Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 129 Prelude to Containment

In the end, the hearing was over. In fact, Fisher didn't care about the jumping clowns. The first cooperative action between the giant and the emperor was about to start.

Dongguo Yunnan

The lush tropical rain forest has always been the most distinctive feature of yunnan, and the Dongguo people who follow the theory of two mountains have always attached great importance to ecological protection.

Around 2009, the local ecological protection team heard faintly singing in the rainforest. At first, they thought it was a prank, but the singing continued for a long time, and they couldn't find anything until November 11. Around 2000, the Eastern Branch of the Emperor Organization discovered a magnificent half-buried temple in the rainforest.

Two Xi'an transport planes belonging to the Giant God Guam base landed slowly on a lawn, and then two all-terrain ifvs drove out from the rear hatch.

"Dr. Erin! The giant equipment is here!" In the jungle not far from the landing point, in the temporary camp organized by the emperor, an Asian woman walked out of the tent after hearing this.

"It's finally here, their hot melt cutting equipment is not available, and we don't dare to get close at all!" The female doctor wiped the wet sweat on her head, and finally a tinge of blood appeared on her pale face.

Dr. Chen Aileen and her family have served the Emperor Organization for three generations, and they are also very proficient in myths and legends about monsters. After the mysterious singing came out of the rainforest, Dr. Chen took hundreds of technicians to the rainforest for the first time. They believed that the song was related to the local legend of forest elves. After a hard search, they found an ancient temple with a history of 12,000 years. After using a variety of equipment to detect the interior of the temple, they confirmed that there was a A unique biological signal only sent by ancient monsters.

It's just that the temple is made of stones that are three meters long, one meter wide and fifty centimeters high. Without the use of explosives, the emperor's people cannot enter the interior to investigate, and once the explosives are used, a group of technicians will also Guaranteed not to disturb the monster inside or hurt it.

But now, the technical team from the giant has brought a cutter that can emit high-temperature plasma, and the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees can instantly cut these stones in half.

"You guys pay attention, this cutting requires the stones to be cut to the millimeter precision. We are not sure how the big guy is in it. If we are disturbed and the guy gets angry, we have to turn it into fertilizer for the rainforest!" Dr. Chen looked at In front of them stood more than a dozen giants wearing unmarked training uniforms.

"Of course, Doctor! Don't worry!" The giant is still in charge of Sergeant Ramesis. Since the Battle of San Francisco, he has been fascinated by these big guys.

"Okay, brothers, let's start!" With the aid of the exoskeleton armor, the cutting machine weighing more than 200 kilograms was carried by these soldiers through the deep rainforest and delivered to the temple.

"Connect the energy!" After the cutting machine was delivered to the position, the giant soldier in charge of the control immediately pulled off the mask on the helmet.

"Power is on!"

"Target locked!"

"Start cutting!"

The circular nozzle at the front end of the instrument sprayed hot plasma, and when it touched the stone, the stone immediately turned into a pool of unknown liquid like melted butter.

As the opening continued to expand, traces of white mist also emerged from the interior of the temple, and after touching the outside air, it immediately turned into drops of water and fell to the ground.

"It should be very humid in here!" A bunch of the emperor's technicians didn't care about the flying bugs and mosquitoes. They brought various instruments and began to write, draw, or measure data beside the cutting machine.

"Half of the cutting progress!" The cutter shouted after checking the screen in front of him.

"Pay attention to the distance, don't make mistakes!" Dr. Chen's impetuous heart has calmed down at this moment. The emperor had previously taken in the big guy codenamed Behemoth. It was a behemoth that was countless times bigger than a mammoth, with thick teeth. It's long, and it can overturn an Abrams main battle tank with just one tap, and this big guy has a more powerful move than Muto, it can sprint!

Simply Behemoth is not a big irritable guy, it just scared a group of staff and returned to his lair, and the emperor's people did not dare to continue to do it any more, just in Bechymos' lair A large bunker was built on it, tens of thousands of tons of cement and steel plates were poured, and a bunch of artillery turrets and missile launchers were inserted. At the same time, thousands of soldiers were sent to guard it day and night.

So Dr. Chen doesn't want to do these things on Yunnan's side.

"Understood, slow down!" The operator lowered the power of the cutting machine, but the speed of water seepage in the masonry became faster and faster, and bursts of white mist rose up, surrounding the entire rainforest, just like the legendary Like a fairyland, fluttering like a fairy.

"Why, I heard a faint singing?" A giant soldier who was on guard suddenly signaled everyone to be quiet, and turned on the sound enhancement device on his helmet.

"It's a forest fairy~" The well-informed Dr. Chen pointed to the ruins beside him.

"There has always been a legend of the fairy in the forest in this land. She is the protector here, and she protects this land from good weather!"

"Sounds like a very good god!"

"Don't be ignorant first, come and get a shovel, there's too much water here, dig a drain!"

After the brick joints stopped seeping water, the cutting started again. This time the singing became more and more obvious, and several high-power machines immediately began to collect information.

"Attention, the cutting is about to be completed!"

"Reduce to minimum power!"

After more than ten minutes, the cutting machine stopped, and a large hole with a diameter of about one meter appeared on the stone.

"It's glowing inside?" After removing the instrument, a soldier carefully took out a multi-legged robot and threw it into the temple.

"Turn on the camera, hurry, project it to the big screen!" Dr. Chen shouted loudly.

"Oh my god!"

As the robot went deeper, the scene inside the temple also appeared in front of everyone. Several steps made of countless stone slabs extended upward, and a large number of statues and stone sculptures were enshrined on these platforms composed of steps. In the center of the temple is an incomparably huge pyramid-like high platform, and a huge biological tissue like an egg sac is enshrined on this high platform.

"That thing is still moving?" a technician pointed to the screen and said.

"It's alive!" Dr. Chen suddenly got up, pushed aside his colleagues who were blocking the way, and walked towards the transport truck parked outside the rainforest.

"Doctor, what are you doing?"

"I'm going in!" Dr. Chen picked up the protective suit and helmet and said without hesitation.

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