Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 588: Plant a mine first

"Ms. Locke! Please allow me to introduce myself first! My name is Nick Fury! I am an archaeologist of Prothean Ruins!"

Fisher, who had put on the most common mercenary synthetic material coat in the world, was also wearing a pair of glasses at the moment, making himself look very scholarly, and this look could also play a certain role in confusing.

"I really didn't expect this, but the name of this archaeologist is more of a cover-up. At least I don't know any human scientific research team that has a cruiser and can break through a Cerberus base in one go! "Alia silently gave her subordinates a look and asked her to get some information about the so-called Nick Fury.

"This is natural, but scientific investigation is the main business, and we will also deal with some outlaws who don't respect science!"

"Really, then I don't know what Mr. Fury thinks about the disappearance of the Prothean civilization?" Aliya raised her eyebrows. If there is something in her stomach, she will know if she has a try. If Fisher proves his worth , then Alia will naturally provide convenience for the other party in some aspects. After all, the business forces open their doors to make friends.

As for Fisher, hearing the other party's question, he was very happy.

What do you think? Of course, sit and watch, Fisher suppressed a smile, and then imitated the usual gestures of a certain blond girl who has been turned into rbq by her father.

"No one knows Prothean better than me!"

Prothean is the overlord of a reincarnation in the Milky Way. This race has fought against the Reapers for hundreds of years, leaving a lot of relics all over the Milky Way. Although they failed in the end, all members, ah no, only The last poor man escaped, but their relics have blessed the various civilizations of this reincarnation. For example, the reason why human beings can go to space so quickly is to dig out the relics of Proxian.

And the Asari and the Proxians also have a deep relationship. Back then, the Asari were still monkeys drinking hair and blood. It happened to catch up with the Proxian Reaper War, so the Proxians tried to ripen the Asari. It's a pity that they didn't have time to fill up the lost soldiers on the front line. Proxian knelt down before the Asari walked out of their home planet.

Of course, these things cannot be said, and the other party will not believe it. Fisher just casually mentioned some specific setting information about the Proxian Empire. Scheer's posture of opening his mouth has also verified his level, at least this expert status is no problem.

After both parties confirmed that the other party did not have any major problems, Fisher communicated with the other party about the issue of Cerberus. When he learned that Cerberus had quietly installed a bunch of After the mine was divided, Aliya smiled instead of anger.

"Interesting, you humans do have something unexpected to us, and you don't have any psychological burden of betraying your compatriots?"

"The evaluation of the compatriots is not anyone's opinion. Without them, the world will be more peaceful. Besides, isn't the Jieshen Starfield your territory, and you will let the other party do whatever they want here?"

"Then what good is it to me to eliminate Cerberus?"

"They have a lot of Proxian cultural relics in their hands. This thing is not for sale, and there is no market for the price. I think even the Asari people cherish the Proxian cultural relics very much!"

"Yes, yes, that's a good reason!"

"Also, Ms. Locke, I have a piece of news for you at the end. Cerberus is trying to control the krogans!"

After all, Fisher ignored Alia, who had a sudden expression on his face, and left by himself.

"Boss, why do you say that the other blue skin doesn't seem to care, but when you say krogan, she changes face?"

After leaving the space station, the intelligence staff following Fisher was puzzled.

"Because the Krogan race is particularly troublesome. It looks like a two-meter-tall wax gourd, but they are all violent and warlike. Their home planet was blown into wasteland by a nuclear bomb and they can still jump around alive and well. A long time ago, the Citadel Council used them to fight against the Zerg. The kind that can give birth to both sides!"

Fisher glanced at the intelligence summary that the other party was compiling, and then added the grievances and grievances between these civilizations as a reference for action.

Although the Krogan made great contributions in the battle against the Rakhni Zerg, the strong fertility of this race also frightened the Citadel Council. In terms of the quality of soldiers, even the Turians are inferior to the Krogan , Therefore, after the war, in order to prevent the Krogan people from having a twitch, the Citadel Council destroyed the Citadel Council, and acted preemptively, using a special potion to reduce the fertility rate for the Krogan people. It killed the krogans. At that time, the comprehensive strength of the entire race ranked fourth in the universe.

And now, the krogan whose home planet has been bombed into a desert by nuclear bombs is finished, the race is divided into countless small clans fighting for women and resources, most of the krogan can only live in various parts of the universe in order to make a living Work as a mercenary to earn a living.

Such easy-to-use cannon fodder naturally won the favor of Cerberus. The Phantom Man felt that building a krogan army that was not afraid of death could better realize his grand plan, so a long time ago, Cerberus Si started the research topic on klogan fertility rate.

This family is a serious problem for the Citadel Council. If the birth rate of the race that is already difficult to deal with is restored, and the birth rate is 12, then everyone really doesn't have to hang out in the Milky Way. Prepare to reopen!

This is also the relationship between the sudden change in Alia's face. What Fisher said before is just

It affects her own wealth, but this matter affects whether the three major races in the parliament can sit firmly on the throne.

So when Fisher left, Aliya himself immediately contacted Councilor Asari of the God's Castle Council and fed back the news to him.

As for the authenticity of the news, it is not important anymore, I would rather believe it than believe it!

And the Citadel Council also did a rare personnel matter this time. In their view, Cerberus is a splinter organization among human beings, and this matter should be dealt with by human beings.

"Then give the human ghost a quota. I will contact the Star Alliance ambassador and let them deal with Cerberus. At the same time, Salari will also send an assault team to check the situation on the Klogan home planet. If necessary, We will blow up that planet!" Senator Salari said decisively, after all, they were the ones who developed and released the virus in the first place.

"I have no objection. The current development potential of human beings is very strong. I think if necessary, we can consider absorbing them as the fourth members of the parliament to share the pressure for us!"

"Then let's make a decision like this. I will inform the ambassador. As for the krogan, I will leave it to Turian and Salari!"

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