Super Dimension Raiders: Start with Batman

Chapter 295 The Umbrella Company and Alice

Hearing this sentence, all the audience were stunned.

Yeah, why didn't you do that at the time?

Doctor Strange, originally an elite surgeon, now Sorcerer Supreme, Spider-man is a genius boy.

Two first-class smart people, actually came up with such a bad move?

Made the last bit of chicken feathers.

Su Bai's words are not so much a strategy, it is better to say that they are still yin and yang.

However, at the end, he still gave a detailed strategy: "Norman Osborn, is a mad scientist who dares to use himself to do human experiments for orders."

"Do you think your future you will be useful to his handling?"

"Would he really be willing to lose everything and wait for it?"

"Definitely for Spider-man in Mary Jane's world, it's still the future, you can go - stop him from becoming Green Goblin."

"You can go and destroy Norman Osborn's laboratory and see if he will stop there?!"

"But the strategy's opinion is to completely destroy the Osborn Group, so that he does not have the capital to carry out this experiment!"

"That's the only way to stop him.

Toby's Spider-man's face changed drastically, destroying the Osborn group?

Does this need to be done?

The narration continues: "In Gwen's world, Dr. Lizard was born in the Osborn Group."

"Electric Man was born in Osborn Group, and the second generation Green Goblin was born in Osborn Group."

"Everything is born from the Osborn Group, then the Spider-man of this world, you can stop everything by destroying the Osborn Group first!"

"Definitely, these are all strategies to treat the symptoms rather than the root causes. The most fundamental thing is whether you need to trust others and recognize what is your main responsibility."

"You become Spider-man because you want to be good neighbors to the citizens, and you want to help others fight crime, that's your main responsibility!

As for "helping criminals, that's at least a secondary responsibility after they've completely lost the harm to others."

I have said everything that can be said. As for whether Spider-man listens or not, it is hard to say, because Spider-man's character is there.

Then the Raiders question pops up: "When Norman Osborn is sent back to his own world, will he become Green Goblin again?"

This question surprised all three Spider-man, and finally the Dutch version of Spider-man said: "No."

Although it happened in another future, he still hoped that the last efforts of the three of them would be effective.

The website says: "Answer wrong, punish, seal Ability, 30 days.

Hearing this answer, the three little Spider-Man turned pale instantly as if they were struck by lightning!

Punishment is actually a trivial matter. What made them suffer such a shock is that they made such a decision in the future with all their strength and grief. Now it seems like a joke.

Some people just won't change!


At this time, Keisha said: "You three, do have excellent qualities."

"Be kind, not afraid of power, and pity the weak, but the scope of your pity seems to be too large!"

"It seems too naive to me."

"Indulgence of sin is tantamount to an accomplice of sin."

"Sin, never goes to destruction by itself, needs someone to destroy him."

"Just like if you don't sweep garbage, you won't go into the trash can yourself."

"I have been fighting all kinds of evil and darkness all my life. If you want to fight against the darkness, don't be afraid of getting blood on your hands, or it will be too hypocritical."

Yes, in her opinion, both Batman and Spider-man are too hypocritical.

Since those people are evil, it is just to eliminate them, why bother?

For Keisha, who has been fighting for justice all her life, she can't understand what these people think!

Everyone saw how the three little Spider-Man were hit hard, and no one said anything about them!

There are still videos on the website now, and I haven't watched the last Aquaman Arthur and Godzilla advance on demand.

And this time, I have watched two new guide videos, and I have not watched Alice and Deadpool.

Deadpool's strategy needs to be advanced on demand, but Alice's does not. Alice said: "I think, look at my advanced demand first, I lost my memory, I hope this strategy can tell me who I am."

Generally no one refuses this kind of request, so Alice opened her own strategy.

Her business card popped up on it.

"Name: Alice"

"Introduction: The clone of Alicia, the daughter of Dr. Markoun, the top executive of the Umbrella Company, the security guard of the former Umbrella Company's underground test base Hive, combined with the T virus and evolved, has various super abilities

Umbrella Company?

Another name I've never heard of.

It seems that this woman is in a universe that has nothing to do with us.

Everyone thought so!

On the contrary, Morgana asked curiously: "What is the T virus??"

She is very interested in this kind of virus that can make genes evolve and so on.

Alice said blankly: "I lost my memory. I even saw my own name on this video."

"Am I even just a clone?"

Her memory just forgot who she was, but she still remembered all kinds of knowledge clearly!


She didn't bother, she was just a clone, she just felt strange in her heart, if she was a security officer of the company, then why am I lying here with amnesia?

No matter how you look here, it doesn't look like a security room!

Then the screen popped up.

In the picture, Alice, who is wearing a red dress, is standing in a passage, and her face is also dazed.

The passage ahead lights up, and a laser cuts towards her.

She grabbed the ceiling with a jump and flashed the laser.

Then the laser in front turned into a net and rushed towards her.

Alice was startled and rushed into the exhaust pipe above, when she jumped off the other side of the exhaust pipe.

Suddenly, a fully automatic machine gun suspended in mid-air bounced in front of her and shot her in a burst, directly smashing her abdomen into a sieve.

She fell and died!

Several heavily armed staff then dragged her body out and threw it into the tunnel.

And the tunnel was full of Alice's corpse lying all over the place.

So dense, so many!

That picture makes people shudder.

The audience blows up again!

Misaka Mikoto pointed at her mouth immediately, she immediately thought of Miss Misaka, God..

Could it be that Alice is Misaka's sister from another world?

(More late, sorry, Spider-man's strategy, really stuck me... Seven.

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