Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 182 Wealth Code

Virginia, United States

CIA headquarters

"Our base was attacked. The enemy came in from underground and was well equipped. Those equipment are not available to ordinary people. I want you to act immediately and find clues!"

After learning that their own personnel were attacked, the CIA's intelligence personnel immediately took action, and they searched for relevant information as much as possible.

"Sir, I have a discovery here!"

Lynch looked at the report submitted by his subordinates and found that it was a bounty on the dark web for someone to buy everything about monsters at a high price.

"20 million, these guys are crazy? Is that an antique?" Lynch laughed angrily, any bones or wreckage could sell for 20 million euros, he didn't know what to say about those brains full of shit The rich people, what do they think the monster is, tiger whip soup?

"Find me those guys who are offering bounties, and I want to have a good chat with them!"


Fisher also didn't expect that a really hard-headed guy would be crazy about money and want to touch the tiger's butt at the risk of provoking Blue Star's biggest hooligan. He would have just received an invitation from two Congressional police officers. , invited him to the hearing to watch the monkey show, but now, the monkey show will be postponed!

"Sorry, you two, I have something urgent, and Kate will send you off!"

"Of course, please, Mr. Fisher!" The Capitol Police were flattered. They thought they were here to meet the concierge. Unexpectedly, it was Fisher who took the invitation by himself. Now, looking at the approachable attitude of the other party, they Already very satisfied.

"Bauman, where is our closest combat unit to the Philippines?"


In fact, the most efficient combatant still belongs to the giants. After all, they go directly to the high-altitude orbit, which is several hours faster than the US Marine Corps and SEALs who have to take a boat and then a helicopter.

"Attention everyone, check the equipment!"

Gideon tightened his armor, then checked his jump gear and stealth gear, as well as his tactical goggles and target indicator, and after confirming it was correct, he gave his commandos in the condor's situation room. Started a briefing.

"They controlled the underground exit and turned off the monitoring equipment inside. We didn't know their location and whether they were hostages, so we didn't enter through the exit, but cut directly with laser equipment and entered from above their heads. The enemy has heavy weapons. Firepower, but those things can't pose a threat to our ast armor, so we have to stay behind the assault group! Remember the goal this time, kill those slugs cleanly, and capture their main leader, understand?"

"Understood, head!"

"Enter the airborne pod, prepare for the airborne!"

The U.S. and Filipino soldiers who were fighting on the ground were stunned as several unidentified flames pierced through the clouds and fell to the ground.

"What's that?"

"It's the airborne capsule of Atlas!" The soldier who knew the goods called out.

The huge airborne pod began to decelerate continuously after entering the low altitude. After reaching a height of 10 meters, the booster rocket at the bottom started, and then the airborne pod stagnated for a while, and then smashed on the concrete floor, and debris splashed everywhere.

"Bang!" The square hatch was blown open by the explosive bolt, and then a heavy footstep sounded from inside.

"Monkey Richet!" Seeing the huge figure walking out of the smoke screen and the heavy firepower he was carrying, many Philippine military police drooled with envy.

"The first assault group has arrived!" The ast combat armor shook the triple revolving machine gun in its right hand, and said in a loud voice.

"The second group arrives!"

"Gideon, commander of the Titan Assault Squad, what about your commander?"

"He's there?" An American soldier pointed to the wreckage at the entrance of the underground passage, where the m113 was hit by a rocket that had a big hole.

"Okay!" Gideon tore off the black cotton cap on his head, "Now I'll take over the command, any comments?"

"of course not!"

"You continue to exchange fire. From the passage, use all the weapons you can use, and press them to fight, understand? Anyway, just one point, let the other party think that you are going to attack with all your strength, understand?"

"Understood!" The American soldier nodded, and then greeted the Filipino soldier beside him to resist heavy machine guns and rocket launchers.

"Thank you!" Gideon patted the other party's helmet, and then walked over to his men.

"Clown, release the micro drone, we have to find out what's inside!"

"Received!" A red-haired giant soldier with a forehead guard removed his backpack, took out a small box from it, and linked it with the controller on his left arm.

The small box popped open, and a tiny drone the size of a dragonfly flew out of it, and then flew to the ventilation system on the side under the control of the clown.

"Uh, head, bad news!" Joker raised his left arm and said to Gideon.

"What's up?"

"VIP all hang up!"

"Damn!" Gideon grabbed the controller and saw that the screen was full of white coats, and there were even a steady stream of corpses being carried over by the militants.

"Contact BOSS, well, our first goal failed, Joker, find their commander and see what they want to do!"


The Dragonfly drone continued to go deeper, and the high-definition camera recorded the armed men who showed their faces, and then sent their photos to the giant system. Finally, the camera found their commander next to the skeleton of the underground prehistoric Godzilla.

"Are they going to take the skeleton away? Take it back to make soup?" Seeing a large number of armed men crawling on the skeleton with saws like ants, the clown couldn't help but vomit.

"Don't worry about that, let's see how they got in!"

After finding the entry point of these guys, Gideon immediately adjusted his battle plan.

"Michelle, you take three people to cut off their back roads, and the others have the same plan, ready to install the cutting device!"

Several giant soldiers first took off the sound wave detection device from their bags to confirm the specific location of the enemy, and then placed circular cutting devices as large as manhole covers at different nodes. A standard circular entrance several meters deep is opened on the ground.

"Listen to my password! Three, two, one! Start!"

With the sour creaking sound of his teeth, the surface of the high-grade concrete poured was swept out of a circle by the laser, and the circle continued to go deeper. Gideon watched the penetration situation with all his attention, and after confirming that the device still had After ten seconds to penetrate the ground, he slammed his right hand, and then the Titan soldier on standby placed another mechanical device next to the hole.

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