Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 886 Feel the Power of Industrialization!

"Your Excellency, General, I am aware of what you said. I am concerned about the tragedy that happened in Azeroth. The empire will provide you with the material support you want as soon as possible. However, because of the empire's The consistent principle is not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, so the military support you hope for is temporarily impossible!"

"Oh, I see!"

Dai Lin nodded a bit. It seems that His Majesty the Emperor is a very principled person. It will take a lot of work to convince him, but Fisher has already promised to supply Kul Tiras with a batch of anti-plague products first. The supplies, and His Majesty the Emperor also said that he would try the effect first, and if it doesn't work, there will be no charge.

As for the payment, Dai Lin said embarrassingly that they could only pay with gold, and did not know whether the empire would accept it or not.

"Of course, gold is also a necessity for the people of the empire. Housewives like to wear them. In addition, we also hope to get some books about Azeroth, like local biographies This way we can understand Azeroth, this way we can strengthen our understanding of each other, what do you think?"

"I understand, I'll deal with it when I get back!"

After a short but fruitful meeting, Dailin returned to his flagship happily, and then he ordered the entire fleet to prepare to return to Kul Tiras. Although his daughter is very important, the most urgent thing is to send the imperial aid back. , As for Jaina, let's put it aside for a while, of course, the fleet must come back!

Dai Lin pulled her confidant and asked him to take a fast boat to the mainland of Kalimdor, and inform Jaina to release the people. The fleet can be left to her, but the sailors must come back as soon as possible. You must know that the imperial aid is released according to the hair of the person, and the more people there are naturally the better!

Proudmoore Naval Hold

As the home port of the Kulslas Navy Fleet, it has always been the top priority of Kul Tiras's naval defense. Dozens of large deep-water ports are located under the cover of heavy cannons, and tall bamboo shoots The city wall and the Griffin patrol team, in addition, the Royal Marine Corps has also stationed heavy troops here. They are equipped with the latest dwarven long-barreled muskets, just to guard this military port.

In the early morning of this day, before the sea fog in the military port dissipated, the watchtower noticed that there seemed to be something approaching rapidly in the fog.

The main force was exhausted, and the military port was extremely empty at the moment, so the vigilant soldiers immediately sounded the alarm.

The sailors who were still asleep immediately jumped up from the bed, put on their armor, and then took their weapons and entered their positions under the leadership of the commander.

Catherine Proudmoore, the wife of Dailin, the hostess of Kul Tiras, also climbed onto the city wall in a suit that was easy to move.

"Have you found out the identity of the other party?"

Catherine frowned tightly, her eyes were determined, and now the country depends on her to protect it.

"Sorry, Your Highness, the sea fog is too thick and the distance is too far, we don't know yet!"

"Okay, order the marines to prepare for battle. We must defend the kingdom, not only for Dai Lin, but also for our loved ones!"

Dai Lin, who was still in the sea fog, didn't know that a dozen cannons were aimed at her. Because there were too many surprises, everyone forgot to send a message to the fortress. Dai Lin thought the mage would say it, but the mage thought Dai Lin Lynn would say, and so the misunderstanding arose.

But fortunately, when they were about to enter the range of the cannon, the sea fog finally dissipated, and both sides could clearly see the green shirt on the other side and the Kul Tiras flag fluttering with the sea breeze.

"General, is this how your wife usually greets you?"

Farah, who had changed back to his training uniform, looked at the defenders who were waiting in full battle, and thought it was a local custom.

"Well, maybe!"

Dai Lin took off her military cap, touched the cold sweat on her head, and was almost beaten by her own family!

After clearing up the misunderstanding, Catherine didn't blame her husband. After all, in this special period, no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

And Catherine was very curious, didn't her husband go to find her daughter? Why did you come back halfway?

"Of course we must protect our homeland first!"

Dai Lin introduced Farah grandly. Now the other party is the security chief of the Imperial Humanitarian Rescue Team in Kul Tiras. The Tactical Assault Squadron under his command soon arrived with the first aid supplies.

Dozens of heavy-duty dump trucks parked the vacant space specially prepared by Dai Lin. All the trucks were loaded with nuclear war reserve items dug out of Russian warehouses, gas masks, filter elements, and oxygen cylinders. These were for dealing with the Scourge. The poisonous gas, in addition to a large amount of disinfectant and quicklime, these are to prevent the spread of the plague.

In addition, the aid team simply built a standard large-scale medical center in three days outside Boralus City, which has the functions of controlling infection and isolation. If necessary, the aid team can build three more.

Because it is located in the archipelago and the strait, the residents of Kul Tiras have a fairly good acceptance of new things, and there is no scene of kneeling and worshiping in front of the dump truck. On the contrary, the imperial engineers or marines On the street, people from Kul Tiras would warmly invite them to the bar for a drink, and when those tactical robots were working, many children would come to watch.

And the imperial soldiers will not be stingy at this time, and will generously share their cigarettes and beer. As for candy, Azeroth's desserts are not bad.

Dai Lin and Catherine were troubled by the 6,000 tons of high-quality steel ingots in front of them. Although Fisher said that he could not provide direct military assistance, he did not say that he could not provide raw materials. They came from a small factory in Tangshan for half a day. The output was just thrown in front of him. These steel ingots are all high-quality armor steel. It doesn’t matter whether they are used to make swords or armor. They can even be used as hard currency for trading. This batch of steel ingots alone is enough. To exchange twenty sets of brand new plate armor for all sailors in Kul Tiras.

But why do sailors need heavy armor?

So Dai Lin can only save this steel ingot in pain and happiness. Of course, it is certain to replace the weapons of the whole army. The fine steel long sword and large shield spear are indispensable. When craftsmen from all over the country were summoned to make iron overnight, the empire's transportation team brought him a full 100,000 sets of Kelaf body armor and a mountain of four-level boards.

"Your Majesty said that if these are not enough, he can pull another 500,000 sets!"

"Ah this!"

Looking at the mountains of containers, Dai Lin felt that his legs were weak. He had tried those armors just now, and they were equipped just right for the sailors. They had good defense and were lighter in weight compared to plate armor. Empty the treasury of Kul Tiras is not enough, right?

Before Dai Lin's legs went limp to sign the acceptance document, he heard his wife's cold voice coming from behind.

"Dai Lin, are you sure you just had dinner with that emperor?"

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