Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 111 Agent Coulson

The fast-moving C17 transport plane went straight to Washington, and finally landed at Dulles International Airport in Washington.

"It looks like you're having a good time?" Kate, dressed in a cool dress, twisted her waist and walked in front of Fisher, "Bring it here!"


"Isn't there a gift?"

"It's in the bag, I'll get it for you!" Fisher took out a fox fur coat from his rucksack with a wry smile that he found hand-made by someone in London. It was 100% vintage British style, and the threads were all gold woven. Yes, in addition to the first time, there was also a bunch of jewelry and gems sent by Prince Faisal, and Fisher poured things down on the seat like a building block.

"These are all for you!"

"Hmph, you're acquainted!" Kate sat back in her seat happily, playing with the gems while poking her foot on Fisher in the driver's seat.

"Oh, by the way, the Ministry of Defense wants to invite you to go there, but it didn't say what it was for!"

"Well, is there anything else?" Fisher started the engine and drove the Lamborghini off the runway and towards the viaduct.

"Also, the scientific research ship you sent to the North Pole has been changed three times, and the plane and the person you mentioned still haven't been found. Have you been deceived!"

"Don't worry, let them continue to look for it. There are a lot of things in the Arctic expedition. Maybe they can find it!" Fisher waved his hand indifferently. The few polar expedition teams he sponsored were actually not only Those who went to Captain America and inspected the oil and gas resources of the Arctic seabed. Although Iraq’s oil production is enough for the daily use of the giants, and there are even surplus sales, but there is food in hand, don’t panic, don’t look at Stark He said he wanted to develop clean energy or something. Even if he did it, ordinary people still drove oil and gas vehicles on the road, so at least in the past ten years, oil is still very important. As for the future, the giants must have completed the industrial upgrade at that time. !

"Oh, by the way, the reconstruction work of Sokovia has already started during the few months you've been gone, and the engineering team of the Adams Consortium is the first to enter! The two large-scale power plants we initially planned to build also have The water factory has begun to take shape, and according to your instructions, half of the local people are employed, and their work enthusiasm is very high, and they often volunteer to work overtime!"

"Voluntary to work overtime? Do the people in the consortium pay overtime?"

"Well, I posted it. The person in charge didn't want to post it at first, thinking that it would be enough to have a late night snack, and then I was trained by Mr. Carter, who was visiting!"

Carter is Fisher's cheap uncle. Originally, he wanted to throw the consortium to Fisher and enjoy the dividends himself. However, in order to avoid taking over the family business, Fisher went to join the army, so the cheap uncle could only do it himself. Carry, when Fisher established Giant God, Uncle Cheap also directly pulled a professional administrative team to help in the past, and now, the return obtained by the consortium can be many times more abundant than the original investment.

"That's good, Atlas' reputation is very important!" Fisher nodded with satisfaction. Although he has become a capitalist in his life, he has never squeezed the working class. But they are all treated equally!

what, you mean black? Black people who abide by the law can naturally get good treatment, and they will die as far as they can. This is also the reason why the number of blacks in the Giant God is rare. There are very few black people who do not touch the grass these days, and there are only a handful of them in the Giant God's combat troops. For example, the Prophet, he is black and white. I read books every day, learn to exercise, and occasionally have a drink in the bar of the military camp. I have a Jewish Italian girlfriend who is a lawyer. So, this is the gap!

When Fisher returned to her office and just sat down, before she could turn on the computer, Kate and her secretarial team walked in with a grin with stacks of documents and data boards.

"These documents are all statements, the outbound documents that need your signature, and the handover documents with the military. What are you doing, come on!" Kate raised her fist, but the smile on her face could no longer be suppressed.

"What about you?" Looking at the documents and reports piled up as high as his desk, Fisher was really dumbfounded. In the past, he could sign for a day with a cup of tea, but now, forget it!

"I'm going to take the sisters to go shopping! Boss Heixin is not here, everyone has worked hard for a long time, relax!"

"Then you should be short of someone to pay!"

"No, I've already sent out the bonus, bye!" Kate swayed and blew a kiss to Fisher after tossing the car keys, then walked out.

"Hey, let's deal with it!" He untied the tie worth 50,000 yuan and threw it on the ground at will. Fisher sat back in his office chair and began to revise the document wholeheartedly.

As dusk was approaching, Fisher, who signed and read the documents for a whole day, finally finished all the work. He took a sip of the cold coffee, and then rang the bell beside the table.

"Sir!" A female secretary who stayed on duty pushed open the door.

"Help me book a spot at Terry Black's Texas Grill!"

The secretary took the order and left, and it was arranged in less than five minutes.

The main dish of this barbecue restaurant is the rib that is bigger than the face of an adult. Coupled with home-brewed beer and vegetable salad, the appearance may not be good, but the taste is definitely strong. The taste of the ribs grilled from apple wood and walnut wood Excellent!

After taking a gulp of cold beer, Fisher grabbed a rib and tore off a large piece of meat with satisfaction.

"Hello, may I sit here?" Just as Fisher was enjoying his meal, a middle-aged man in a suit sat across the table.

The other party is not tall, the hairline is slightly higher than ordinary people, and there is a warm smile on his face, which is very friendly.

"Okay!" Fisher picked up a tissue and wiped his hands, then suddenly laughed when he saw the other's face.

"What's wrong with me?" Coulson looked at the target who suddenly burst out laughing across from him, and couldn't help but feel at a loss.

"No, I just think you look like a friend of mine. He likes to dance and sing in women's clothes!"

"Uh, women's clothing?" Coulson suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, but his years of experience as a spy still made him nodded calmly.

"Mr. Fisher, let me introduce myself, I'm Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

"SHIELD? You finally changed your name?"

"Yes, we have now obtained permission from the U.S. government and can officially use the identity of SHIELD to conduct activities!" Coulson nodded, his face was very happy, and they would not need to use false certificates from the FBI or cia in the future. !

"Oh, what about your Sitwell agent, he used to come to me!"

"Agent Sitwell... he has something to do!" Coulson was a little embarrassed. He couldn't say that because you gave too many kickbacks, so the director would also benefit from transferring himself. In this case, what would Coulson say? have to export.

"Oh, yes, I wonder why Agent Coulson came to me?"

"That's it, Mr. Fisher, we S.H.I.E.L.D. want to take a group of people from the Titan Prisoner of War camp!"


"All the members of the Ten Rings who participated in the attack on Mr. Tony Stark, we need to learn some information from them!"

"Oh, those people, of course, it's just that these prisoners of war are all members of the labor camps undergoing reform through labor. They want to atone for their previous crimes, so!"

"Of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. is currently planning to purchase a batch of your Xi'an transport aircraft. Tomorrow, the person in charge will come to discuss the details!"

"Understood, in a week, those people will be sent back to the United States by the giant transport plane!"

"Thank you!" After saying that, the good man was about to leave.

"Don't go, Agent Coulson, this store tastes very good, let's eat together!" After speaking, Fisher did not wait for the other party's approval, and directly asked the waiter to serve another beer.

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