Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 422: The Tightened Noose

After coming out of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha avoided the wandering insurgents all the way, and was going to try her luck at the Atlas headquarters building. As a result, when she was three blocks away from the Atlas headquarters, she heard that There were bursts of gunfire.

Natasha's face turned white immediately, and the Hydra knocked on the door. What if Fisher was cold? As a result, when she hurried over with a basketball wrapped in tights, she saw a row of combat robots holding weapons to fill up the corpses on the ground, and there were many soldiers wearing heavy armored snakes and demons helping them. The robot transports the corpse.


Seeing the robot with the Atlas logo printed on its body and Hydra's snake demon soldiers fighting together, Natasha's heart suddenly became cold, and she made up the idea that Fisher was assassinated by Hydra, and then Hydra took over. Atlas combat troops, the final Atlas fleet deployed over the world.

The trembling Natasha was about to sneak into the building to find out what happened when she ran into a group of snake demon soldiers.

At this time, Natasha realized that her brain supplement was a bit excessive. According to her incomplete understanding of Fisher, the other party was absolutely unfathomable, or that guy always likes to hide and tuck! Before the last piece of camouflage is uncovered, God knows what's under that guy's face!

And what makes Natasha curious is that the expressionless snake demon soldiers are cold, efficient, and taciturn. After she was brought into the building by the robot, those soldiers did not say a word, and even the breathing rate was surprisingly similar.

Atlas, what the hell is hiding!

It's just that Natasha didn't see Fisher himself in Fisher's office, but the machine housekeeper of the building. The other party politely invited her to drink a bowl of sugar water, and then politely refused her request for violence. Mobile Response Force requirements.

"Why, the world's security has reached a precarious point!"

"Atlas is only a private company, not a state agency, and operations in the United States need to be authorized!"

"The White House has been bombed, how can I give you authorization!"

"But the president did not fall into the hands of the other party!"

"I...!" If it wasn't for the fact that she had not seen how the other party dismissed the six fully-armed Hydra soldiers, and the mantis knife hidden under the arm armor was not dry, Natasha really wanted to give it to the other party. The tin head came twice.

"Damn, I knew I couldn't count on a capitalist!" Natasha angrily slammed out the door. Since she couldn't count on Fisher, she would settle the matter herself!


"Oh, woman, I just can't hold my breath!"

Fisher, who received the report, shook his head. Hydra has not fully controlled even those Aodogs. If he dispatched and dealt with the enemy resolutely, what would happen to these ships? to the countries? As a qualified wool shaving master, Fisher naturally couldn't agree. He even took over the control of Hydra and stuffed the Hydra personnel from other areas into the team to seize the spaceship. These Hydras are then consumed by the defense system inside the spacecraft.

The hydra soldiers who fell before the automatic cannons and laser trips have piled up, and the violent smell of blood is blown down the passage by the air-conditioning system. Now these paralyzed Ao-dogs are like a delicious food for Hydra. The hedgehog can break through its thorns and devour the sweet flesh and blood, but this last layer of thorns has completely dragged 50% of the Hydra's manpower to death, and this ratio is constantly rising. Even Hydra had been ordered by Fisher to stop the attack on the Pentagon, and all members joined the spacecraft attack sequence.

Pierce, who was playing hide-and-seek with two fallen masters in the White House, also received a forged order from Fisher. The other party wanted to connect the communication and scolded Malik Gideon, but the communication was intermittent. He could only He vaguely heard what seemed to be a celebratory party on the other side, so Pierce angrily left all his men, only bringing the bald brother, Rumlow and a small escort team to see what the hell Malik was doing.

The motorcade raced all the way, running over the White House lawn to Rock Bay in northern D.C., where Malik was based.

But as soon as the convoy reached the Columbia Heights, an Atlas six-wheeled armored vehicle rushed out of the diagonal stab.

The six-wheeled armored vehicle with the added angle of impact unceremoniously overturned the lead car of the convoy, knocking the Chevrolet off the road, and then the two triple 14.5mm machine guns and 20mm automatic guns deployed on the roof of the armored vehicle unceremoniously. The Chevrolet, along with the soldiers inside, became a flaming fireball.

"Back up, back up!" Before the driver in the second car could shift gears and back up, the rear car behind the convoy was blown into pieces by an energy pulse again.

Then another Atlas armored vehicle ran over the wreckage and slammed into the rear of the penultimate vehicle.

Pierce's team has a total of five Chevrolets, and now they have all been killed, and the remaining three vehicles are directly blocked together. They have no choice but to go forward and retreat. to support.

"Atlas, why is Atlas here!" Alexander Pierce, who was covering his injured arm in the car, couldn't believe his eyes, didn't he say that Fisher had been killed?

"I don't know, sir, what are we going to do now?" The bald brother who threw the locator in the car, also showed his superb acting skills 100%, pretending to be scared and shivering in the car.

There were screams outside the car. Pierce's escort team was knocked to the ground by the smoke-penetrating bullets as soon as they got off the car. The dense rain of bullets rudely tore the armor of the escort, and then wrapped the inside. The flesh is shredded little by little.

Pierce could only see a flash of colored light that enveloped the entire convoy, and then he could no longer hear the sound of his men, only the crackle of the still burning car.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, there were light footsteps outside the car. The bald brother who was huddled in the car took a deep breath, then pressed himself down as low as possible, and then stared at the flesh and blood The full car window, with very vague human figures projected on it.

After shaking for a few seconds, the figure disappeared again, but the next second, the car window was smashed open by a brutal punch, and then the bloody and burnt air was poured into the car. In the inner scream, the entire car door was completely torn off.

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