Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 790 You are also seriously injured and fell to the ground?

Fisher made the Death Fleet overwhelmed with one move, which really opened the eyes of the protoss. In the long lifespan, the protoss's fighting methods often pursue more extreme levels, such as bigger guns or better muscles. Their means of warfare are a bit lacking, and enemies who can press them upright will not use other means, and because of the martial arts culture, the templars will be somewhat resistant to what tactics to use to win.

But now, with the complete disintegration of the way of Kara, the templars who had a somewhat exploded view have some time to think, and because of the loss of their home planet, the protoss now does not have a stable logistics base, forcing them to Make tactical adjustments.

Correspondingly, some changes must also be made in terms of equipment, such as their shields. In the past, the way templars used their own psionic shields can only be called simple and rude. They will dodge with their bodies, and once the shield is broken, they will jump directly back to their base. When the shield is recharged, the cousin brothers will attack again.

But now, the protoss troops without a solid rear can only jump back into the Spear of Adun. As a war ark, the healing measures inside the Spear of Adun are naturally not as good as a complete base.

But now, this problem has been perfectly solved. Under the impetus of Zeratul, the scientific research departments of humans and protoss have cooperated vigorously on the science and technology of both parties. Although everyone has reservations about weapons, everyone in terms of medical treatment and energy Still no restrictions.

Just like this thing now!

An Atlas marine soldier raised his laser rifle and fired a few shots at a Templar Biubiu. The dark red laser beam hit the opponent's shield, and soon the light blue Only a thin layer of the spiritual energy shield remained.

Then the protoss warrior took out a small cylinder with a diameter of only 30 centimeters from the armor at his waist. He pulled the handle, and a burst of current surged out, filling up his shield that was almost bottomed out quickly.

"Ah this!"

Fisher looked at this thing called a portable shield battery, and the corners of his mouth twitched inexplicably. At this moment, a sentence was constantly echoing in his mind.

"I was seriously injured and fell to the ground!"

"Then what, who invented this thing?"

"It's me! Mr. Fisher!" It was Jim Leno's chief technology officer who spoke, but now Swan, who is now a special consultant for Atlas' technology department.

This is a veteran who participated in the guild war with Jim Raynor. He lost one hand. He is a very good mechanical engineer. As long as he has blueprints, there is no war machine that he can't handle.

Fisher gave him a new vibrating arm, and the mechanical engineer who lost his job because Raynor didn't plan to follow up on the rebellion had a new boss.

"Then what, don't tell me that you have also developed a Phoenix medical kit!"

"Phoenix medical kit? What's that?" Swan frowned. The new boss is good at everything. Come to the blueprint of the Spear of Adun, can Swann mass-produce this thing in the armory?

"That's right, it takes a long time, but once the time is up, the medical kit can be revived with full blood!"

Fisher has his own answer.

"Wouldn't that be too time-consuming, we have enough field nurse teams and medical transport planes!"

"Then can you develop something that can release a range of medical beams, the kind that can be inserted into the ground, and the wounded around can recover blood!"

"I'll try my best, but it seems our Protoss friends like this energy battery very much!"

"Of course, it means that the Protoss has no mouth, otherwise they might have to ask us for some stimulants to equip those high-level templars!"

The equipment of the energy battery made the cousins ​​very happy. This thing is not too big. They can hang three or four on their armor anytime and anywhere, and they can be pulled whenever they want in battle. There is no panting on the same street.

Of course, Atlas is not without gains. Protoss technicians and Zeratul shared the space folding technology and Xel'Naga's warp technology with them, and the protoss friends also improved the time and space currently used by Atlas. Qiao, now the Thunder Warriors of Atlas already have phase shields that can be used, and they are still golden.

"Power Sword, Thor's Hammer, Ring of Steel, this is so loyal!"

Now that there is a new guy, it is natural to find an opponent to try the knife. The United Fleet turned around directly, and pushed back along the route when the Death Fleet chased them before, preparing to use Marash to test whether the new guy is sharp.

When approaching the Tal'darin home planet Slane, a dilapidated Tal'darin void glow ship appeared in front of the fleet.

"I want to see Artanis!"

Under the strong onlookers of dozens of cousins, Alarak, the disgraced fifth person promoted by Tadarin, broke into the war dispute hall of the Spear of Adun angrily.

"Shouldn't the visitor declare his family name first?"

Artanis, who had already cleaned up Alarak's background, pretended to be majestic.

"Don't you want to defeat Eamon?" Alarak felt wrong. He came here this time to help the other party solve a serious problem. Why is the other party's superior attitude? Believe it or not, I turned around and left?

So would Alarak dare to turn around and leave? He really didn't dare. After all, without his rebellion, the outcome of the battle between the United Fleet and the Death Fleet is still unknown, but the United Fleet must have a chance to win, but if he has no external support, he will not be able to deal with the interior of Tadarim. So even though he was full of anger, Alarak still lowered his stance.

Seeing that the other party was so good, Artanis and Zeratul exchanged a look, then changed their previous cold attitude, and began to greet Alarak with his greetings, and ordered the guards to send Alarak a freshly baked energy battery. play.

"As for your purpose, we have already made it clear that the position of the high-ranking lord will be exchanged for the Death Fleet to join the coalition forces! How about it?"

"No problem!" Alarak lost all his grievances at once, and joined the coalition forces to kill Amon. From now on, he will be an eternal god in Tadarin. This deal is a bargain!

"That's good, let's start!" Artanis grabbed Alarak and was about to send him to the spaceship.

"Now you can go to Marash and ask for the Rakshir ceremony, and we will give you the spiritual support you want!"

"What about Marash's men?"

"Our allies are on the move!"

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