Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 346 Can't beat it! slip away!


The roaring Kun-style fighters finally arrived on the battlefield after the ground troops came out. Although these chubby guys are often used by S.H.I.E.L.D. as transport aircraft, they can occasionally show their own body. It can carry 16 500-pound bombs or 12 air-to-ground missiles at the same time. In addition, there is a 20mm m61 magic-modified and magic-modified Gatling gun on the front of the aircraft.

Under the guidance of satellites and ground troops, dozens of Kun-style fighter jets swooped down from high altitudes like wolves wandering in the grasslands.

The napalm and cluster bombs first destroyed the towns that were already covered with biomass, anyway Pierce said everything and he wiped his ass, so we don't have to worry about whether there will be survivors in these places, the bombs blow the towns into White ground, then replaced with incendiary bombs to repeatedly burn the surface, and finally wiped away all traces with thermobaric bombs. In addition, S.H.I.E.L.D. also dispatched a large number of predator drones to hang hellfire on the desert. The purpose is flying everywhere, as long as there is a problem, it is a fever.

Such a generous investment made the S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers on the ground stunned.

"I thought we were a spy agency? I didn't expect that we were actually a violent agency!" a soldier laughed at himself.

"We are a spy agency using violent means!" The teammate sitting next to him laughed.

The spread of those ghosts was finally forced to stop. There were not many infected people transformed from the dead at the base and some dead soldiers of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the civilians in the shabby towns that were attacked had not had time. After the transformation, not even the slag was left.

At this moment, Elizabeth Green, who was huddled on the throne of flesh and blood at the base, was pale, and the clothes on her body were long gone. Instead, a black carapace extending downwards appeared from her waist and abdomen. The shaking big white rabbit and the black carapace formed a distinct In contrast, if you change the lsp, I am afraid that you will die here on the spot.

"No!" After feeling that another batch of subordinates lurking underground had been eliminated, Elizabeth knew that she could not seek revenge from S.H.I.E.L.D., even though the virus injected into her body had already assimilated her cells. She can ignore small-caliber military bullets and the scorching of flames.

At first, Green thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. would take the lives of those civilians into consideration, and could only give her a steady stream of heads to give her a chance to grow and develop, but the black cloud rising on the horizon told him that this was wishful thinking, in order to erase it The traces cover the lid, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will spare no expense. Anyway, Nevada is vast and sparsely populated. No one comes to these small towns in the desert all year. Now, except for a few who are lingering in the desert, the rest are either burnt protein or roasted protein.

What frightened Green the most was that a small but nasty-looking convoy had already headed here. If she didn't run again, she would just wait to be dismantled.

Thinking of this, Elizabeth Green's anger for revenge immediately extinguished a lot, and revenge is still an egg when people are gone?

Thinking of this, Green immediately put away her black carapace, revealing her smooth skin. Then she randomly found a few clean clothes from the already horrible base, and searched the small vaults of everyone in the base. The ventilation duct climbed out, and then she used the cover of sand and dust and her perception ability enhanced by the virus to avoid the helicopter drones in the air and the search team on the ground, ready to take a chance to enter the city to make big news.

And Green just ran out a few kilometers, Colson's team arrived.

Coulson, in a suit and sunglasses, jumped out of the car domineeringly carrying the laser cannon he used in the Battle of New York, followed by Skye in a leather jacket and Melinda the iron rider, the latter in the A small pistol was attached to his waist. The only person in the team dressed a little more seriously was Grant Ward. He wore an empty tactical vest over his black operational combat uniform. He carried a rifle in his hand. The commando led by Rumlow in the back formed a sharp contrast. Compared with the commando armed to the teeth, the special agent team was more like going out for an outing.

Rumlow, who was wrapped in heavy armor, looked at the team of agents in front of him who were investigating the scene, but remembered the order Pierce gave him before.

"Your task is to keep an eye on them. If they find something wrong, it will be attacked by infected bodies and unfortunately sacrificed. In addition, you must also pay attention to the fact that there can be no survivors in the base, understand!"

Thinking of his boss's murderous expression, Rumlow has a headache. He is a martial artist, where he knows what's wrong and what's right, why don't you just take it to the desert and smash it all?

Coulson, who was checking his equipment, felt a chill like a thorn in his back, but when he turned to look around, the feeling disappeared.

"Rumlow, you lead the way, Grant, you and I go in the middle, Melinda, you protect Skye! She's our best hacker!"

Skye, who was shivering with flesh and blood all over the place, almost cried. When Coulson pulled her into S.H.I.E.L.D., she didn't say anything about the working environment. Can she still carry a bucket and run away?

However, after seeing the heavily armed S.H.I.E.L.D. brawny carrying bazooka, laser cannons, and grenade launchers, these cqb-specific weapons set off first, Skye was a little relieved, and it may be a near miss this time!


The incoming squad remained normal at first, but soon it became Melinda and Grant taking turns against Skye, who was spitting up, and then Coulson and Grant taking turns against Melinda. With Skye, the team was constantly accompanied by the retching of the two women on the way. Although all the infected bodies had left, the filthy air, corpse remains, and the creeping biological creeps they left behind were extremely disturbing. Uncomfortable, Rumlow, who was used to seeing life and death, had to pinch his nose and let the fire-breathing team burn and open the way first. After all, the roasted protein tasted quite fragrant.

After tossing all the way to the main control hall, Coulson hurriedly asked Skye, who was already too soft, to restart the base system. At least the ventilation had to be turned on first, and then he and Rumlow were watching in the office of the head of the base, which was separated by a wall from the hall. To those thrones of flesh adorned with corpses.

"Sir, what do you think?"

"I just hope that the commander behind the scenes has died in the explosion!" Coulson took out his mobile phone and called Nick Fury.

"Sir, they should have a leader who hates us so much!" After speaking, Coulson patted the terrified and desperate faces on the throne.

"Colson, this base is listed as top secret in advance, let's see what else is useful, I will let other action teams dig three feet in the ground to ensure that no fish slip through the net!"

Nick Fury, who is one-eyed with evil fire, is already considering whether to use nuclear weapons!

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