, this dream is very suitable for it.

Therefore, Angel didn't think there was anything wrong with this dream at first.

Until "Toby", the person Angel was staying with, entered the manor, and some strange behavior caught his attention.

Since this island manor is very similar to Pat Manor, it is in line with the setting that characters familiar to Angel appear in the manor.

For example, the head maid Mana.

I saw the head maid Mana standing at the gate of the castle holding a big plate. Toby flew down, grabbed the food on the plate, and started eating.

Angel noticed that the food on the plate seemed to be crab meat?

Toby took a few bites, kicked over the plate, and then yelled "chiggujiggugu" at the head maid Mana, and drove the head maid Mana away.

And Angel heard the meaning of the "chirping" sound.

——You are annoying!

Toby hates the head maid Mana? Angel had some doubts in his heart. He didn't notice it when he was at Pat's Manor before.

After driving away the maid Mana, Toby met the maid Olly who came out of the castle.

Maid Olly's face was flushed and she looked shy. Toby was playing with bubbles in the air. When he saw Ollie, he flew forward angrily and screamed loudly at Ollie.

——You are even more annoying!

Ollie was so frightened that she ran away from the manor.

Toby's behavior was so abnormal that it made Angel feel even weirder.

At this time, Toby flew near the farmland of the manor, where there were golden milk fruit trees. At the same time, Toby's good friend the Moon Lily Elf was also there.

I saw the Moon Lily Elf sitting on the branch of the milk fruit tree, with a food plate in his hand and a cup of cocoa milk next to it.

It smiled and waved to Toby, beckoning Toby to come up and have a meal together.

"How will Toby react when he meets his good friend?" Angel asked secretly in his heart.

According to Toby's character, he should have swooped up at this time and happily reunited with the lily of the valley elf.

Toby did exactly that. He came to the branch and ate the food in his plate quietly.

"When you meet a good friend, you get along very harmoniously." Angel thought to himself, while also observing what Toby was eating.

The food in the food plate is... anemone.

First there was crabmeat, now there are sea anemones. Could it be that Toby was eating the sea anemone crab he encountered in the Shadow Cave before?

While Angel was thinking, Toby also ate up the anemone.

After eating, Angel was stunned by Toby's actions in the next second.

I saw it suddenly rush to the side of the Moon-of-the-Ling Lily Elf, facing the beautiful face of the Moon-of-the-Ling Lily Elf, and suddenly tore open its clothes——

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