At the beginning of summer, Hawaii is the peak tourist season. Tourists from all over the world gather in Honolulu, eat tropical food, dance hula, and contribute GDP to the Honolulu authorities. Today is also a happy night. , until more than a dozen US military helicopters whirring past the tourists, and then put down heavily armed soldiers on the roofs of high-rise buildings.

As a lonely state in the United States, Hawaii is also an important station for the US Navy's Pacific Fleet, so tourists often see some sailors on weekdays, but the soldiers they saw this time made them suddenly a little uneasy.

Afterwards, a number of fighter jets flew through the sky, and the uneasy atmosphere enveloped everyone. Even the native Hawaiians who lived here for a long time did not know how to appease the tourists.

"Ang!" A long neigh suddenly came from the mountains, and then the ground began to vibrate.

"Earthquake, or volcanic eruption?"

"Mom, look, that mountain seems to be moving!" A clear childish voice suddenly caught everyone's attention.

"That's not a mountain, it's something!" Some tourists took out their binoculars, but because it was dark, they could only look around.


"What are the Hawaiian authorities doing? It's been so long and the evacuation hasn't started!"

At an altitude of 60,000 feet, Hartman wore an omni-directional helmet and checked the movements of the ground through sensors. Muto, who had a full meal, had already begun to exchange fire with the US Marine Corps. Several black eagles were like flies around the huge giant. Beside Muto, the U.S. military on the plane was constantly using small machine guns at Muto biubiu.

The male Muto ignored these attacks that were not even qualified to tickle, but walked towards the coast on his own. The creature's intuition told him that his old enemy was approaching.

"Sir, Shoreline, something else is approaching!"

"I see it!" Fisher pulled down the eyepiece, and the sensor and optical compensation system under the fuselage completely transmitted the coastline to Fisher's eyepiece.

An incomparably huge shadow is rapidly approaching the coastline under the sea. The towering back and the long tail all indicate the identity of the other party.

Godzilla's huge body pushed the waves to the shore step by step, and the waves slowly accumulated power in the surging, and soon became a mad dog wave (where are the black flag players, let me see your hands!) Then rushed to the coast.

In the screams of the children, Godzilla shook the water and appeared on the shore stepping on the sea.

"Battle begins!" Hartman muttered, and then entered the ob state again.

The U.S. military's F22 and F35 fighter jets flew out of the clouds and fired at the two big guys who were constantly approaching the city with their cannons.

"Griffin No. 1, this is Hermes, ready to start laser positioning!" Fisher did not pay attention to the battle situation, but gave instructions to the giant team on the ground.

"Griffin 1 received!" The giant team on the ground immediately set up a laser rangefinder on the high-rise building, and the Fisher machine in the sky also began to measure synchronously. After calibration, it was passed to the Titan Littoral Combat Ship on standby in the open sea.

The data of latitude and longitude, horizontal altitude, and the movement speed of the beast were received by the computer, and then the approximate landing point of the shell and the advance of the beast appeared on the cic gunner's eyepiece.

"Ship No. 1 is aiming!"

"The second ship is aiming!"

The two electromagnetic railguns flickered with coquettish blue arcs, and the shells in the rails were also ready to go.


The two shells were propelled by the magnetic force, accelerated by the magnetic field, and finally drawn out of the orbit, flew into the blue sky, and drew a white trail in the air.

"Bombs are coming!"

The distance of dozens of nautical miles is only a few seconds for the high-velocity electromagnetic rail gun. Fisher only saw two shining shells cross the city, then wiped Muto, and hit the mountain behind it, While the ploughing ploughed out two ravines, it also took away a large piece of trees.

"Here is Hermes, inaccurate, repeated, inaccurate! Recalibrate!" Just when Fisher ordered the two warships to recalibrate their shots, Muto, who was startled, responded.

hold head high! There was another neigh, and then Muto's forelimbs were raised high, and an orange light shone in the egg sacs in his eyes and on his limbs.

bump! With the fall of its front limbs, the violent wind blew away the trees under its feet, and at the same time, an invisible emp shock was also launched by it.

emp, this is a kind of military killer. If you don’t understand, ask Baidu. I won’t introduce too much here. This weapon specializes in sophisticated electronic instruments and equipment, such as the f22 and f35 that are licking the ground. The driver of the US military He was horrified to find that the only thing that could respond to his plane was the emergency ejection button, but there were not many people who could choose to eject subconsciously.

In addition to the fighter jets, the black eagles who were harassing Muto and Fisher at high altitude also fell.

"How big is Muto's emp!" On the falling ffr31, Fisher clenched his teeth and held the joystick, trying to recover the fighter from the stall, his right hand quickly on the onboard computer keyboard Keep knocking, trying to restart the control system of the fighter.

"Damn, I can't hold it anymore!" Hartman in the back seat was already staring at the stars, and the force of the vertical fall was a little difficult even if he was wearing a heavy suit.

"Hold on!" Looking at the rapidly flipping numbers on the instrument, Fisher continued to try. This ffr31 is a concept aircraft manufactured by Dr. Samuel Hayden combined with unsa's flight technology. When it comes to the problem of emp, but Muto's emp is not simple, and the amount is large and sufficient.

Fisher finally restarted the computer after the reconnaissance plane fell to a distance of 10,000 meters, then he fired up the engine, and at an altitude of 6,000 feet he recovered from a spin stall and was less than 1,000 meters above the ground. After meters, the two ramjets reached full power propulsion.

The people fleeing on the ground only felt a sudden gust of wind above their heads, and then saw the fighter plane that should have fallen, wiped the roof of the building and flew back to the blue sky.

"Damn, I hope they didn't launch missiles!" Looking at the dark city, Fisher let out a sigh of relief, and then climbed again, this time he grew a heart, and drove the Warhawk directly out until he ran to the collection of the optical sensor The edge stopped the throttle.

"Griffin One, have you received it, start recalibration!"

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