Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 360 The most ruthless person who sells his own people is always his own people

Howling Wolf Group, this is a group of pirates that has caused headaches for many forces. Speaking of strength, they are not comparable to those looters who drive motherships and safari ships to cause trouble. Speaking of size, they have an asteroid belt. The old nest and more than a dozen spaceships operating alone are not big, but they know tactics. They know that Kerry Nova will not deal with them. When the Kerry fleet comes to encircle them, they will run to Nova, and Nova will come to suppress the bandits. At that time, they ran to Kerry again.

If things go on like this, the officials will be too lazy to care about these guys, and the Howling Wolf Group without restraints is even more rampant, intercepting transport ships, attacking settlements to capture slaves, attacking space stations, doing whatever they make money, and more recently. He hugged Ronan's thigh and fanned the flames in the galaxies around Xandar.

But now, the Howling Wolf Group, a greedy wolf who usually only eats meat and never suffers, has suffered.

Passerby Captain A has been extorted by the Howling Wolf Group before, and he is very clear about the opponent's action route. He actively pointed the Diana's flight path along the way, avoided the opponent's minefields and outposts, and used the The asteroid belt took cover, and finally killed directly in front of the other party's base set up deep in the asteroid belt.

"Sir, that's it!" The captain nodded and bowed his head, and the pleasure of getting revenge flashed on his face.

"Yang Xi, you did a good job!" Because of the strong sense of substitution, Fisher finally did what a Japanese boy loves to do.

"Start the attack!"

The Tornado fighter jets from the hangar chrysalis used the fastest speed to clear the pirate fighters on duty. Although there is a big gap between the two sides in terms of power hardware, the good thing is that the 50mm electromagnetic gun is powerful, and the dense projectiles come directly from the back. The armor of the pirate fighter was torn apart, and the driver who was caught off guard was directly smashed into pieces. Then the jackal smashed hundreds of missiles on the armored shell of the pirate base in one breath, and the other party realized that someone was smashing the field.

"Go to the fort! Let the brothers outside come back for reinforcements! Damn, how did these guys get in!" The second head of the Howling Wolf Group with a cockscomb head kicked the electronic beauty next to him, put on his pants, and rushed out. He clamored to give these ignorant guys a good look. When the big bosses who came back from the looting and those spaceships arrived, everyone attacked from both sides and killed the attackers.

However, to his surprise, the odd-looking but extremely flexible fighter jets on the other side were extraordinarily powerful. The defense batteries on the top of the base were blasted into the sky after a few shots. As for the missiles? It's too expensive for pirates to use.

"Big brother, they attacked, and they are all robots!"

The astonishment on Jiguantou's face has not faded, and several of his subordinates stumbled into the depths of the base covered in blood.

"Brother, what should we do!"

Hearing the fierce gunfire outside and the screams of his subordinates, a trace of fear flashed in Jiguantou's eyes, and then he looked at his subordinates.

"Hurry up, learn from me!"

After all, Jiguantou threw all the weapons in his hand, and then knelt on the ground with his head in his hands.

The younger brothers under his command also learned something, and a few were too frightened and even shivered on the ground, but although they looked a little ugly, they at least covered their lives.


"It turned out to be you!" Jiguantou suddenly realized when he saw Captain A, a passer-by who was standing on the bottom steps on Fisher's right.

"It turns out that your kid led the officers and soldiers to us!"

"You should have thought of this day when you bullied us back then. Don't talk nonsense. Your group's small treasury, treasury password, and your personal account are all handed over!"

"Ah this!" Jiguantou looked at Fisher in surprise.

"Cough, it's like this, my brother, my name is Nick Fury, I just established an underworld force to do some business here, but the money is very tight, so I can only borrow a little from you!"

"Borrowing money?" Jiguantou looked at the mountains of pirate corpses and the robots that were carrying supplies to the spaceship, but what he thought in his mind was whether he had misunderstood the word "borrowing" over the years.

"Huh?" Seeing Rooster's head hesitant, Legion accidentally dropped a chainsaw when passing by him.

"Buzzing..." The engine roared and drove the sawtooth to rotate. Looking at the sawtooth with red rust on it, the cockscomb head urinated.

"Don't get me wrong, let's do it this way, brother, I'll give you 10% of the dividends you pay!" Fisher asked the Legion to take the chainsaw away. The coercion had already been used, and it was time to lure him.

"I understand!" Jiguantou stood up eagerly, ignoring his wet clothes, "Sir, speaking of which, I also know that there are a few pirates that are quite rich!"

"Well!" Fisher nodded, this guy is very good!

After sweeping the entire base and scraping the small vault with the head of the Howling Wolf Regiment clean, Fisher took the captives and fled into the void again, leaving only one that was burned into an empty shell by a nuclear bomb. Pirate base.

When the leader of the Howling Wolf Regiment who got the news brought people back, he only saw that his hometown had been smashed into ruins, and there was still a line of large characters on the wall.

"Nick Fury, the elder of Hydra, is here for a visit!"

"Who is Nick Fury?" The pirates were dumbfounded.

On the other side, after Jiguantou received a million-dollar dividend, he decisively sold a few pirate groups he knew, and brought Fisher to borrow money.

Facing the muzzle on the forehead and the murderous fighting robot, the beaten pirate bosses decisively chose to lend money to each other, and Fisher also opened an IOU for the other party with seriousness.

"You have to trust me Nick Fury! This money will be your entry fee for joining Hydra!"

"Isn't it borrowed? Why did you join Hydra again?" A bunch of pirates wanted to cry without tears. The name Hydra sounds like a villain!

The Queen Diana spent almost half a month sweeping through more than a dozen pirate groups, catching thousands of pirates with high bounties, and scavenging more than 100 million in funds and more materials. The turn, bound for the Nova Corps' home planet, Xandar, where the Queen will conduct a large-scale purchase, and then Fisher will lead a team to the location of the Power Gem, Morag.

Of course, as a nomination certificate for Nova Corps, those thousands of pirates are naturally indispensable. They can not only exchange money, but also earn prestige and friendliness. If it is not for the lack of time, Fisher still wants to slap him dozens more. den.

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