Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 369 Forced to Retreat

"Fire at full power!"

Although the long-range artillery fire on both sides was fierce, because the huge warships were more durable, like two giants, you punched and kicked each other. , but for big guys like the Queen Diana and the Dark Star, such firepower simply can't destroy it or break it. (The battleships in the two world wars are also, unless they are shot into the soul, the rest are sinking because of too much seawater)

Brilliant beams, blue arcs, intertwined in the strange light refracted from the nebula.

The merchant fleet hiding about 60,000 kilometers away from the Queen Diana was dumbfounded, and they really started fighting. Two huge warships went to war directly. This kind of scene has not been seen for a long time! Hit, hit the fuck!

Because the battle scene was too hot, many merchant ships stopped directly, and then opened the viewing platform. The whole ship, from the captain to the plumber, squatted on the viewing platform and watched the excitement, completely disregarding the occasional departure from the battlefield and appearing in front of them The threat of stray bullets, you must know that although these ion clusters cannot break the shield, it is easy to dismantle them.

"These guys are really not afraid of death!" Fisher took time to pay attention to these melon eaters. It was obvious that he underestimated Ronan's unpopularity, because since they started fighting with the Dark Star, there are still a steady stream of The spaceship is coming to join in the fun.

"Ignore them, let the ion battery slow down the rate of fire. This is a protracted battle. It's not good to overheat!" Fisher, who was sitting firmly in the captain's seat, lit a cigarette for himself, and the Dark Star's Although the artillery fire seems to be fierce, the Queen Diana with the Ulu metal coating is the least afraid of energy weapons. The dark elves and Asgard have fought for thousands of years, and their resistance to energy weapons can be said to be full. In addition, the Queen Diana also added the earth transformation technology of structural resistance in the later stage. Now it can fight, resist and escape. The only disadvantage is that it is too dark and ugly!

Thirty minutes into the firefight, a charged salvo from Queen Diana's Thirteenth Ion Battery completed an effective hit on the Dark Star, and the surging energy torrent was breaking through the Dark Star's shield. After that, it blew up the left main deck of the Dark Star, killing the operator inside and blowing up two generators along with it.

These two generators are responsible for the power supply of the shield on one side of the Dark Star and several main battery turrets. The consequence of the destruction of the generators is that there are loopholes in the frontal defense of the Dark Star.

"Focus on the left side of the fire, make a gap for me there!" The sensor unreservedly projected everything that happened in space on the big screen in front of Fisher. Following his order, the Queen Diana assembled. With 60% of the firepower, they slammed into the port side of the Dark Star together.

"Release the undead spaceship and seal the destroyed cabin!" Commander Kerry also knew the damage of the spaceship and ordered it decisively.

"But, sir, there are still our people there!" a damage control officer questioned.

"At least let's get them out!"

"We don't have the time, it's their honor to die for Ronan!" Captain Kerry grabbed the communicator and said indifferently.

"Close the cabin!"

The destroyed cabin quickly put down a series of closed gates, blocking the vacuum and deadly radiation on one side, and some Kerry soldiers who were too late to evacuate were blocked. They could only watch the frost spread to their feet. As the air in the cabin was drained a little bit, there have been a lot of frozen corpses in the universe since then.

At the same time as the cabin was closed, the hangar below the dark star also released hundreds of a necromantic spacecraft. This seemingly ugly single-person aircraft inherited the usual silly and rough style of the Kree, and did not survive. Equipment, no shields, armor is the same as no, but there are two powerful plasma cannons, a small car carrying a cannon, a small horse-drawn cart?

The fighters formed a dense formation like swarms of flies to cover the Queen Diana.

"Are fighter jets dispatched?"

"No!" Fisher looked to the other side of space, Oliver and most of the chambers of commerce's spaceships had left, and their mission had been completed.

"The close-up guns fire freely, turn on the laser defense array, helmsman, back at full speed!"

"Received! Back at full speed!"

A steady stream of power was transmitted from the core antimatter furnace to the various engines of the spacecraft, and the next moment, the huge starship began to retreat.

"They're going to withdraw, let's go!"

The fanatical Kerry pilots thought that victory was at hand, and they did not care about the rules such as circumventing the front of the battlefield, and rushed over directly.

"Di Di Di!" After sensing that the opponent's small carrier aircraft had entered the range, the armor on the front of Queen Diana changed again, and a large number of armor plates were opened to reveal the long-hidden laser defense array below.

"Confirm the target and start shooting!"

As the emotionless electronic sound of the central control computer came out, dark red laser beams spewed out.

"Zila, zila!" Because space is silent, the sound compensation system inside the Queen Diana automatically simulates the sound of the laser array firing.

Seen from a distance from space, countless red silk threads extend from the Cross Starship, and at the end of each thread, small but bright fireworks bloom.

"Bastard!" Captain Kerry was dumbfounded. The fighter jet he had high hopes for was like a pet dog being stalked by its owner. It seemed to be active, but it didn't pose any threat to the opponent at all. Curtained by the laser, the friendly spaceships that are trying to chase the enemy will be wiped out one by one.

"Let them retreat!" Seeing that the casualties of the necromancer spaceship had exceeded two-thirds, the captain hurriedly ordered to retreat, but when the necromantic spaceship received the order to start retreating, a scene that made Kerry gnashing his teeth happened. , the opponent stopped retreating, and began to accelerate, and even some of the main guns shifted their firepower and began to beat the underdogs.

"We need reinforcements!"

"It's chasing after it!"

Hearing the desperate shouts of his subordinates, Captain Kerry's face was ashen.

"Full speed ahead, we're fighting it!"

"No, Commander, let's retreat!" Captain Kerry had just given the order, and Ronan, who arrived at an unknown time, suddenly said.

"But the master?" The captain's face was gray and defeated, and the look of disbelief hung on his face.

"Our mission has failed!" Ronan's expression was also ugly, but the reality undoubtedly hit him in the face, and his so-called accuser's name has been thrown into the trash.

"We retreat!"

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