Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 1004: Evacuate in advance

After Snaffa and Samantha left, only Sanders and Kanter were left on the court.

Sanders looked quietly at the critical forest in the distance... There are not many trees left in the critical forest now. They are almost all lava pools. Even if there are still some living trees, they probably won't survive in the diffuse dust. . It won't be long before the name here may be changed.

The snow is still falling, but when the snow falls over the lava pool, it is evaporated into mist. The dust below is echoing, the fire is shining, and the white mist is lingering. At first glance, it looks quite beautiful.

"No one expected that there would be such a demon sleeping underneath the critical forest." Kanter muttered: "It is so rare for a lord to fall from his throne."

Sanders did not answer Kanter's words, and continued to look into the distance. His eyes seemed to be on the critical forest, but he seemed to have passed through that forest and looked towards the more distant Howling Plains.

"What are you looking at?" Kanter asked confused.

Sanders spoke slowly: "I'm wondering whether she will come back."

"It's hard to say, but the martial law in Castlevania is about to end. It won't be long before we leave. Even if Donla comes back by then, it won't have much impact on us." Kanter paused, his eyes flickering: "And , with the extent of her bad luck, I don’t think Donla has a chance to come back.”

After Kanter finished speaking, Sanders just smiled and shook his head.

What he said about 'will she come back' was not Donla, but... Madeleine.

When Donla began to escape with Manjimone, Sanders discovered Madeleine who was watching the battle in the distance, turned into a thorn and sneaked into the ground, and followed her secretly.

If you think about it for a moment, you will know what Madeleine wants to do.

After all, Don La once single-handedly caused the genocide of the Silian family. Madeleine chased after him, it must be for revenge.

Sanders noticed this scene, but he did not stop it. Before, Madeleine and Donla were of completely unequal weight levels. If Madeleine went to seek revenge on Donla, Sanders might intervene to intercept her. But now, under the influence of bad luck, Madeleine may really be able to kill Donla in secret.

Especially since Donla still has no way to restore the source of magic.

However, Donla is a true wizard after all, and a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Sanders cannot tell whether Madeleine can return.

The situation in the abyss was changing rapidly. Sanders shook his head and decided not to think about it anymore.

Even if Madeleine really can't come back, this is her own choice.

When Sanders returned to his territory, he saw Angel still standing on the tower looking into the distance. It seemed that he had never left. The snow accumulated on his soft blond hair, making him look like he was wearing a pure white crown. .

"What are you thinking about?" Sanders paused.

"...Is this the power of the abyss demon?" Even though the demon had left, Angel's eyes were still in a daze. In just a few minutes, most of the critical forest turned into a lava pool!

"That's a special demon." Sanders thought for a while and simply told what happened before.

After listening to Sanders' story, Angel's focus shifted from the devil to the legendary Witch of Donla who loved to "graft" parts from other people's bodies.

"Is bad luck really that bad?"

Sanders nodded, even the demon lords would avoid the Doom Patrollers. According to Frost Moon's records, the place where the Doom Pilgrims are located will lead to endless disasters.

"Then what happened to Lord Donla..." Angel asked curiously.

Sanders smiled and shook his head, but said nothing.

Three days later, the heavy snow has not stopped, and it seems to be getting heavier and heavier.

The lava pool in the distance is still boiling, the fire is shining, and the white mist is hazy. If it weren't for the strong pungent smell, it would be a bit like a fairyland.

The order in the fortress became slightly more orderly after experiencing Manjimone's horror. However, this situation did not last long, and everyone received a new instruction.

"Tomorrow we will evacuate the Watch Fortress, pack our luggage, and prepare to move to Kodo Port."

In Sanders' study, Angel was stunned after hearing the news: "The martial law in Castlevania has ended?"

"Not yet, but because of Manjimone's incident, Snaifa decided to move the position in advance." Sanders said.

This choice is in line with the current situation. After all, it is almost impossible for the descendants of the demon god to come out of the passage in the critical forest. What's more, if Donla comes back to her senses and runs back to the fortress, it will be a disaster.

"Get ready, I will take advantage of this transfer period to take you back to the wizarding world."

This is something Sanders has decided before. The abyss is too dangerous, and Angel is not even qualified to be cannon fodder here.

Angel nodded after hearing this, turned around and left the study.

However, after he left, he did not pack his luggage, but walked out of the door.

Now he is about to leave, but Toby has not come back yet. Angel wants to call Toby back first.

Angel flew directly to the top of the tower and sent out the summoning signal.

However, ten minutes passed and Angel did not see Toby. He hesitated for a moment and sent out two more signals. However, looking around, the fields were covered with falling snow, and Toby still did not appear.

Because I was in a good mood when I learned that I was going to return to the wizarding world, at this moment, I suddenly became a little uneasy.

Sanders had said before that the area near the fortress was relatively safe, so he was relieved to let Toby go play by himself, but now that Toby has not responded to messages for a long time, Angel has a bad feeling.

Was it because he was in danger, or was it because Toby was far away from the safe zone and did not receive his signal?

Angel recalled the last time he saw Toby.

That was three days ago, after Manjimone was led away by Donla. Angel called Toby back and repeatedly warned him not to go to the Critical Forest and the Howling Plains.

After that, he fell into research and didn't see Toby again.

Angel felt a little uneasy, but he forcibly ordered himself not to panic. According to Toby's strength, with the Dark Feather and Gravity Vein, it is enough to cope with most situations. He should be fine...

Angel jumped off the tower and quickly walked towards the outer sentry tower.

Although the apprentices were a little lazy and relaxed during this period, the guards on the sentry tower were always on alert. Before Toby wanted to go out for a walk, he was almost treated as a foreign enemy by those guards. Later, it was Kanter who helped explain that Toby could move freely outside the fortress.

Keeping jumping up and running in the snow-covered fortress, Angel asked several guards in succession, but no one noticed Toby's whereabouts. It wasn't until he came to the tower in the north of the fortress that he learned something about the situation.

But this situation was not told to him by the guard, but was the result of an apprentice who was drinking and having fun on the tower and heard Angel asking the guard and helped him.

"You mean that little gray bird?" The speaker was a short, fat apprentice holding an empty wine glass and smelling of alcohol. He thought for a moment: "I remember, yesterday afternoon we went to look for the mysterious bird. I saw that bird when I was in Silver Ring."

The Misty Silver Ring is a shrimp-like creature. For food wizards, it is a low-level ingredient. Eating it directly can help men become more virile.

"Right, pigtails?" The short and fat apprentice pushed the young apprentice with long rat tail pigtails beside him.

The braided kid's face was flushed, and he didn't know whether it was because he was drunk or because he mentioned the silver ring.

"It was a bit dark at the time, so I didn't see it. But Bobota should have seen it, because he kept looking up at the sky." After the braided kid finished speaking, he looked at Angel with curious eyes: "Are you Mr. Pat? ?”

"you know me?"

"Bobota said before that you are a disciple of His Excellency Huan Mo." The braided kid's eyes seemed to be shining with an expression of admiration.

Popota? After Angel heard the name, he seemed to open the memory box deep in his mind, and a young figure in a white robe jumped out.

Is this Bobo Tower the other Bobo Tower?

While Angel was thinking, the pudgy apprentice kindly took Angel around in a circle on the tower and came to the other side. Then Angel saw a man half lying on the roof, leaning against A man sitting on the eaves of the upper floor to cover the snow, drinking wine leisurely.

At the same time, Angel was stunned by the bloody chains wrapped around the man's body.

Sure enough it was him.

This chain was originally made by Angel.

Since refining this chain, Angel has not seen Bobota again. After not seeing each other for many years, they meet again here.

"Popota, tell me, did we see that flying bird yesterday?" The pudgy apprentice leaned against the steel guardrail and shouted to Bobota outside the guardrail.

Popota took a sip of wine and turned her head.

He looked directly past the pudgy apprentice and looked at Angel.

After a moment of confusion, he picked up the wine glass with only a thin layer of liquid left, and bowed to Angel.

"We meet again." Popota said with a smile.

Angel was stunned for a moment, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm, doubts flashed in his eyes. Hearing Bobota's tone of voice, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"It seems that Mr. Pat has forgotten me?"

Angel shook off the strange feeling of familiarity in his mind, shook his head at Bobota and said, "Of course I haven't forgotten it, and I didn't expect to meet you here."

The relationship between them is just that of seller and customer. If the time and place were different, Angel might have exchanged a few pleasantries. But at this moment, Toby's whereabouts were unknown, Angel did not continue to be polite and asked directly:

"Just now, this..." Angel glanced at the pudgy apprentice, and when he was thinking about what to say, he immediately introduced himself: "My name is Dusky."

"I'm looking for such a gray seabird." Angel spread his hands and simulated Toby's illusion on his palm: "Just now, Duski told me that you have seen it before? I don't know where it was. ?”

Popota looked at the phantom bird in Sanders' palm, thought for a moment, and said, "It seems that I have really seen it. Let me think about it... I should have seen it near Shadow Hill yesterday afternoon."

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